What's the fucking deal with french movies ?
What's the fucking deal with french movies ?
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I don't see anything wrong
Are you blind ?
They have the same problem as many other European countries. Filmmakers get money from government fonds to produce movies and conserve their country's culture so people don't just watch Hollywood movies. But the system is corrupt and inefficient so they just produce cheap garbage and run away with the money.
It's like they said " let's make the nastiest movie ever made"
>watching French movies
You brought this on yourself
What's the issue there?
which kino is this?
That's just some hair, I don't understand
I was bracing myself for her skin getting torn off in that scene
Don't know if that's more gross than t.bh.
>sex offends and scares me uguu
Go the fuck back to where you came from, Murricunt.
why do french girls always look like they smell terribly musky
ITT: Americlaps triggered by sex
Go watch someone get shot and/or violently dismembered to recover from the shock.
t. degenerates
who cannelle here ?
from the sex men love to offer them
reminder that girls love to get their pussy eaten by their doggo
okay now i see a problem
It's a fact. I will never ever ever date a girl who likes dogs. Ultimate red flag. You just instantly know.
well if you catch even one (1) episode of Ladybug & Cat Noir you'll know
on an unrelated note I am absolutely staggered by how many nice pictures of Marinette there are on the internet
Pic unrelated?
Not even really any sex in these scenes just sexuali---oh.
This is not nearly as common as Sup Forums wishes it was
the french are beyond degenerate
The creator literally draws porn of the ladybug character and has been known to draw loli for years. So yeah....not sure why youre staggered.
it makes me sick
in a wonderful wonderful way
he is staggered that there are NICE pictures out there. it is that degenerate
well not knowing everything you just wrote certainly helped
>calls people degenerates on a an anonymous mongolian horse breading forum for the dyslexic
i bet you're the kind of guy who call girls "babe"s
When will this cringey as fuck meme go? Like what prompted you to start saying that word? Its fuckin awful.
The (((french))).
>When will this cringey as fuck meme go?
Same time as all the others ie a long, long time after wearing out its welcome.
I thought it was a meme until a girl told me she enjoyed it
what the fuck, girls are grosser than 4channers
Je vais vous couper le mec.
This explains:
Who else would watch movies on the French channel as a kid simply because you knew there would likely be tits?
the name of the actress please
>has been known to draw loli for years
Loli has been made illegal here in France
Where do you think they went after Germany start turning on them?
Women are just as sleazy as men, you've just been meme'd by their lies and by society in general to think that they're the fairer sex when they're really just as bad
why will she cut me off? what does that even mean?
Im fine with most of the other ones because atleast they tried to be funny or insightful or fucking something. The only thing degen does is alert everyone in the area how into Sup Forums you are. Whats entertaining or meaningful about it? Atleast the bbc cuck shit triggers people....there was atleast a base concept of being able to get something out of it. Calling something degenerate is just so fucking cringe, like what kind of person actually types that shit out and thinks their contributing anything but their own awkwardness?
Its not a meme, it does happen...but its not like even a tenth of women actually do anything with their dogs, just because you met a girl that said some shit about it doesnt mean it was even true or it means other girls do it.
Cannelle Carré-Cassaigne
>its illegal
ok? the artist has still been drawing it for years. Its not exactly like making something illegal suddenly makes it impossible. Not like the steven universe chick didnt draw shota....
>More kikes in Argentina than in Germany
It's like the fuckers are asking for it
It doesn't make it impossible, but it does make the author liable to go to prison and pay hefty fines.
>The only thing degen does is alert everyone in the area how into Sup Forums you are
You'll never wring an admission out of them but the first acquaintance the earliest Sup Forums types scraped with it was through being scoffed at as the weak lateborn *degenerates* who palpably failed to live up to the ideal of the Aryan superman depicted in Hitlerite propaganda material.
(This one's about Norway specifically but you get the idea.)
>Im fine with most of the other ones because atleast they tried to be funny or insightful or fucking something
Real nigga shit, visit Sup Forums for at least a day and youll see why. Also don't forget to wear your intellectual Hazmat MOPP suit.
>Real nigga shit, visit Sup Forums for at least a day and youll see why
Serendipitous post.
I know these things....im just not sure why youre telling me about it? I was stating the creator draws it to help explain the amount of art done for the character online since the shows creators basically support it.
