My fellow burgers

My fellow burgers.

How do we stop the obesity problem?

One proposal: health warnings on soda. They are all over alcohol and cigarettes. But no warning on soda, which an average American drinks about 44 FUCKING GALLONS OF A YEAR. That's just the average, there are plenty more fatty pictures online with these beasts guzzling 2-liter bottles easy. High amount of sugar, acidic, caffeine in most of it making your brain crave more... At first I laughed at Jew York doing some limiting on soda intake but now I see why.

I'm sure you guys have better ideas though.

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They already tell you how much caffeine, sugar etc is in them on the labels.

Thinking beyond food.

Tax the fuck out of anything which keeps people indoors - streaming, recurring game fees, online shopping, and so on.

Encourage people to get out of the house by any means. Tie benefits from things like TANF and SS to volunteer work. Reduce taxes on social events and gatherings, even things like movie theaters or sports games.

When fatasses feel compelled to be out of the house, they at very least stop getting more fat by not being in the house. Some might possibly actually feel shame and do something to not be so fat.

Lol that would never pass the house/senate

Then slap OP pic onto the bottles?

In text for ants. Big huge warnings that cover most of the label like smokes, this HFCS goo causes obesity. I suspect the health departments of the world are populated with lard asses myself.

>warnings on alcohol prevent abuse
Not quite bud

>not fat


Well I drink some soda (and water too) and I'm not fat. But then again I only drink a few cans at most I have them in my mini fridge.


-Stop subsidizing shit food(corn subsidies et.c.)
-Tax shit food(processed foods)

Problem solved

>How do we stop the obesity problem?
End free healthcare
Let them die of diabetes and heart disease
Let the problem solve itself

If proposals like that collectively pitted the entertainment/sports complex against the food complex, you mi

Well, wait, no. Pharma would join with food because keeping fat people on pills combined with keeping people fat from bad food would win there.

Damn it.

It would be nice to have the discussion occur on this kind of aspect, though. America encourages too much inertia right now.

This is a good idea.

Corn syrup, everywhere. I stick to the floors, to the door, the windows and walls. The syrup drips down my balls. How these fat fucks crawl.

If we could make fitness a matter of national pride, and really ingrain the benefits of healthy living into the minds of the next generations, then we can probably curb the problem somewhat. Sadly, I don't see use heading down that path atm.

All you can do is better yourself. Perhaps if you get fit, you can motivate someone around you to do the same, and that in this way you've done your part to solve the problem. That's all any of us can do, really.

Agreed, and agreed.

But, as long as we've got Big Soda companies, we'll have corn subsidies (also: corn is livestock feed, so there's another problem)

No Medicare/Medicaid/Food Stamps if you're obese. Bam. Problem solved.

>Fitness a matter of national pride

Hey do they still do that "presidential fitness test" thing I remember as a kid in the 90s? That's probably the closest I've ever seen to that.

Eventually people die and it sorts itself out.

How do these people work?

Or do you get NEETbux for being morbidly obese in the US?

Does soda really make you fat though? I used to drink about five cans of soda everyday for years but I never got fat. The only reason I stopped was because of the other problems soda causes.

Want to stop the obesity problem? Don't tax sugar, stop funding sugar production and cut all corn subsidies to $0.00

The government gives billions of dollars to farmers and companies that make HFCS and this makes such items cheaper to purchase than unprocessed food.

Not accurately, no: they basically "compute" these levels at the lowest levels, that way they can "round up" to 0.

They'll still live into their 60s or 70s, though, even if they're unhealthy, and require a bunch of medical attention until they die. Our health care system is already a bloated mess of shit without having to take care of all the fatasses.

Obesity is a sign of prosperity, aint nothing EVER changing that.

This is why arnold Schwarzenegger needs to be the 46th president.

If you get fat enough, you can become disabled (in a literal sense, cause the body can't handle being treated like that), and you can get Uncle Sam bucks for being disabled, so... Yes.

I'm not obese. I don't care about other retards. The only way to deal with them is to cut public spending so they starve and lose weight or die from lack of free healthcare.

It's amazing how many people still don't know how fattening soda is. I have an obese friend who is trying to lose weight but he still guzzles 1-2 sodas/energy drinks per day and says he can't drink water because "there's no taste". These people are beyond help. He never listens to me when I warn him either.

Who cares.

Stop giving these hambeasts free healthcare, or for those that actually have employer-provided healthcare, impose a colossal penalty on them. It already exists for smoking, so why not call a spade a spade?

cut their obese bucks. anything else is stupid.

Arnold doesn't look like that anymore, though.

We need to elect Dwayne Johnson imho.

oh also make childhood obesity child abuse.

