For all who support her, just answer me this question:
For all who support her, just answer me this question:
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One of the greatest president in our lifetime endorsed her - I trust him, because I trust America!
saggy tits
>Merkel trash
Because she is a real person who truly cares about the little people. She is against corruption and corporate greed. She stands for the little people while turning her back on big money. She is very reluctant when it comes to war and has committed absolutely no crimes her entire life. She and her husband fight for women on a daily basis. She will also bring racial justice to America.
I am speaking about Mr. Obama
Oy vey! She is a good shiksas.
Because she's a strong woman who always gets what she wants.
Because she's proven herself.
Because the only alternative is a literal orange clown.
Hillary Clinton is unfit to be president. She has bad judgement, poor leadership skills and a very bad and destructive track record. There is nothing on earth that could persuade me to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Vile, ugly, globalist Bitch:
Pro-Black rioters
Pro-free trade
Pro-mass immigration
She is AIPAC/Israel/Saudi's bitch
She is one of the most corrupt politician in America
Democrats = NeoCons
Experience... with invading Iraq in 2003
Experience... with destabilizing Libya in 2011
Experience... with arming Syrian and Iraqi terrorists that destroyed democracy in Iraq, allies of ISIS, Al-Nusra, and child-decapitating "moderate freedom fighters"
Experience... the experience she needs to invade Syria next year and Iran in her second term
Hillary Clinton: the most experienced at ruining the world and spilling blood. the most experienced at empowering terrorists across the world.
Any white person that votes for Hillary must have some serious self-hatred or an IQ of 60.
Hillary Clinton will usher in the North American Union for her globalist masters, there will be no more United States of America if she becomes POTUS.
One of the strongest reasons to vote against Hillary is that she is wide open to blackmail by all those nations that bought favors from her, or copied damning emails off of her server.
1. She's a Democrat
2. She's more liberal than Trump
3. She's not Trump
4. She's the only feasible alternative to Trump
5. I think Trump will be disastrous for the US
Most liberals actually don't even support her...
They're just choosing the "lesser of two evils" or believe that Trump lacks the temperament, competence, and experience to be president.
Not that a corrupt politician is any better than a brainless moron...
I dont know how anyone can say all those things and not be on her payroll
She is not a liberal, you worthless moron. She is a fucking globalist puppet to the Big banks
you're a funny person, keep going with that humour it could take you places
You "trust" Obama.
Okay, no wonder Germany is fucked up right now.
>Trusting a politician.
Because i think she is less likely to start a nuclear war than Trump.
>0.05 shillbucks have been deposited in your account
Why? Clinton is a much bigger war hawk.
Women make up 50% of the population and it's time we stop treating them like second-class citizens
Because she doesn't act like a psychotic ex shitposting everything you say on Facebook.
I'm a contractor who along with others are paid to shill for Hillary here and now also for Johnson. I don't want to but a job is a job. That is all I can say.
Behind the lies and corruption and the bullshit, she's a policy wonk that will get shit done.
I really don't care if we get to the right place for the wrong reasons. And anything that will stop political gridlock is what I want. The republicans have been holding out for 8 years now. There's no way they're going to hold out again, especially after "holding out" and ignoring the post-mortum led them straight to trump.
Trump is just Obama but for democrats. They'll never work with him
>Norway can't read English
Why? Hillary is pro NATO. They and she are very willing to use nukes -- "it's on the table".
Trump is harsh on NATO and wants to improve relations with Russia.
No, I think Hilldog is more likely to trigger WW3. She's the one that mentioned "end times" and "world war 3" in practically the same sentence.
Also, she's leaving behind a trail of bodies in her wake to presidency. If you're a "friend" of hers, watch your back!
Because I get 50 bucks a day to shitpost here, reddit, facebook, twitter, youtube, and comment sections on news sites
She gets what she wants because theveryone entire system is rigged in her favor so she can get what she wants.
Have fun explaining to your kids and their kids how the first woman president couldnt even do it on her own.
Nobody supports her here, there are some shills and of course the obligatory trolls, maybe some lgbt raiders as well, but you would know that if you were legit. This reeks of a propaganda setup for comrades like STAGED
She will be the first woman president and Drumpf is insane
I love the establishment
I want Muslims who will not be able to integrate into our society
I want more government debt
I want more inflation
I want wage stagnation
I want an expanded welfare state
Race war is impossible under trump
>checks flag
Those who think globalist & Wall Street whore Hillary Clinton is a viable option need their head examined.
She has a record to scrutinize, Trump doesnt. She will probably fight wars the same way Obama does (largely with drones and trying to maintain the status quo). I don't trust Trump to command our military or have his finger on the button.
