Stronk womyn

What if someone wrote a movie like Jason Bourne or Mad Max with a male lead, but at the end just changed it to a female but the rest stays the same (gender is never mentioned, no quirky feminism jokes)? Would it be a good female character?

For more realism it's a movie where the protag doesn't have to 1v1 fight men, just use guns or something

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It's called SALT.

Yeah it could work - but she legit can't get into a fist fight

I'd love to see a movie like that, problem is that it would just be made to pander to women and the leading actress would be some stick-figure that couldn't lift her own weight, let alone realistically fight anything.

Why not?

action heroes are basically not human anyway

its like asking "what if legolas was a grill, would that make sense?" elves or action heroes aren't real in the first place so it can be whatever you want.

giv muscle gf


Atomic Blonde is shaping up to look like that.

The problem is they always fuck over women heroes by making sure that they are pretty first. It ruins them as an action star. You need them to get roughed up and struggle to some degree. Even John Wick, the epitome of Gary Stu, struggled against some enemies and got hurt here and there.

But instead it's always snarky comments, I'm a woman and you can't stop me, I'm so pretty look at my hair. Just have them be badass, that's why Furiousa got so much attention.


pls giv


There was Haywire, where the lead could hold her own in a 1v1, but she really couldn't hold the viewer with her acting performance.


waid a minud.....

thads nod gf

>What if someone wrote a movie like Jason Bourne or Mad Max with a male lead, but at the end just changed it to a female but the rest stays the same (gender is never mentioned, no quirky feminism jokes)? Would it be a good female character?
no, they've already been doing that. movies suck.


>sumtiems mai arrms baend baack

Oh boy I need to start strength soon...


Pretty much this.

you do realize all those breasts besides the one on the inner right are fake, you know that right? First thing to go when women lose fat is tits.

Thanks smart guy

Who cares brah

women can't really win fist fights

there are almost no exceptions

Feminism ruined strong women by associating itself with them.

Straight up fist fights are boring as all hell to watch though

Judging by Atomic Blonde's trailers, her gimmick is getting the shit beaten out of her.

As long as they avoid the whole "I'm a stronk woman" bullshit that plagues movies, Perfect Dark could be a great movie with a strong female lead.

What do you think about the gril in You're Next? Not /fit/ but has good survival skills.

You're retarded, bud. Those chicks have plenty of fat.

Pic related is a musclechick with very low body fat. The girls in the original pic have lots of it. Most of their muscles aren't defined at all.

Holy shit mah deeeeeick!!

>Mad Max with a male lead, but at the end just changed it to a female but the rest stays the same
That's what they did. There just so happened to be someone called Max in it.

Are you pretending Erin Stern doesn't have fake tits you mongoloid?

when I said that I actually meant they can't really win any fights involving physical contact. Barring freaks of nature, professional fighters, and women on steroids with combat training, women can't really win fights against average+ men. It's incredibly unrealistic to expect the kind of scenario in the OP to play out. If you need any actual evidence for this, look first to the fact that there are NO women operators. Every navy SEAL, army ranger, army SF, air force PJ, CCT, marsoc, are all men. I don't even think women cut it in low speed infantry positions. Their bodies are not capable of the physical rigors of combat, and their aim is objectively shit.

Women just can't do things like that. Sure you can make a movie with a female jason bourne or whatever, but the only way that you can make it even remotely realistic or not silly is to keep them in their element. Maybe an intellectual thriller that shies away from the action. Have any action that takes place be gun oriented and physically unstressful. Otherwise it always feels silly.

giv me this gf, this is not nogotiation

who is this?

You overestimate the physical capabilities of the average man, a woman with a significant amount of combat training could take out your average joe.

Claudia Black?

For real I would pay to see a movie with chick's like this beating the living shit out of effeminate numales. Women are not as physically strong as men yes, but there are many women on this planet that would destroy your average Sup Forums poster.

would you pay a dollar a minute, that's a pretty common pricing scheme

Couldn't be. Claudia Black is attractive.

>"Leave Alien-kino to me."

You mean like Alien?

>girl starts lifting
>loses tits and gets a manjaw

Thank, but no.



well, there's always martial arts

Or loses too much fat and becomes incredibly veiny.

wtf i love womens martial arts now


If you've ever actually fought women you know this isn't true. Go to your nearest mma box and see how free the women are there, they can't even hurt you with their punches.

I actually like slight veininess. That's too much though.

t'pol was doing some kind of cleanse thing and is an extremely bad pic, they're others from same shoot she seems fine

I'm your average faggot and got knocked out by an enraged cardio bunny

>confusing toned with ripped

Women should never be the latter. Sexarms are included in the former.

Average nu-male**

you're a fucking disgrace


First day on Sup Forums, huh?

I'll rek u m8

>women firing up their testosterone

Thats why islam is winning.

>I'll rek u
ahah what an unwanted situation that would be surely no one would enjoy getting beat up by a girl ahha

This. And it's such a fucking shame that we never got a sequel.

It's called vascularity


>just when shes ready to pin you down you overpower her, claiming her a whole

2 3 4 1 5

>you underestimate weight advantages

Dead on

Loses tits would only be from decreasing bodyfat/using gear.

Manjaw is genetic, no one trains jaw muscles.

5 4 3 1 2

>putting brownie as last

you best be triflin'

squeeze every drop of cum out of my dick with your vaginal muscles

That's why user said "average male" and not "manlet fagboy"


>It happens in my doujinns lol!

No, women far and away are absolute garbage at fighting, muscle or not.

jesus, you sound fucking pathetic

That's a myth. Unless she's shooting shitty juice that elevates her testosterone not much is going to happen.

women have less of a disadvantage at grappling but they'd need to massively outskill the male since they couldn't ever rely on strength even briefly

Anyone have the webm of the ripped girl crushing a watermelon in between her thighs? Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about either, we're all gentlemen here.

They don't even know what to do with the muscle. Look up arm wrestling fitness women on YT there's a bunch of average guys arm wrestling body builder women and beating them.

It's hilarious and pathetic.


>they will never hold you down and make you watch jessica jones while eating mad protein and and checking their phone

why live?

>muhh glutes

Watch these women lose it all and go nuts by 30

>They will never bench press you taking turns while laughing at you and your erection


Imagine the smell if they all farted.


>Straight up fist fights are boring as all hell to watch though

You're too much of a bitch to pull the trigger. Ya haven't even got thumbs.

If? Bro, these bitches takes os much protein they're literally walking fart machines. I dare you to date one of these hairy steroid cunts. They have the nastiest fartsd and they do it CONSTANTLY. That room must've smelled like garbage cans and tuna.

watich it buddyo

>They have the nastiest fartsd and they do it CONSTANTLY.


I don't think you understand. Have you even been to a gym and smelled protein farts? There's no way that shit gets you going for real.

Never underestimate fetishes. Personally I'm not into it, but I'm an armpit fag so I have no room to talk.

stop stalling!! giv me the muscle gff!!

Be good for the year and Santa might bring you one.

Just kidding you suck and will die alone.

this is oficer apu pls hand ovr alll muscle gf right now!

>half gypsy

Is that Thiccenzie the Braphog Queen of Heem?