>Reduce taxes on social events and gatherings, even things like movie theaters or sports games.

I like where you're going, user, but lower taxes on movies just means people will go sit and be lazy somewhere else. How many people actually walk or bike to a theater in this country? (hint: not many)

Problem is simple release all convicts into a large meat grinder we use that to feed the home less. Then all fatties are arrested and placed inode existing now empty prisons lock the doors and leave the problem will solve itself in a few weeks.

Oh my god, that whole "I hate the taste of water"/"there's no taste" bullshit is like listening to evolution take a wrong turn

Charge more for health insurance based on BMI (or some more accurate fitness rating) and number of doctor visits, prescriptions, etc.

A lot more.

People wont change till it hits their bottom line.

Yeah but arnold has the knowledge. He also served as the presidential fitness guy for a long time. Dwayne is alright, just too young and non political.

He was foreign born would need an amendment for that. (Like in Demolition Man)

Yeah, we still have them, but if it was anything like it was when I was in school, then it's basically a joke and students aren't really encouraged or incentivized to strive towards achieving it.

I was thinking more along the lines of politicians and celebrities and people in positions of influence to come out and encourage people to get fit. Instead, we're going in the opposite direction and there's a rising social influence to stop shaming obesity and unhealthy habits.

Michelle Obama was on the right track, but she should have gone farther.

Not anymore. In fact probably for the last ten years obesity is associated with poverty.

You can get an entire dinner at McDonalds for the cost of a pint of blueberries at whole foods.

People have the information, yet refuse to acknowledge the dangers. You're fucking dumb if you think warnings on products will help.

We must teach (and I mean REALLY teach) our children right from wrong when it comes to nutrition, that's the only way.

>Does soda really make you fat though? I used to drink about five cans of soda everyday for years but I never got fat. The only reason I stopped was because of the other problems soda causes.

Anything in excess will make you fat. Nothing wrong with soda in moderation, especially if you lead a relatively healthy lifestyle of eating not-shit food and getting some physical activity in.

/r/ing the pic of that near-obese family carrying smartphones and starbucks in their hands
I suggest Terry Crews

>How do we stop the obesity problem?

Stop eating shit you fat Cuck.

>tfw because of the diet didn't drink any kind of soda for 3 whole fucking years.

The free market will fix it

>Not anymore. In fact probably for the last ten years obesity is associated with poverty.
>You can get an entire dinner at McDonalds for the cost of a pint of blueberries at whole foods.

Fair, but Whole Foods is not known for being value-oriented. You can get a container of blueberries at plenty of other places for a lot less money. People need to stop believing the meme-tier "healthy food is expensive" stuff.

that's a good thing, though

Good. Soda makes you fat as fuck.

Fuck yeah.

>We must teach (and I mean REALLY teach) our children right from wrong when it comes to nutrition, that's the only way.

user, I'm with you, but this whole idea of "right versus wrong" with food is part of the problem. It is not that black-and-white.

soda makes you fat and fuck up your teeth, you don't need it

It is a lot more expensive though, assuming you aren't living off rice and beans or some shit . Don't forget the cost that goes in to cooking a good meal , you can't exactly cook a roast in between two jobs.

The prices at mcdonalds have gone up sadly though as well.

Agreed, it's not cheaper than McDick's, but there is a lot of misinformation that "OMG only rich people can eat healthy".

inb4 food desert

There is right and wrong though, people eat way too much processed, high calorie foods with little or no exercise in their lives. I know we can fix this problem with a bit of proper education (maybe scare kids with pics of fattys) and discipline.

I know it against "muh freedom" but maybe put high taxes on snackfood companies and set limits on certain "foods"

>That feel when you buy a bottle of Coke out of the bending machine for lunch after not having any soda for 6+ months

Literally better than an orgasm. I then go on a soda binge until I get so disgusted with myself after a couple weeks that I stop myself.

It helps me understand fatties though. It is so hard to stop that first week, but afterwards you don't even think about it.

>implying Obama's "free healthcare" bill is actually free

Arnold literally can't be president. Born in Austria and neither of his parents were American citizens.
Apparently the Rock does want to get into politics when his movie career ends.


There are still things at the extremes, yeah, but there are still lots of foods that are less healthy than others, but not necessarily "never eat this".

You can have cookies occasionally, which are typically labeled as "bad", you just can't have 12 of them at once, nor can you eat them with every fucking meal.

Natural selection will take care of it once society collapsea under Clinton.

better public health interventions

Michelle Obama is a pussy.

She stopped trying to get kids to get out and exercise because people accused her of fat shaming and some Democrats probably told her they'd kill her if she continued.