I dont want you to twist that into me "trusting" Hillary in a general sense, i think shes a scumbag, i just think when it comes to war she will do whatever is best for business whereas Trump might nuke someone for saying he has a small dick.
You realize that everything the media says about Trump is a lie and the establishment powers hate him because he's not on their payroll....
>shallow self interest.
btfo shill.
>0.05$ have been deposited into your PayPal account
>Better she than Trump
>against corruption
>is part of the corruption
What exactly has Trump done that is so bad? You want a career politician over him who will use the office of the presidency to enrich herself (hillary)
>(You: Sheep Edition)
Making a few extra thousand before the election will probably have a great impact on my life than whether its hillary or trump.
>Trump might nuke someone for saying he has a small dick.
I know Trump is a thin skinned dumbass, but really, no one is that stupid.
You either know nothing at all aboyt Hillary or youre being paid because this post is just laughable
When Hillary does start a war and she will i hope you die in it
You're part of the problem.
I work in the defense industry and the .gov doesn't buy munitions if they aren't using them.
Do you think she will be better or worse for her country than Stefan Loven and Frederik Reinfeldt?
Stop acting like one stupid bitch
Kill yourself. If you can't detect sarcasm even when the image is making fun of clinton (loose vagoo), than you have incurable autism.
I've always liked you Norway.
Right, because leaving power vacuums everywhere we go and cackling "we came, we saw, he died" is such a sane foreign policy that's really made the world a safer place. I know that Democrats don't actually care about anyone but themselves, but there was basically a Bataclan every day in Syria for a good few years
We almost went into Ukraine too, but Hillary was no longer around to bully Obama into that one
Not trump
Wow. Sell your homeland out for $1. You realize youre burning down your own house...
Experience and relentless drive. She has also took twenty plus years of mud slinging so I know she won't sperg out like Trump if someone says something bad about her.
>She has a record to scrutinize
Yeah, like supporting the disastrous Libya intervention to depose Gaddafi because... ? Because Obama thought that sounded like a good idea.
Or failing to act and letting four Americans get killed in Benghazi.
>I don't trust Trump to command our military or have his finger on the button.
Trump isn't launching our nukes retarded faggot. The media and the establishment shills for Hills are the ones beating the drums for war with Russia. Trump wants a better relationship with them. And with China and every other nuclear power. Who the fuck would we even nuke? What would be the point?
Clinton has proven she is incapable of being the Commander-in-Chief.
Literally not Trump
You have shit for brains, son.
Norway says vote Trump. I just want to watch Leftist filth tears.
It is worth it
Because I will have more profit when If she wins the election
I dont care about anything else desu
Neither could the nigger
>Because she's proven herself.
This is what OP is asking you to explain.
What has she done that wasn't/isn't a fucking disaster?
Because unlike all the rest of the collectivist cuckservatives here who constantly whine that the world is getting worse and that society is degenerate etc, I actually rather like it.
I think that the word is actually more peaceful, ISIS is losing territory, western cultural values are making gains in China and eventually India and eveywhere else. World GDP has never been better, world GDP/Capita has never been better.
In regards to America specifically, I also still like what I see. Silicon Valley is Amazing. Elon Musk is doing great things and will slowly switch the western economy to a solar/electric economy (will weaken the middle east and cause it lose its protection from our elites). Automation is making gains (good), Tech elites are making gains vs the "old style" capitalist of landlords & royals (thats good). And new ideas such as Basic Income begin to pop up. As for the Individual (such as myself),it has never been easier to start your own thing as well. Literally just grab something from alibaba, remarket and sell. Only useless Sup Forumss who just browse Sup Forums all day cant do it.
As a result, I don't want America to be damaged and I want all this to continue. Its not so much support "Hillary" as is more of a case of "would equally support a sack of potatoes" insofar as it would be assumed to not fuck with things just because desperate, useless, idea-less collectivists want to feel good.
And as far as the war president etc goes, I equally couldn't care less. (in fact, I want to see the face of the Saudis dealing with her, lel). I supported the Afghanistan War, I supporter the Iraq war, and would equal support an Iran one and Nuking Mecca. I *like* that she is warlike.
Any other questions?
Trump on the other hand, is just garbage, using pol as useful idiots. You can tell the character of a man by his tacky golden stuff taste
Because trump is an idiot. You can tell he has no idea what hes talking about. He makes George dubya look like a Rhodes scholar.
Hillary might be a corrupt pos but she's a skilled politican that knows how to play the game.
She also came under fire in Bosnia
Hey guys, let's sign Obongo's birthday card!
It will let you use any fake email and zip combo.
Thanks for the laugh.
I like this comic because it's clear that this late 20s girl has yet to move away from her father's home, and he keeps her so she doesn't end up dead in some affordable "diverse" apartment complex. He loves her no matter what, yet to her he's just some ignorant dumbass she has to put up with.
