>Watching a BBC documentary about wasps
>It ain't bee starts playing
Watching a BBC documentary about wasps
Other urls found in this thread:
>Watching BBC documentary
>My little sister bites her lip
>watching a documentary about the dead sea
>it ain't sea plays throughout the documentary
>Watching a documentary about coffee
>It aint't tea starts playing
>watching Lights Out
>hello darkness my old friend starts playing
>Watching a movie starring Jackie Chan
>It ain't Lee starts playing
Why would she do that?
>Watching a documentary about the letter F
>It Ain't E starts playing
>watching a CNN news report about a lice epidemic
>it ain't flea starts playing
>Woman has adams apple and abnormally big hands
>It ain't she starts playing
>Watching documentary about World War 2
>Amputee starts playing
>Watching a documentary about Autism Misdiagnosis
>It ain't Ree starts playing
>Watching a BBC documentary about gender pronouns
>It ain't "he" starts playing.
Fuck you
>watching Selena Gomez music video
>Fortunate Son starts playing
Bees are Wasps though. They literally evolved from Wasps.
>watching documentary about elbows
>it ain't knee starts playing
>watching BBC doc
>its about some dumb shit like misoginy in vieo games or people who watch porn
C4 is far superior with its docs desu
>watching documentary about autism
>it is me starts playing
>Ariana Grande concert
>Nasheed starts playing
>watching scat documentary
>It ain't pee starts playing
>watching documentary about Western Canadian Indians
>it ain't Cree starts playing
>watching 2011 documentary
>party rockers in the house tonight starts playing
>scat documentary
your not fooling anyone, pajeet
>watching documentare on Hellen Keller
>I can't see starts playing
Humans are fish, though. They literally evolved from fish.
Haha this is a funny thread. Thanks for the laughs, guys. :)
> I don't act like a complete and utter fag
> "I ain't OP" starts playing
Are these the dank memes that won trump the election?
it ain't an impossibili-tee
>watching documentary about bushes
>it ain't tree starts playing
>orchid in pot bites her lip
>tfw to stupid to participate
>watching a frogpost
>it ain't Sup Forums starts playing
I think this post has potential... something something WASP
>watching Ancient Egypt documentary
>it aint WE starts playing
>watch documentary on freedom
>it ain't free starts playing
>Watching a Ceelo Green documentary
>It ain't CEE starts playing
/biz/ pray to a giant bee who wears a business suit but what would our wasp wear?
>watching The Sound of Music
>Do Re Mi starts playing
a WASP in a bee suit
>Watching a documentary about crystal meth
>It ain't weed plays through the entire thing
Good doc but the looping music was too much desu senpai
>playing Donkey Kong
>it aint HE starts playing
>makes video game post
>it aint Sup Forums starts playing
>Watching an insects documentary
>it ant me starts playing
>Watch a documentary about people who post on Sup Forums
>HI WOOWIE starts playing
>Watching Nanny Mcphee
>All along the watchover starts playing
>watch documentary about new Valve videogame coming out
>it ain't three starts playing
>Watching documentary on carrots
>It ain't pea starts playing
>Listening to normie radio
>watching barney
>it aint mlp starts playing
Sorry user, I already made this joke a while ago. Please delete your post or I will file a DMCA request.
>watch documentary on michael schumacher
>he can't ski starts playing
not too shabby
reddit refugees are not welcome here
>Watching Stargate SG1
>It ain't kree starts playing
>watching documentary about reddit
>it ain't meme startskp aokdjap
>watching a documentary about Mars
>it ain't sea starts playing
>watch documentary about sexually fulfilled females
>i ain't whitey starts playing
>watching documentary about Vietnam War
>Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son (Lyric Video) starts playing
bzzzz in peace
>watching a BBC documentary about cheddar cheese
>It ain't brie starts playing
>watching documentary on doctorpavelheer
>it ain't smee starts playing
>Watching TDKR plane scene
>It ain't Smee starts playing
Watching "Man of Tai Chi"
that aint chi starts playing
Best meme
>watching bible documentary
>it ain't thee starts playing
>watching The Big Short
>It ain't free starts playing
>watching janitor movie
>it aint fee starts playing
>posting in a dumbfrog thread
>dragonball z starts playing
>Watching your life play before your eyes when you die
>It saint pete starts playing
ITT: Everyone thinks they're hilarious and no one replies to anyone else
for (you)
was it rape?
>Complain about shitposting
>"He does it for free" starts playing
>watch a documentary about British snacks
>crumpets for tea start baking
>Watching Wonderman starring Gal Gadot
>Its Tel Aviv starts playing
Underrated desu
underrated desu
why did my post get a name and image, did saying desu trigger it?
wtf man
kek, I've had that before.
Testing desu desu
>radio broadcaster poses a question abour who could beat Dolph Lundgren in a fight
>it ain't creed starts playing
>watching a BBC documentary about warring rap crews
>it ain't g starts playing
>discussing a film
>it can't be Sup Forums starts playing
>eating a toast
> with i can't believe it's not butter spread?
>posts in the thread.
>while on the shitter.
> Watching Saturday Night Fever
> have a fever on a saturday night
i got nothin'