Why is this movie so underrated? It was great

Why is this movie so underrated? It was great.

Awful movie

It isn't
It's overrated fedoracore trash

Knockoff Tarantino shit with one of the worst endings ever

This movie is reddit

Yeah, I remember being in middle school.

If you are a 14 years old yes, it is.

the movie is a masterpiece but everyone here are nu male faggots who can't understand it

>friends hype this movie up constantly
>quote it all the time
>finally sit down and watch it
>it's fucking terrible

What was so bad about the ending?

>I'm too mature for this
I'm 100% certain you both watch capeshit.

Pretty much how I ended up watching it. I will say that Willem Dafoe's performance in this movie was hilarious and kept me watching it, even though I thought the movie was shit.

Overhyping can make any movie disappointing though. It's a perfect action comedy tbqh.

This piece of shit movie gave me an ulcer

It wasn't disappointingly mediocre, it was bad.

Pants-on-head retarded courtroom holdup scene followed by a bunch of idiots talking about how great the movie was during the credits

Movie was shit, and the director was an ungrateful, entitled cunt.

Ok so you can't really explain it? Seems the only criticism this movie gets is 'it's bad, I'm too old and reddit'.

I get the feeling people don't understand it was a comedy first and judge it as a serious action movie.

>TFW this movie is such utter shit that Sup Forums won't even ironically pretend to like it

I did explain it, faggot. Sorry you didn't think it was stupid like I did.

>people don't understand it was a comedy first and judge it as a serious action movie.
This. Too subtle for ameridumbs. What else is new?

'it's stoopid' is not really an explanation user, it's just restating your opinion.

Cheesy horrible, plastic paddy shit with shocking accents.