Feminism killed sinfest

Feminism killed sinfest.

Don't let it get you too.

But neither strip is funny

You should probably use a strip that shows that.

While true, at least one isn't preaching to you under the guise of self-righteous indignation.



Sinfest convinced me that horseshoe theory is 100% accurate.

while sadly it has shaken my faith that art is the way to overcome fuckass thinking and free everyone's mind.

The first strip is immature and a little sexist but I feel like someone pointed that out to Tatsuya once and he went overboard to try and compensate and try to be 'one of the good men'.

I mean, why not just say 'I wasn't as mature back then' and move on rather than turning your entire strip into a grovelling apology to a bunch of ideologues for the person you once were?

Now that he's changed his views so drastically, what would Sinfest even be if not what it is now? I think it's gone past the point of apology and turned into his soapbox (which really is what it always was, he just used to soap box different things).

I'm not gonna go dig through the archives to find it, but there actually is one particular strip where his self insert artist is talking to a fanboy of his early work, and he says "I was...misguided."

What happened to cause such a dramatic shift in his ideological compass, though?

We just don't know for sure. People speculate that he got a girlfriend that did it, but there is no proof of that.

Tats doesn't talk about himself much on social media like a lot of other webcomickers and has kind of a reputation for being a recluse, so the details of his life are shrouded in mystery.

>I do what I want!
>Immediately proceeds to fuck countless men

The whole point of sinfest was to be outlandish and outrageous. At least early on it was. Besides, I don't see anything sexist about a woman who likes to show off her ass to show off her ass. Anyway, time went on and Tat got a Girl and there was a long stretch of pretty funny strips where Slick was a legit ladies man to Nique and Nique had a smooth relationship with slick. Then Tat got dumped, Slick went to hell and when he came out the world had changed to Nique being a man-hating bitch, Slick became an emasculated whiner and the only worthwhile plot was Crimm and Fuchsia. I hung on for months after that but the whole patriarchy conspiracy bullshit and the tricycle feminists finally broke me. I survived the stint where he pushed Obama as the greatest thing since sliced bread and I couldn't go any further. That's saying something.

Shortly after the Slick goes to hell arc there's a strip where self insert gets drunk and starts cartooning he draws a cartoon where he got back together with his ex-girlfriend. The very next comic was a big color sunday strip where He actually drew his ex and apologized to her. There's a picture of God's finger puppet up in the sky getting drunk.

To me this was the admission that the break up had broke him. His shift to third wave feminism appears to be rooted in his feelings and desire to re-connect with his ex. By the way, you want to make Feminists mad? Make it obvious that you're just a feminist because you want to get laid.

I prefer the Sup Forums edits

I'm still convinced Ishida was fucked in the head before he got swept away by the feminism bandwagon.

And both are shameless pandering.

Yeah, but at least then he was entertaining.

One is shameless exploitation shock. The other is shameless pandering.

That's debatable.

It's not debatable now.

Monique being a lesbian now robs a lot of her credibility.

Or is that just me?

Post some

>implying those are edits
>implying Tatsuya "the rapist of Nanking" Ishida doesn't want to exterminate the jews almost as much as he wants to exterminate the Chinese

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa.

While I was gone Monique went gay?

That retroactively pissed me off. I stopped reading years ago while watching Monique being jarringly morphed into a stereotypical bull-dagger but I thought Tat would come to his senses in time to realize Monique was initially based around her ferocious heterosexual libido. I never thought he'd actually pull the trigger on marring her character all the way into a man-hating lesbian.

I remember when people thought he was joking, and that he hadn't actually gone off his rocker.

Ugh no, why would you want that?

No, y'see, every webcomic must be about lesbians. Without exception. If not you're a literal Trump-supporting neonazi.

has someone ever pointed this out to him? has he ever responded to poeple who complain or are confused by the 180° spin he did?

He's the frog who boiled in the pot. He has no idea when it happened I'm sure.

Yeah, Monique's a carpet muncher now, and "finally happy"

>art is the way to overcome fuckass thinking
learning how to draw doesn't make you any wiser than you started out

tats was a sexist retard who turned into an SJW retard because both systems did his thinking for him, this just happened to be the one that he thought would cleanse his sins

note to all aspiring webcomics creators: your talent won't save your complete lack of experience in the outside world

Blizzard had to take down an over the shoulder pose of Tracer standing because her ass just being there made people upset.

As of today you either pander to degenerates or you pander to SJWs. It's depressing.

>b.b.but both are bad so it's ok!
spot the under cover tumblrite.

>had to
they didn't "have to", since it was the complaint of literally one literallywho on their forum that made it happen, meaning it was just a marketing stunt.

>Male chauvinists are just like female chauvinists!
>This proves the Horseshoe Theory!

Horseshoe theory is not exact equivalence it's just saying the concepts are more similar than different.

Who'd she get with? Baby Blue?

And then they replaced it with a pose ripped directly from a pinup poster.

Oh Blizzard, you rambunctious scamps you.

The cringe is real, that is the joke

If the creator isn't in on the joke the creator is the joke.

Horseshoe Theory is a fucking joke, it's just the Golden Mean Fallacy

Humor me dubs.

t. triggered leftist

>take down "misoggykness" pose

>replace it with an ACTUAL pinup pose homage

Toppest of keks.

Bullshit. Horseshoe theory only discusses the ideological commonalities between radically contrary worldviews. It makes no commentary on the value of truth, which is the primary concern of Golden mean. Learn to critical thinking, noob.