Clinton won't make society collapse.
just imagine Obama but with a much nastier cunt
natural selection is not a thing in the first world. the state will keep you alive and kicking no matter how fat and diseased your body is.

As long as it's along the lines of , then we should be all right. Teaching kids to avoid soda and ice cream and snack foods and processed foods with little nutritional value whenever possible. Finding ways to get children to eat more vegetables and lean meats and whatever else we find that the average American is lacking in his diet.

But your bit about nutrition not being black-and-white is true. I don't want some broscientists who read trendy health magazines telling my children that milk is bad for them or that carbs are tools of Satan.

Kill all the fat people (under a certain age, and people who have an actual legitimate physical disability)

This will help with the worlds population problem as well

this is a big part of the problem. obesity should be defined as a self-inflicted condition for purposes of health insurance and welfare. the fatty's option should be: either pay out of pocket for any medical problem caused by your fat, or lose some fucking weight

>44 gallons a year

Jokes on you, I only drink orange juice, milk, and water


Well, we nearly stopped it with Pokemon Go, but Niantic is a bunch of filthy jews bought out by the restaurants and they only put Pokestops close together in a daisy chain of eateries and pubs. Now that the game doesn't even have tracking, Amerifats are getting Amerifatter...

This won't change habits in any meaningful way, it'll just make poor people poorer.

Ban alcohol, soda and soda-related shit, candy has an age limit (16), (irresponsible) parents that let their kids get fat get fines, higher taxes and eventually go to court and then jail, reduced calories and remove heavy calorie food, minimum limit of 30 minutes of exercise daily and a day for exercise like what Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network use to do.

Ban McDonalds.

Make America great again.

>Drinking the orange jew

Literally more sugar than mountain Dew.

Ban added sugar in all products. Americans have had their palates ruined cause there's sugar in damn near every product on supermarket shelves.

Yoplait has the same sugar/oz as coke.
There's sugar in salad dressing, sugar in ketchup, sugar in miracle whip, sugar in sausages, sugar in pasta sauce, sugar in potato chips, sugar in fucking everything.


HFCS is government subsidized, basically. Back in the bad old days, sugar was expensive, it wasn't dirt cheap and they didn't put it into everything. Your wife had to think before she (who cooked) reached for the sugar jar - is this worth using up what sugar I have on hand?

Also corporations make lousy cooks. Corporate food is mediocre and they cut every corner they can think you won't notice. They've always been this way, you're not really going to change them, don't bother with the laws - they'll just ignore them.

HOWEVER. Back in the bad old days, people didn't shove microwave meals or go eat out all the time - the woman of the house got off her ass and actually cooked, and a lot of women took their jobs and roles seriously and kept the corporate barbarians outside the gates.

Well, that's all gone now, innit? Women are useless lazy blobs of lard that sit on their ass all day complaining about men, the corporate barbarians run amok in the freezer and sugar (HFCS) is dirt cheap by government mandate.

Plus people's lives are so shitty in Murica these days that part of their coping strategy involves eating copious amounts of junk food. Anything to take their minds off their hopeless grinding poverty.

So - feminism, government mismanagement, economics and shitty coping strategies, that's why Muricans are so disgustingly fat.

Fuck you, you pretentious fucking faggot. I bet you also want to fucking ban lolis too you tremendous fucking faggot.

We need a fat tax. Want to be fat and be a burden on society? Fine, but you're going to pay extra for it. Also no disability gibs for being obese.

Eventually they'll either get thin or straight up die. Problem solved.

I can't even remember the last time I drank soda that didn't have alcohol in it. When I go grocery shopping I see other people with cases of soda/Gatorade along with prepackaged frozen meals, and piles of slaty/junk food. I can't believe people eat like that week after week.


user, you are dead-on. Why does everyone think they need to drink Gatorade if they have engaged in even the lightest physical activity?

>muh electrolytes

Bullshit, you don't need to replenish tons of electrolytes because you went for a 30 minute power walk. That shit is just as bad as soda.

As a fat fuck. Like a REALLY fat fuck, I can say pretty confidently that labels wouldn't help.

I grew up fat in a fat home, parents divorced when I was 8, mom instilled in me her eating habits and I followed suit into HS

Maybe not now, but when and where I was in school it wasn't okay to be a fatfuck, I had a hard time. But I got into football and was more fit than I had ever been in my life, but I still a bit of a tubster even then. I ended up quitting because every day became a slog against being bullied, and I know you're all gonna call me a cuck or whatever, but being a 15 year old and getting shit on every. single. day. Is really fucking hard. I mean we were all teenagers once right? You guys must have some idea of what I'm talking about.