He knows his readers, at least
>voting for Hillary purely because she owns a vagina
God I hate people who vote based on shit like this
Democrats screamed to end war and Obama never did. Now they begrudgingly vote for hillary because of the way she will go to war. Your party literally does nothing you ask of them.
>Why not supporting Trump?
Porque o Trump fecharia a base das lajes deixando metade dos açores no desemprego.
Because Nato contributions would cease and germany would rearm itself.
Because Russia gains a green card to fuck up Ukraine.
Because the jews would dominate the middle east.
>"buh buh dats a good thing/I dont care..."
Yeah, its always nice to empower your enemies. Problem is when they bite you back in the ass in the long term.
Well, I don't support her, but I am voting for her. I don't care who wins as long as Trump loses. This election has shit the bed anyways.
>shes a democrat
party liner detected.
Literally every bad thing about Trump comes from his own mouth.
That and the never ending lawsuits about him.
You've either got to be really really stupid or deeply buzzed on tainted Koolaid to think otherwise.
>Give voting rights to everyone they said...
Two things really.
I think Trump has some issues. Psychopath, sociopath, delusional, I don't know what he is, but he is certainly not sane. I am terrified to hand nuclear launch codes to the man who has a documented problem of being incredibly thin-skinned.
Also, I admire and respect Hillary Clinton. I think she has made mistakes (clearly), but she is also proven and skilled. An user said it earlier, she's a policy wonk. She gets shit done. Trump does not have that.
That's not even ideology wise, I'm also just more moderate than far right.
Seems like someone felt the bern, didn't ya?
She's better for the environment, supports net neutrality, and isn't going to kill Snowden. Thus, I'll hold my nose and vote for her, and hope she gets primary-ed out in four years.
Also, I'm worried that the GOP's anti-porn platform could kill Sup Forums.
This is satire you idiots lol.
Link. What exactly has he said?
I'm proBernie but would vote Hillary as I am a one issue voter and that issue is not opening the seventh seal and ushering in the apocalypse.
You just said you are a good Goy. Congratulation
I support literally every position she does
Dude when youre rich people want your money... How does make you want to support hillary?
Probably because she doesn't sit in a gold (leaf) thrown in a building designed by a Persian with her name in "gold" (brass) lettering.
Objectively the most qualified candidate to handle the Responsibilities of being the President of the United States. She has been a multiterm senator as well as Secretary of State of the US. She can do the job.
The other option is the host of the Apprentice.
Because her views align with mine
Wrong image, faggot.
Ugh she's a women, okay? I think it's time we have a female in the white house. Did you guys realize it's 2016 and not 1933?
What's up Correct The Record
Easy, Mrs. Clinton takes bribes and she uses some of that bribery to be hire seat fillers and CTR folks. It's really not so hard to understand.
opinion discarded
false, also lmao that you actually think Hillary is more competent than Trump
Women can't into politics, sorry all of you retarded niggerfaggots have drank the PC feminist kool aid about how women can do everything men can do. They don't operate on the same level of thinking capacity.
>Because Nato contributions would cease and germany would rearm itself.
making shit up
>Because Russia gains a green card to fuck up Ukraine.
like they did under Obama?
>Because the jews would dominate the middle east.
>implying they don't already because we're cucked for Israel
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>Also, I admire and respect Hillary Clinton. I think she has made mistakes (clearly), but she is also proven and skilled.
Ahahahahahahahaha moron detected
>Trump does not have that.
He didn't turn $1 million into over $1 billion over 40 years?
Listen faggots. OP asked why i support Hillary. I provided the one reason i do.
You aren't going to convince me otherwise. I dislike her intensely and will still vote for her over Trump, so believe me when i say my decision is made.
Raped a child.
Systematically defrauded hard working Americans. (Trump University)
Currently on trial for RICO.
Wants to instigate nuclear war.
Openly Racist.
Unwilling to supply information about his personal finances like every single Presidential candidate in history has (indicates he has something to hide)
Openly Sexist.
Is the 'system' - the kind of man who games tax laws for his own personal gain at the expense of the common man.
Fiscally irresponsible.
Illiterate on matters of foreign policy.
Clinically diagnosed psychopath and sociapath.
Self proclaimed 'King of debt'
Just an all round awful awful person, how any one can see differently is hard to believe.
dementia/braindeath/low IQ/cretinism/lobotomy
Same goes for Trump supporters.
You shills are really going to post about luxury, have you seen some of the Clinton homes?
Looks like you memorized the DNC playbook against Trump!
Bitch took a 11 hour nothingburger grilling and just shrugged that shit.
She's both more badass and better equipped than the rest of both parties' 2016 combined candidates.