This has always been my understanding of the word anyway. Mental degeneracy, like another way of calling someone a mongoloid. Attaching social and moral shit to it just makes it so cringey and i know the word has that within its context but god damn if it doesnt still make me want to slap the fucker that posts it.
Well i go on Sup Forums for happenings and such....im fully aware most of whats posted isnt funny or even really meant to be funny because at some point they decided to take it all seriously as opposed to just being sincere about it. But even knowing that the degen meme still bothers me....its just so lame idk.
That scene is fucking retarded. The first thing they'd all do is get the paint out of their eyes and mouth.
>They have the same problem as many other European countries. Filmmakers get money from government fonds to produce movies and conserve their country's culture so people don't just watch Hollywood movies. But the system is corrupt and inefficient so they just produce cheap garbage and run away with the money.
>The ((()).
It's both. This film is a pure product of Parisianism and the state-sponsored film school called the FEMIS, which goal is to filter out talented, ambitious, moral and/or anti-system filmmakers and instead systematically rewards navel-gazing, champagne liberalism and virtue-signaling. It's a glorified propaganda film factory. Founded by the socialist government and then minister of culture Jack Lang. Guess his (((ethnicity))).
>Raw (French: Grave) is a 2016 French-Belgian film written and directed by Julia Ducournau,[5][6]
>Julia Ducournau (born 18 November 1983) is a French film director and screenwriter. She attended La Fémis
>In 1985, the school was restructured under the supervision of the then Minister of Culture Jack Lang and La Fémis was created in 1986.
>Jack Lang is Jewish (side note: also implicated in pedo scandals)
Also got hyped through Cannes; which is the relay of the same ideology towards filmmaking. Guess the ethnicity of those who created the Cannes festival.
>tfw I fucked 3 arab girls and may even have gotten one of them pregnant
it's "beurette" with the single "r". also quite a few of those girls are just so gorgeous it makes your mouth fall open
(not Zahia Dehar though, stupid whore)
>the state-sponsored film school called the FEMIS, which goal is to filter out talented, ambitious, moral and/or anti-system filmmakers and instead systematically rewards navel-gazing
If you stopped there you'd be half right, which is more than you've any genuine right to expect.
At this point you have to realize you're just validating the degeneracy maymay, right? You understand why cuckspam exists (for response) and then went on to write a legit essay on how much the "degeneracy" maymay bugs you.
You have to remember these people operate under something along the lines of "even if you think I'm a moron, at least you're thinking about me at all."
>Jack Lang. Guess his (((ethnicity))).
to this day I don't understand why a French Jew would want to be known by a name made from a Scottish dialect word
>You have to remember these people operate under something along the lines of "even if you think I'm a moron, at least you're thinking about me at all."
You're giving them far too much credit.
You realize the jews are too easy and obvious a target to be legitimately responsible for half the things people attribute to them, right?
Which part of my post is wrong, exactly?
I disagree with that sentiment. I see the degen meme as different. I understand the policy of feeding poltards but they dont fall back on 'i was just joking' when it comes the degen meme because its a core tenant of what they meme about. They are serious about it and its just cringey my man.....i know how i sound and making a potential pasta about how i feel on it isnt much better but i had to get it out. I guess im over it now anyway......
They'll never vocalize their mindset to themselves and cognitive dissonance will kick in if it is ever vocalized to them, but it is how such people operate.
People like attention, and in the prolonged absence of positive attention, negative attention will suffice.
This is also why "you need to get laid" became the goto shutout for any sort of impassioned response to anything.
reminder that in france
artist = talking about sex = being '''''''''''''subversive''''''''''''
Sex is the the plebeian thing a man can do and normies think that ''the only thing which connects us to beast is sex'' which is super retarded and actually is clue to spot normies. Sex for humans (well men more than women) is the opposite of what animals do.
Your life would actually be better if what you call sex would be what animals do: a bit of fight for men (like they love to do now to feed their spook of merit), but once year and it may or may not lead to pregnancy in a roastie.
Also, normies imagine that sex and orgasms (since it wall they know to do) is the way to stop pessimism, >muh schopenhaeur did not have sex enough, some gateway to the spooks of ''transcendence'', immanence'', or for the smart-ass circlejarking over the stop of any dichotomy by oxymorons, the ''immanence through transcendence'' or ''the transcendence through the immanence''
this is all cute and right if you want stay a normie, but if you want to stop being unhappy, and actually do something relevant once in your life, the first thing to stop doing is sex money, entertainment, lying and caring about what men do to feed their spoook of compassion and their opposite spook of dominance and hierarchy.
