How's the life in Canada?

How's the life in Canada?

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Very faggy and gay
Please nuke us from this eternal helveti

It depends where you are.
BC is beautiful, extremely expensive, lots of chinese.
Alberta/Sask/Manitoba are based provinces, conservative and not a lot of immigrants.
Ontario is Little India
Quebec is very nationalistic about their french heritage.
I have no idea about the maritime, avoid Newfoundland.

if you can throw out the garbage mid winter (-41) wtih nothing but gitch on

your're canadian

As an East European here for a work expedition, it's fucking boring. People are shut in and barely talk to each other, weather is a bitch, and there's no night life.

Went to nightclub and it was fucking bullshit. Only thing that is worthwhile here is the nature, otherwise I want to go home to Europe. The western world is a cucked shithole, with shut ins and cucks.

What about the income and the job opportunities in saskatoon? (industrial area)

It's good. No complaints really, except for the cuck in office.

High summer where I am in Vancouver, BC. Large summer events going on. Several in the last week alone with hundreds of thousands of people. Attended one last Saturday night. I didn't see a single incident of aggro. All set against a beautiful summer's eve.

>if you can throw out the garbage mid winter (-41)

Or just leave it outside the door until spring.

leave britney alone


>it's fucking boring. People are shut in and barely talk to each other, weather is a bitch, and there's no night life.
We're a very repressed people, that's why we love shitposting so much

>avoid Newfoundland
>literally part of the most beautiful provinces in the country

Leafs are so retarded and don't even know anything about their own country.

Stay out of the cities and Ontario is good.

My town is 95% white. There are a few Indians, one or two Muslim families, and a few black families, but they seem to assimilate well to small-town culture.

Some nations just want to see the world burn. Some Canadians are so bored, so they hate Trudeau like he's getting in the way of their favourite love pairing, despite doing nothing.

What fuck are you smoking?

Ontario is not little India.

Maybe the GTA but outside that its all about 90% white

Here in Vancouver life is good. We sit on our homes as they build wealth faster then we could make working a job. I get the enjoy the pretty foreign girls and get top tier Asian food.

Nah, every major city south of Timmins has large minority populations.

>We sit on our homes as they build wealth faster then we could make working a job. I get the enjoy the pretty foreign girls and get top tier Asian food.

You sound like someone that would praise their own imprisonment.

I live an hour outside Toronto (Mississauga) and white are definitely a minority where I live. It wasn't like this 10 years ago. Taxes have only gone up. Houses are expensive as fuck an not affordable unless you're dual income. I hope Trump wins and annexes Canada, because why the fuck not. If Clinton wins, hopefully she starts WW3 with Russia and they nuke us, again, because why the fuck not.

I'm enjoying the cheap university tuition but my plan is to get the fuck out of here and move to the US when I graduate.

plenty of room for one more accountant in the US I hope.

Pretty lovely on the West Coast. Quiet, nice beaches, wide sweeping valley views, giant cedars, whales and snow capped mountains. People are friendly, helpful and happy.
Out here, people can B yerself!

If you stay out of cities, you can live on minimum wage with money to spare.

A town 20 minutes west of me, it costs $500 for a 1 bedroom apartment monthly.

As someone who moved from Ontario to Vancouver I'm convinced everyone here has willingly accepted to have Stockholm Syndrome

Saskatoon is one of the fastest growing cities in Canada, province is booming.
Newfies literally fry up an inch thick piece of bologna for breakfast. Sure it may be nice to visit but you don't want to live there.
Could you remind me what percentage of the population lives outside of the GTA? Like 15 maybe? Piss off faggot.

It's great pal! Sun all year long, amazing beaches, exquisite cuisine and beautiful women! You've gotta try the maple syrup Jamón, it's fucking great.

>Newfies literally fry up an inch thick piece of bologna for breakfast. Sure it may be nice to visit but you don't want to live there.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about, you said it yourself.

>not living on Vancouver island
fuck you doin senpai?

pic related

If you don't have the money to live in a nice neighborhood (read: East of the river) you'll want to fuck off somewhere else.
We don't have the highest violent crime per capita for nothing.

Where in Canada did you get sent? Where in east europe are you from?

and learn to speak you degenerate

>it's not nice to live in the most based and white provinces

t. Abdul Al-Baghdadi

Nothing ever happens in no fun city. Actually, i know what he went to. We had our faggot parade last weekend.