Which movie best portrays nazis?
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Which movie best portrays nazis?
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Cross of Iron
Where Eagles Dare
Kelly's Heroes
I wish Iron Sky had more of the tone of its teaser. youtube.com
Das boot
Any movie in which they are driven in droves to their slow deaths
Gosh I wonder if Sup Forumsfags will post ones depicting Nazis in a positive light
Nah they wouldn't do that
Sam Riami's Spider-Man
Triumph of the Will and Sokurov's Moloch are probably the only movies I've seen that deal with Nazism AND manage to be artistic. Olympia too, probably, but I haven't had the chance to see it yet.
Indiana Jones
You know, a few months ago I decided I didn't feel like sleeping one night and spent all of it watching military horrors - Outpost, The Devil's Island, Frankenstein's Army, ... - and I've got to say, Outpost has to be the shittiest one of them all.
Would you recommend any?
I thought The Devil's Rock was alright for a shoestring budget production.
Not a movie, but Generation war is pretty good
You're right, it's The Devil's Rock, not Island. I agree, for what it is it's pretty damn good.
If we're talking recs, there's not much I can honestly feel like promoting apart from The Objective. It's directed by Daniel Myrick (one of the Blair Witch Project guys) and it's become one of my favourite action-y horrors of this decade. Do watch it, if you happen to
Hitler: A Tale From Germany
not in portraying nazis
>nobody in the german army was a nazi
>nope absolutely nobody, they were all good boys who dindu nuffin
>the poles though, they were huge fucking nazis who all hated jews
They act exactly like in this movie.
The sound of music.
Mother Night
The Blues Brothers. Also Top Secret.
Iron Sky.
Dead Snow.
Dead Snow 2.