Series 11 to be one long story edition:
Series 11 to be one long story edition:
earlier thread
Fuck, like series 6's Impossible Astronaut or (hurgh) Trial of a Time Lord?
Hopefully more like Daleks Master Plan, with lots of twists and turns and locations?
How good is the new season ?
first 6 episodes were pretty good and non fell bellow mediocre. The resolution with the monk three parter was disappointing, as we all expected it to be. then last episode, Gatiss actually wrote a good script for once, so there's that.
""Insiders"" are saying the finale in 2 weeks is Moffatkino, but I'd wait to see imo.
Threadly reminder that Madam Orford is a prematurely balding creep that texts little girls, physically stalks Peter Capaldi along with anyone else he can on the Doctor Who production and is in general a whinging spineless manchild that should be mocked mercilessly.
Meh, only interesting was "The Monk Trilogy" and it went down good-flawed-shit slop with every episode.
Other episodes are seriously undermined by glaring flaws.
It's okay.
Do we know already who is gonna be the next Doctor? Kris Marshall?
This is what date rape looks like lads. I feel the need to bathe after witnessing such horror
At least Sun, Mirror, Radiotimes, Badwilf and couple of dwsr guys are claiming that its Chris Marshall. That's what we know.
Why the fuck did you made a thread at 100 replies?
these outlets always immediately contradict themselves and say it's Phoebe Waller bridge or something 2 days later, then again say It's Kris, the jump back to Phoebe, even after she's confirmed she won't be the Doctor. It's Ludicrous to trust these people with their """""insiders"""""
Don't bump this thread you idiot
Put sage in the options field
*Kris Marshall
I'm sorry.
Fuck off.
Read that as Chris Morris, now I'm disappointed that's not the case
What, why? there's only one thread
leave this thread NAO
>ctrl+f /who/
>1 result
that explains it
The guy who made the thread put /who/ - Doctor Who General in the name field so you couln't find it
Remember to put /who/ in the subject field next time, you muppet
kinda explains why this thread so quiet, most /who/res click on next thread and leave the window open
Fuck's sake, Chibnall, save your epic bullshit for series 12 or 13 and bring us back to basics for introducing the new Doctor.
>texts little girls
Nice revisionism.
a 17 yr old is a child to an actual adult you paedo
great argument paedos
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
>there are people still posting in this thread
what's the matter? girls your own age too much of a challenge?
Again, great argument paedo. It looks like you're incapable of defending your view. sad. pathetic. paedo
Stop encouraging teens to be slags, Westernfag.
classic. what a twist. nice strawman you've got there paedo
There are no children, you're just rotten eggs.
and you're a rotten human paedo/adam
t. Self-righteous wannabe femitard
Back to Tumblr already.
Could you two retards stop posting in a non-canon thread
Could you jump off a cliff?
t. buttmad paedo that lacks a spine or defense of his broken mind
you have to go back
paedo angry. paedo sad.
it's the best capaldi series yet, unfortunately that isn't saying much. i would say it's fairly average as far as all of nu who is concerned
Fuck you OP you should have checked properly if there wasn't another thread yet
Where exactly? We are on Sup Forums, honey.
or sweetie. you child lust isn't welcome here
I'm not involved in your autistic argument friendo
>Sup Forums or Sup Forums
Lol wut, is this because I called you out for being Tumblrina?
Its eerie how his face barely moves at all
Sup Forums is where the cunnyscum scourge is, you know, the genuine pedophiles. You should know, with your projections.
the only thing wrong is thinking a 17 yr old child is capable of informed consent the only reason you'd want one is because your underdeveloped mind couldn't handle an actual woman you find the naivete attractive. shameful
the only thing being projected is your lust of children here friendo
>17 year old """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""child"""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Maybe raise your children properly, full-time mummy. 16 has been the average age of maturation for centuries.
I'm okay with that as long as it doesn't have loose ends or bullshit resolutions like Moffat or stupid embarrassing plots like RTD.
no. not even physical maturity is gained by age 16 try again you manlet paedo
17yr olds are children
What is this, a picture for pedophilic ants?
In some U.S. states 16 is the age of consent and in Japan the age is 13.
t. University of Twitter
It's 16 in Britain too
> in Japan the age is 13.
That, however, is a meme.
Hardly. They're just too old.
>not even physical maturity is gained by age 16
I'm not saying you should be allowed to sex 16-year-olds, but this is false.
You can get the point just fine, but nice non-argument deflection.
I'm speaking of morality. what's legal in the cultural backwaters doesn't matter. and if you think you're making an argument for healthy sexuality sitting Japan you aren't doing yourself any favors
I literally can't. There's a woman who wrote some articles and also some search results lead to something and feminism is bad? Got it.
the human body continues to grow well into it's 20s. most don't even get thier final teeth until 18
>cultural backwater
Nice. And you're just as bad as him for believing the 13 Japan meme, and why so defensive. Fact is, they're higher than most European countries.
You heard it here first folks, no making babies until age 30. The Council of Rotten Eggs has spoken.
Are you saying the age of consent should be somewhere in the mid-20s?
>What is Rotherham lol?
Yeah, continue not caring about genuine issues.
you wish, at least then you could say you've actually talked to a girl
no 18 is fine kids will be kids
>I'm totally a guy
You're not fooling anyone.
Where is Rotherham in that image you fucking idiot? Don't ever reply to me again.
women aren't the only humans that think you're a piece of shit
Then why not have it be 16 or 17?
When a Gatiss episode might be the best one in a series, you fucking know Who has turned complete shit.
Numale eunuchs count too I guess.
you're right but why stop there, let's make it 12 or 13th right?
Because at some point they have to learn responsibility for themselves. 18 they're going off to college and getting jobs etc. you really aren't this dense are you?
in britain the age of consent is 16
>once you turn 18 your brain magically is able to consent
>there arent 15 year olds mature enough to consent and there arent 21 year olds to dumb too consent
You can leave school at 16 in the UK, not everywhere is America where they stay at school until 21.
Reminder that this is the canon thread
free of pedophilia debate
it still doesn't make it right for nearly a 30 yr old man to chat them up and tick thier boxes so to speak now does it.
Friendly reminder that this exists.
Pretty sure no-one is defending Adam being an ubercreep, this started because of "muh LITTLE children" autistic screeching.
I'm pretty sure that how this argument got started, with someone either defending or aligning themselves with that creep, that posts here, Adam.
t. Rotten eggs
Stop being impotent.