What is your honest, memeless opinion of Rogue One, Sup Forums?

What is your honest, memeless opinion of Rogue One, Sup Forums?

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it's shit just like every other star wars movie

Boring and bad.

Almost fell sleep during the first hour
The final battle is cool, thats about it
Shitty forgettable characters but some decent fanservice

Overall 4/10, at least better than The Turd Awakens


I enjoyed it. Solid 6,5/10.

Shit I don't care about happens to people I don't care about and then I stopped watching

if the shots shown in that image lasted more than like 3 seconds then the movie would have been improved greatly

>better than The Turd Awakens
I disagree. I watched TFA and stopped watching RO after 15 minutes.

Poorly paced, bad characters, has its moment but they get buried under under a plethora of scenes that lack both emotional investment and good direction, even Force Awakens was better and Force Awakens was nothing special.

boring garbage that made no sense


r u joking it was too fucking long, which was probably its biggest problem

It nailed the aesthetic, particularly that dark rainy planet, but the plot was dull. Still better than TFA. There were a few opportunities for the story to go that the film totally neglected. For one thing Vader should have been the one to kill most of the crew, it felt like a waste of an OT era movie that he was hardly in it.

Anyone who thinks TFA is better than Rogue One is mentally defective

it's bland

I watch Star Wars to try and lose myself in the universe: the ships, the planets, the creatures, the technology, the races, etc. Thus I liked it far more than TFA because I literally could not care less about whatever shallow, rehashed, remakes filled with 'member berries Disney is calling the Sequel Trilogy.

genuinely good movie. plebs hate it and that makes me happy

It's a big guy

R1 constantly shove OT shit down your throat and didn't add anything new to the world.

What's good about Rogue One? Can't think of anything aside from chink ninja guy and touches of fan service here and there.
I find it weird that you disliked TFA for these reasons and at the same time liked a full length movie that was already explained in 2 minutes in the OT, and that didn't bring anything new.

It's enjoyable.

Better than 7, but still shit

>that scene with the star destroyer like pic related
>when you realize it's not a starfield, it's a space station

The scene between Forest Whittaker and the main chick was absolutely horrendous. Utterly ineccusable for a movie with that budget.

Just saw Rogue One. And just like TFA, Disney displayed cowardice, misunderstanding and pandering to the SW franchise.

Everything in the film, from audiovisual cues, to dialouge to even bizzarely putting in deceased actors as CGI is made for the strict purpose to give this Chinese fake a geniune Star Wars touch. And just like the CGI characters they insist on, it comes off as forced, cheap and cowardly.

Disney has again and again shown that they simply do not understand what made Lucas' Star Wars great. It's not the space ships. It's not the sound effects. It's not the jedi. It's an imaginative world that constantly treats to you new memorable characters, locations and scenes. It's the sense of an epic set in space, not of Marvel set in space.

Disney simply does not want to do what is neccessary. Because being imaginative also means being risky. And Disney and risky is like oil and water. They will never commit to it. They will instead rather ape Lucas than actually seek to transcend him. That's what will impress legions of idiot fanboys and normal moviegoers who pride themselves on being "nerdzz".

The scene between Vader and the commander displays this all too well. Look how hard Disney attempts to mimic Lucas' Vader. His steps. His gestures. His manners. All strictly following what Lucas has already shown us, and nothing more. That's it. They don't dare do more because they simply do not understand Vader. Eventually you could see through the cracks of the fake, the mask being cheap and the voice being off and also lines that are way out of character. (be careful not to force on your aspirations, really?). The moment they stepped out of their comfortable space, they immediately wronged. That's how sad Disney is.

>creator of Lost
>not Sup Forums

was liking in until about midway
then it got really bad

Imperfect, but one of the best star wars films. I think the "fanservice" argument is a bunch of crap. There were a few unnecessary easter eggs, but RO is literally meant to be the lead-in to A New Hope, so of course there's going to be a lot of overlapping content.

I liked it because it was different, but still similar enough to fit into the SW universe. It was more about the rebellion and the war and what regular people did to contribute. Pacing could've been better, but I don't agree with the criticism about character development. The point of the movie was to explain how the Rebels acquired the Death Star plans. The characters weren't the focus of the movie, and I think the movie did enough to explain why the main players were involved.

What? I felt the last third was the best

I hated every single character
Too much forced humor
Character just resigned themselves to death because it makes it convenient for the writers
One of the worst endings in recent memory

Its success means that they're making a Han Solo movie, which goes to show just how cancer it really is



>The point of the movie was to explain how the Rebels acquired the Death Star plans.
But that was already done. We didn't really need a generic action movie in SW clothes to get it.

>RO didn't bring anything new
Are you guys serious? Yeah the story was completely unnecessary because no one cared why the Death Star had a weakness but it DID add way more to the universe than TFA in terms of planets, technology, politics, and overall world building.

Star Wars' story has always been bland and boring, so at least RO isn't a literal remake of another movie.

>making a Han Solo movie
you mean a Han Solo solo movie?

Agreed. I'm curious to see the original scenes compared to the reshoots/edits.

With the noodle-ropin cowboy from Hail! Caesar! as Han

I found all of it utterly forgettable.

For me it went down the moment the empire destroys that sacred city. A bunch of plot threads are left hanging, world building stops, and it turns into generic action movie, and of course, the shitty CGI chars.

I found most of it forgettable, but I still enjoyed it far more than TFA.


>You can recognise which classical music they stole in the film.

I consider both TFA and R1 as high budget fan films. I reallly enjoyed R1 but hated tfa

Its absolute shit.

There is no dialogue that isnt plot related, a joke, or a big long winded speech. No one ever just talks and has a normal conversation.