But of course liberals being hedonists like anybody on earth, they cannot stand hearing that ''sex is for reproduction only if you want to stop being a plebs'' which reminds them too much of being ruled by christians. women can see and experience sex as sex, meaning physical pleasure,, but sex for men is never ever about sex which makes them oddly enough so pathetic that it could be an exit for them to all this desire of impressing women and ''improving'' daily life with more pleasures (physical and intellectual) and less pains and use this as means to boast.
Stick to fapping if you can, but do not expect to achieve anything (at least on your own) in your life if you keep caring about sex (while claiming that sex is nothing sacred, like the liberals, yet, still like the liberals, spending your day whining about rape and creating rules about sex, believing that is is an activity worthy of discussing so much at diner (with friends before a swinger party) and in their entertainment since they have been reducing the will to the libido to the sexual libido after centuries of having faith in the individual will whose pinnacle is the consent through freedom called by them the self-determination (by studying nature or society or having no boss)) .
Sup Forums in general has been in post-irony for almost a decade now. Post-irony is indistinguishable from honest opinion. Which stands to reason the vast majority of people spouting these maymays believe them wholeheartedly.
No one is joking anymore. No one is pretending to be retarded. They actually are.
Navel-gazing's more pronounced under the French auteur system than probably anywhere on the planet and you're correct beyond any possibility of argument to mention it. The idea that candidates are being excluded on grounds of being too good or too moral's just absurd. It seems pretty clear to me that even in the most absurdly self-indulgent of FEMIS projects characters are fumbling for the ethically right resolution no matter how complicated the circumstances. Perhaps I'm less alert than I should be to the idea of "virtue signaling"; there's so much of it here on Sup Forums it's possible my mind automatically rejects having to deal with it in other contexts. Hope that's useful to you and let's remember Bea as she was.
it'd just be a webm of a single frame
Someone needs to get laid.
Probably the most amusing and pathetic rant I've read in a while
What's a good french series to watch these days? I am tired of waiting for the new Engrenages season.
I've heard good things about Les Revenants
A new show called Missions is currently airing and it's pretty decent so far two episodes in
You're close. The "ya need ta get laid" maymay is a mangling of the idea that response is always in turn. Thus negativity garners negative attention and positivity garners positive attention. So anyone who's angry just needs to be loved or didn't have enough love in their life.
>let's remember Bea as she was
mentally unstable? a cannibal? ohwait you meant attractive
Yeah I watched Les Revenants too. It's a shame Kaboul Kitchen ended too. I'll check out Missions, thanks mate.
(popular in Algeria) The gold diggers dream, a male ready to spend millions to satisfy his superficial and materialistic girlfriend but gets nothing in return (no sex , no love)
Salim: Hamza gave a ring to his grlfriend
Mouloud: he's such a halab !
nope it perfectly desribes some shit. not everything is a fucking meme, you dip
by definition, literally everything is a meme
At least Frenchies are not afraid of showing to hebe lesbos. Americans are fucking prude.
Sometimes they have pretty dope soundtracks too.
What French movies do you recommend lads?
are you fucking retarded? It is like calling someone an "autist" or telling someone to kill himself. Take it with a grain of salt (well, some shit is literally degenerate, but often people mostly just use it as an hyperbolic insuölt)
Le Vieux Fusil. It has underage titties.
i like the way they think
>dude don't take it seriously!
>i believe it tho
what a waste of trips. good luck improving your reading comprehension!
Well no shit user. In the 70's even the Americans have a lapse of morality.
I'll check it out tho, thanks,
oh look, cognitive dissonance
What's it like to live in a non-puritanical society Frenchbros?
Nobody really pays attention to that.
You can watch all movies of Jacques Audiard. Start by his last 4 :The beat my heart skipped, A prophet, Dheepan and Rust and bone. See how they fall and Read my lips are good too.
>In the 70's even the Americans have a lapse of morality.
That's why the characters in mainstream American movies started to swear so much around that time. It'd been bottled up so long that when it finally burst out (mainly in the projects of ambitious young directors who for the most part are now well-known old men) it was always going to be in a way that seemed almost exhibitionistic ("fuck yeah hot shit we can cuss now fuck fuck fuck!").
lol. how? please learn to read
the catboy is sexier t b q h
shut up, autist