Broad City’ Will Bleep Donald Trump’s Name Next Season
Are they going to show that jewish broads cunt? That's all I wanna know.
Fuck...it looks like Hillary will finally be president now.
they triggered
>jewish broads
Which one? Their both jew
they're all jews
this show is portlandia but without the self awareness
i hate new york
literally Voldemort
you mean jew york
>Our show isn't very good, HUURRY, PANDER WITH ANTI-TRUMP SHIT!!!!
It's all so very tiresome at this point
Every fucking time.
this is all a loop
we've been here before
I mean it wasn't exactly a secret..
Thats funny.
If, I don't know, what's that sitcom with the tool man tim taylor where he runs the outdoorsman store and has like three daughters? If he had censored obongo's name that would have been funny.
Lighten up.
Last Man Standing?
I don't think anybody needs to "lighten up", this is a sad pandering move worthy of ridicule. If you defend such a desperate gimmick, you're the problem.
What is this show about exactly?
2 liberal jewesses in jew york : the show
Hipster Jew York chicks pretend they're funny, and you're sexist if you disagree.
Who wants to watch this shit?
>drumpf voters trying this hard to defend their candidate thereby playing into the shill thread
good work abby, trump supporters, congrats on being perpetually butthurt, despite "LOL WE WUNGST" like Sup Forums told you
can't resist them jewesses
Less people than watched Tim Allen's cancelled show, but the few who DO watch Jewess City are younger, and that's the shekels THEY want.
>tfw didn't want Trump, but didn't want Hillary either
Honestly, America is so retarded, we deserve the eternal, double-teaming rape-train that is the two-party system.
Why not just, you know, not mention him? Like most shows? Oh right, because then that wouldn't be pandering to butt hurt liberals.
That's it, Drumpf is finished, how will the alt right ever recover?
>2 unattractive women pretend they are while spouting annoying jewish buzzwords for 22 mins, the show.
>Sup Forums infographic
nice. how's that university degree coming along?
>kneejerk post
nice. how's that Devry degree coming along?
Trump is a fucking moron, but Hillary would have been infinitely worse
Better than your NEET shill life, ANTIFA goon.
spotted the Sup Forumsnigger
Holy shit, this board really is a safe space cry-in circle jerk for neo-nazis
>when your entire life consists of eating and crying about Jews on the internet
Broad City is actually a really good show to be honest
well postured my well read friends. tell me how that opinion goes down when you bring it up in the office. any office.
>Broad City’ Will Bleep Donald Trump’s Name Next Season
>literally making him he who must not be named
What the fuck is their problem??
Looks like Anthony Weiner.
Careful calling them out, user. They're extremely sensitive to criticism.
>tfw no nude leaks of either of them
why live
I unironically enjoy the show even though it gets too deep into muh feminism more often than I prefer.
There is that term again
Are you banned from being here? Can you not post whatever opinion you want?
You can't? I mean, it's pretty easy, they're average as fuck man. Any 6/10 guy can get better pussy than this.
>eating about jews on the internet
how does one even do that?
Fuck i want to breed that chunky jew so fucking bad
People like that don't have opinions. They are only capable of repeating what others have said. OMGOSH DRUMPHHSTERZ BTFO RACIST SEXIST KKK!!!
>tfw have a job and even my own movie while crybaby lefties project onto me
She's 2 years away from being a hair fridge covered in skin tags
You mean #Hillary2017 once KRUMPF gets impeached
>fall for obvious bait
>start foaming at the mouth
Holy shit, you guys are the new SJW
>They are only capable of repeating what others have said.
Such an insightful post on a board filled with regurgitated memes
It's really not. I get what CC was trying to do with them putting it on right after Workaholics tho
Twitter SJWs. It's not a large audience.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
Who is foaming at the mouth?
Christ sake you cant talk about anything on 4 chan without getting called a nazi or liberal and then belittling which ever one you disagree with.
Oy veeeeey Drumpf must be stop, buy our Drumpf hats goy
I don't understand... So you can't ridicule a bad, unfunny comedy show that's pulling a last ditch gimmick to appeal to a specific demographic on this board without it devolving into US VS THEM politics? Shit's sad. It's either this or LOONEY TUNES VS MICKEY MOUSE cape wars. Get it together, Sup Forums.
>Tackling the new administration head-on instead of avoiding it, the episodes were given a Trump spin, with one of them set to see "Ilana's 'powers' decreasing during the current administration because it's just so hard to [orgasm] when you know so many people are in such danger. So Ilana works through her Trump-related [hang-up] and it's wild."
Wow, it really does sound wild!
Lol leftists don't know what happens if Trump gets removed from office
Sup Forums is not for the thin skinned.
It's for the thick skinned to laugh at the thin skinned regardless of race, gender, religon or creed.
>says they're going to take Trump head-on
>censor saying his name
Really fires the old neurons
Yes and were laughing at this shit show, I don't see any nazis foaming at the mouth crying because Trumps name will be censored.
its another show for stupid women who gives a shit
Trump has ruined comedy forever
just 8 years
>tfw they unironically shilled for Madam "I ATTACKED CHILD RAPE VICTIMS FOR MUH FEMINIZUMS" President
You can hate on Drumpf all you like but don't pretend you're the good guys after that.
Very cool, very progressive.
They clearly did it to trigger the alt right, which, going by this thread, is working in spades.
Please link all the posts that show the alt right being triggered I cant see them. All I see is people looking for nudes, laughing at them both being jews, and liberals making out the alt right are foaming at the mouth.
But I guess if the tactic is the make the alt right mad then well done, i'm sure some basement dwellers on 4 chan will tune into this failing show once they see this thread and get triggered.
post more thick jews
I guess so, is the show on netflix so I can catch up on previous seasons?
Nice source, fag
Doesn't it just become President Mike "Turning Fruits Into Vegetables" Pence? Do they prefer that?
Mike "Spike the Dyke" Pence will also have the full power of a Republican government behind him 100%, unlike now where many oppose Trump on principle. We won't MAGA, but it would be neo-conservatism on a level to make Bush blush.
I actually liked season 1 of broad city but holy shit has it worn out its welcome. If I see another unironic "YAASS" I'm gonna lose it
What was his name again?
You deal with Trump now so you don't have to deal with more Hillarys later. This "turn" shit isn't going to fly anymore and voting for the outsider didn't turn out to great either. Both sides will have to change how they do things.
it's a joke you fucking autists
Mike "I suck man dick" Pence
fucking this
Trump has now reached Voldemort level status. He who shall not be named.
I haven't watched since first season but they seemed to be making fun of the sjw, feminist shit
>JUNE 2017
lol, not possible, trump just keeps pushing the bar lower and lower.
what the fuck is wrong with you americans? when are you going to stop this shit and go back to producing quality content again? (as in not heavily politicized garbage)
you're a roastie. hello. suck my dick and swallow my cum please?
Why do you think I watch superior Japanese anime?
wow, a show about coastal jews, wild stuff
I've never seen a post like that on tv, the only time people mock Trump it's usually hilarious and after he did something to embarrass himself
>implying there are girls on Sup Forums
lol fag
broad city is a funny show homie. Usually when anons get triggered over a show it's a sign of quality