Also the main characters have very little agency and the plot relies on a lot of coincidence.

Where does that weird idea come from that Star Wars movies are about world-building?

The OT didn't give a shit about presenting a detailed thought out world.
The things were there for dramatic purpose.
It didn't care where people from Tatooine got their food from, what powers space ships, how does a light sabre work, mechanics behind light sabres, alien cultures, interplanetary relations, etc..

It's the best SW movie I've seen
I've seen only the latest 2

But you remember the Jawa's/Tuskens/wampas/Tauntauns

Can you name anything like that in TFA or R1?

No because they are sterile and nothing happens that isn't related to the plot.

A refreshing new take on the Star Wars Universe.
Irrefuitable proof that not every Star Wars movie needs snarky Robots.
Aesthetically Pleasing in every scene.


Quipbot doesn't count. He's a character not part of the setting.

Jawas were cute but the other shit I only recognize because that shit has been memed so much and from KOTOR.
Don't remember what wampas are.


I unironically loved it. I still don't get the hate for it.
It's the movie equivalent of KOTOR2 (I know I'm going to get shit on for this) in the sense that it takes a different approach and tone than the main series.
Whereas in ANH the Death Star is just this cool death ray (a spectacle for the sake of spectacle because that was the tone of the movie) in R1 it really is a WMD/Doomsday device. I actually feel like it's a scary weapon instead of a cool explosion thingy.

And the final battle was the best battle in Star wars history.

I'm going to get memed to all hell for this but I honestly thing Sup Forums just loves to hate it because of general contrarianism and because of their overlapped hate for TFA/Disney, essentially the "guilty by association" issue.

>der jude
>Sup Forums
Fuck off.

Wampas are the thing that hits Luke in the face in ESB on Hoth.

KOTOR2's main selling point is interesting characters, which R1's biggest flaw.

The Yeti thing?


I'm no gook but seeing an overly racist kung fu Asian man charicature in a star wars movie felt, dare I say, forced?


What was interesting or memorable about that species?

Isn't the sole reason why people remember it because it's in a great tense scene with a character I care about?

Best SW movie since RotJ.

these never ending movie franchises are the cancer of the film industry

aesthetics were great, lots of kino scenes. costumes were good.

Vader and the other original characters we're done right, IMO trying to do something new with characters like Vader in a timeline that is previous and so close in time to the original trilogy would be a mistake. The boarding scene with Vader was sick.

Action scenes were all good, the final battle was so good with the exception of the hammerhead pushing the star destroyer.

I'm not sure how I like the "everybody can use the force" thing.

Kino-tier cinematography and shooting locations, bad everything else.

So much fucking wasted potential.




It was an otherwise average movie with characters so bland it became a really shitty movie. I didn't like TFA too much, but I have no idea how anyone can really say it was better than TFA. I truly hope it causes everyone to skip the Han Solo movie, but I don't really expect that to happen
KOTOR 2's plot was a criticism of the light side/dark side angle with strong characters. Rogue One was a "war movie" where you don't care if any of the characters die because there is nothing to any of them

It is bad in a boring way. The acting is also really bad.

Why do you type like that? Are you 16?

First half is kind of meh but the second half redeems it and gives some of the best moments in Star Wars in a whole.


What the fuck exactly does that mean, shoving OT shit down your throat?

Are you referring to the use of OT characters in a prequel story about the Death Star? As in, the people who are already associated with the item in question?

Or are you referring to the AT-ACTs which appear in the battle? Or the U-Wing fighters that appear? Or the shore troopers? The iconic pieces of OT lore?


those shots all look gorgeous but some reason watching the movie didn't feel that way. I think this is because the movie never felt more than competent. The script is nice, the visuals are nice, but what does it have beyond that? no symbolism, the only emotional conflict(jynn's search to find her dad or whatever, deigo luna's character's struggle over killing jyn's dad) is very overt and has been seen many times. there is little subtlety and depth to the movie. its very disney

>I enjoyed it. Solid 6,5/10.
geez what verb would you use for a 8 or 9/10?

you know that is very smart, and if i go see the Last Jedi, this is what im going to do, pretty much ignore the plot, and just try to appreciate and focus on the aesthetic.

mental orgasm

Love it.
I just ordered Catalyst and Rebel Rising to learn about Jyn and her family.
I have the novelization of Rogue One and plan on reading all three novels when they are mailed.
I hope to see Jyn again one day.
Well I know she's gonna be in that cartoon, Forces of Destiny?

I enjoyed it. I think the marketing sucked, Vader's appearance should have been a total surprise, like you're watching the movie and then all of a sudden the lightsaber comes on and shit gets real.

That's not really a critique of the film, I guess.

Great ending, a nice alternative to the boring Disney shit

I saw The Force Awakens and I didn't like it, so I didn't watch Rogue One and I don't plan on watching the others.

Nice blog, reddit.

the worst star wars movie by far
>exists SOLELY to quell the "why did the death star have that design flaw" meme
>every character is a meme with literally 0 legitimate or believable development, all are completely forgettable
>the first hour and a half is boring as fuck, nothing happens
>force is with me guy
>""""humor""""" is reddit tier to the max
>bumping the star destroyers into another
every single moment of this movie is unbearable

I liked it. It was far from perfect, but I generally prefer flawed-but-original movies to polished-but-unoriginal movies like TFA.

7, actually.

Not as bad as people meme here but it heavily needed more character development and better pacing. Otherwise its 7-8/10 for me.

it's a piece of shit just like tfa, Disney should really stop assraping this dead horse

oh wait i forgot that The FoRce Is fEmaLe