It's so easy to just slip further and further. I've been depressed for years, eating is a way to cope, and I'm not saying I'm on the same level as a crack addict or anything, but it really is an addiction of sorts. I understand a big part of the problem is my own failures and shitty willpower, but I'm telling ya, I can find myself starting to cook something or going through a drive through without even thinking about it.

On my part it's also how and what I eat, I'll eat only twice a day, but I'll gorge. For example I'll go to Wendy's and order something like a large soda, two son of baconators, a large fry, and some chicken nuggets. I know it's awful for me, but I just stopped giving a shit.

I think another reason I've reached manwhale status is just how hard everything gets as you get fatter. I mean I go to work for 8 hours, come home, and my back and feet hurt so bad I just go straight to bed and sleep 10 hours. and the effort every little everyday thing takes, its truly awful

Lastly, I think most people don't understand how it is that landwhales like me get to where they are, it's more than just eating shitty, it's a destructive lifestyle, and a cycle involving a form of addiction and physiological problems

Looks like fatso is mad. Did I trigger your sweat glands? Get back into the fryer.

>How do we stop the obesity problem?
It's sorta self-correcting now. The biggest problem was as says. Over-saturation of chemical sugars.

And Salt. Sodium intake is disgustingly high because people who make less money buy food that will last a long time. And things that last tend to be salted or very high in salt, plus adding more salt = more flavor.

Corn being subsidized really fucks the US consumer over, even if it is one of the most profitable exports(food) for the country.

it's impossible to avoid too, because literally everything has it. Doesn't help 95% of foods you buy in the grocery are owned by 8 companies.

People are getting better though, somewhat. There are countries worse off than the US like Mexico.

>How do we stop the obesity problem?

Why stop it, it will solve its self.

fatbody pedophile detected

But I also know that my condition is one much like a smoker or something and I'm doing this all to myself.

and this post wasn't really meant to be a pity party, just maybe an explanation on how this shit can happen, or at least my story of how I am a fatfuck

Why do corporations put so much sugar into so much processed foods to begin with? It increases sales. When you pay people to cook for you - they will cut corners and spike the food with shit. Something I think people (I hope) are slowly relearning - you can't trust corporate America to cook for you! You have to have someone you trust to cook for you, or you have to cook for yourself!

It's that way with everything though. Whether it's maintenance done on your car or repairs to your house - you'll never be able to pay someone to actually care as much as you will.

And it's not really sugar they spike all those things with you mentioned - it's HFCS and they use HFCS because it is DIRT CHEAP. It's government subsidized to be that way, so if you want to blame something, blame government policy and the Farm Bill - that's where it starts.

So we can all agree that ending corn subsidies would at least cut back HFCS.

I'd like to see mandatory physical standards for HS graduation. Not anything absurd just something like 8:30 mile time for guys and 9:30 for girls. If kept some people in the 200's instead of the 300 pound range at least it'd be something

>I'm not saying I'm on the same level as a crack addict or anything

I'm not fat myself, but I disagree. I think fatties are addicted just as severely as most drug addicts.

With that said, man the fuck up and lose the weight. If I was able to kick my cocaine habit after using daily for years, you can stop shoveling food into your maw.


>I'm not fat myself, but I disagree. I think fatties are addicted just as severely as most drug addicts.

Same pleasure/reward centers in the brain, so it's not really much different than drugs.

Not to oversimplify, but addiction is addiction.

I probably drink hundreds of gallons and I weigh 150lbs / 6ft tall lol. These people are drinking multiple two liters A DAY to get to this point, along with lots of carbs and government cheese. It's also partly due to their genes, since I eat like shit and I can't gain to save my life.
Basically calories in = calories out, unless you have trouble absorbing nutrients from your food. For this reason none of that shit should be outlawed.

The solution is fat shaming just like cigarette shaming.

How about all you commies stop tring to ban things?

If you don't like it, don't buy it.

Fucking leftys.

Nigger I'm poor and sick and underweight and that's all I got left, you'd get run out on a rail by neets if you tried to pass this shit, look around do you even know where you are

>How about all you commies stop tring to ban things?

Fine, but I'm not paying for their fucking NEETbux or welfare/Obamacare so they can continue being fat fucks.

Life in general is shitty in Murica for most people. They like to put this asshole in front of you as the ideal of how everyone is, but you know, you know it's bullshit.

You're just trying to get through the day as best you know how. I mean as far as coping strategies go, it's not the worst. You could have a real drinking problem instead - or worse. A LOT of flyoverland is permanently strung out on heroin, for instance. They're just trying to get through the day too.

A lot of people will fingerwag at you, but not me. If you need a crutch, by all means, grab it and use it. Try to see if you can limp by without it. I know, it hurts like hell, I know. But in the longer run, it'll hurt less than if you use a crutch.