What are the odds of a muslim holocaust in Middle East during the next 40 years?

We often talk about neocons, european zionists and israëlis as responsible of pushing war in the ME (I don't say muslims are not naturally violent and prone to kill each other but the last 15 years brought a supplement layer with the western world involvment into this mess).

But what is their real endgame ?
Realizing their Greater Israël wet dream would not change the demography of muslims in the territories.
You can kick them out of the places like they are actively doing it by sending them on Europe but you still have:
- 33 millions iraqis
- 23 millions syrians
- 7 millions jordanians
and finally:
- 82 millions of egyptians mostly concetrated in the delta.

So do you think we will see a Endlösung 2.0 in the next 4 decades ?

Fuck that.I want one in the next forty minutes.

None the total number of islamic sandniggers in the ME is enough to zerg rush into Kikestan and slaughter every jew. The stupid jews are also allowing them to multiply creating hundreds of millions of more of them in Europe in the future.

Fair to good.

Very unlikely.
They will keep on killing each other though, as long as the Saudi can fund some rebel groups.

>Haulocaust of 1B+ people

It would only happen if Iran & Saudi Arabia went to war with the US, and convinced the rest of the Middle East that it is a religious war.

Six gorrillion percent


>1 off
Fuck, the jews are too busy counting their profits than doing the world a charity

Still wouldn't work.
The only thing that a sunni hates more than a jew is a shi'i, and the opposite is just as true.

>mfw now I realize that all the wars in the middle east exist because Isreal wants to push out as many people as possible outta there

I don't speak about muslims exterminating jews but the reverse.
This century began pretty badly for Europe and USA, having one of them if not both collapsing in internal struggle during our lifetime is sincerely not excluded and they are still both (USA as a far greater extent though) the international cops, but that would become totally neutered in a case of a civil war which would let Israël to do absolutely everything they want in the region unless Russia or China grow a conscience (which is very unlikely let's be honest).


All I know is that the Middle East is just starting to heat up.

Greater Israel is a meme and a wet dream. Thanks for killing pan Arabia though. Without US and Saudi Arabia coalition to end Kuwait invasion and kick Saddam in the balls there would be 4th superpower in the world right now.

I speak about muslims in ME.
And let's be honest they do not necesserally need to kill them all, you just sterilize 90% of the girls between 0-30 yo and it is done, they become a minority one generation.

I really hope the Jews start slaughtering the muslims. This way, they can no longer pull the "h-holocaust" card again.

White Dead End.


Oh dear, you think the Jews are against the Muslims. You have been tricked.

It's Jews + Muslims vs. whites

>Jews + Muslims
Go back to bait school, your lacking in this area.

you're ok every now and then leaf boy

we'll do our best

Zero. Syria is a drop in the bucket and even ten conflicts like that mess wouldn't make a dent in the overall population, which is projected to keep growing past 2050
>But what is (((their))) real endgame ?
There isn't any beyond snuffing out Palestine and unfifying the tiny strip of land and even that looks dubious now. Greater Israel will literally never happen.