Why is Putin so stressed?

Why is Putin so stressed?

Rapist Poland must not become a part of Sup Forums int's meme routine. Shit's disgusting man.

whats the source of it btw?
its dumb as fuck but i enjoy russians seeing their propagandaball destroyed.

It was made by freaking normies from russian social network, more then that, it got wrongly translated (to make it more meme-y I suppose) when it got here

He's afraid they might go crazy and mistake his plane for Polish presidential plane

It is from Krautchan int, started by a Russian poster I believe. Iirc it's been around for a few months or something

Russian missiles target arliners by mistake.

Doesn't know whether they are loyal or not. He's very vulnerable in that situation. Could easily be taken down without much resistance.

>poles actually believe that that plane got shot down


hopefully he has cancer is going to die soon

by the logic we should be all scared shitless, as the British nuclear submariners do not need an official declaration from the PM to fire their babies
Only country on Earth that's autistic enough to not have that policy.

>not having a spare manlet in charge
its like youre not even a superpower lmao

Can you post one of the classic Putinist Polandball strips with an accurate translation a sample







Russia is so big did you know they have T-I-G-E-R-S

looking back this one is probably an edit

Fuck vova poo and his vatnik supporters

I'm so sorry you have to see this

Leave us alone, you polish motherfuckers! Long live Russia! Putin is our president!

I am too

the (((illuminat))) found out his plan to destroy liberal america, sjws and save the white race so they're out to destroy him. i read that on r/the_donald

Russia please explain

Sorry for taking so long, am mobile posting
This one says
>Who will come at us with the sword...*
>Is a big fool.
Instead of that autistic
>You call Russia weak?

*: is related to this phrase from Bible, made popular in Russia by film about Alexandre Nevsky, though its a different story
>For all that take the sword, perish by the sword.

kys, you libtard scum

please russia save us from nato oppression with warsaw pact 2.0! im sure everyone is going to join it willingly just like the good old times

If a bird shits on you it's a sign of good luck (you'll get money/health) so when Poland saw that the other country got a coin he got angry with jealousy. Then when all the shit falls on Poland he is happy because he thinks he'll get money but then he realizes it was just Russia shitting on him.

I sincerely hope this is ironic bait and not the famous nord autism i heard so much about.

who else realized that tigers are actually bogs in disguise?

Sorry but no. We were "united" with you, traitors. With "friends" like you we don't need enemies.

>conveniently leaves out that russia betrayed poland many more times in it's history

You can only be so nationalistic before it turns into stupidity.

russians are the biggest dindu nofins in europe

Post rapist poland

I dont see any stress there.
Fuck you, poland

>It was made by freaking normies from russian social network,

I thought ultra-nationalism was normie in Russia

Here comes 2ch hk /po/

Putin, the god-emperor of polacs and cockholes, their purpose of existence and an issue of eternal butthurt.

>invents a new crappy polandball comic which is exclusively RUSSIA STRONK, NATO/POLAND/USA WEAK
>calls other butthurt


I find it incredibly funny that Russia is smug about having climbed a tree to shit on people from there

the funniest thing is someone came up with this idea at all and then decided to create it because in his opinion its a good way to ridicule other countries while making yours look good

god this is so pathetic

His entire air force just got BTFO.

Ok, now post edits

What happened?


Rebels blew up like 9 Russian air planes in Syria

They've been trying to keep this quiet


what is the origin of this fuggenings mene, where it is usually the Poland doing fuggins?

Usually? Nowhere, poland does fuckings only in imagination
In reality, poland is the one being fucked


Funny enough, I have the origins right here in black and white







I must be a Jew or something because I find these incredibly funny

I don't know man... it "feels" too earnest to be taken as a parody of itself.


u mad vatnik

>when youre such an obvious shill that you have to use a polak proxy to be less suspicious

ukrop pls

This is the best Russian poster.


t. gay chechen





>W T F

I unironically agree with this. Russia's hatred for groups such as the LGBTQ community isn't acceptable and the West should put pressure on Russia so that they change not only their laws regarding gay marriage but also make the people there more accepting of the LGBTQ community in general. Russia getting a female president would also be a step in the right direction and I think that for Russia it would be a good way for them to show the world that they're becoming a more liberal/left-leaning nation.

Sweden Yes!

Wtf, are you high on estrogen or something?!


This is the less cringy polandball picture in this whole thread. I want to kill myself now.





Sorry Poland and Turkey but I laugh like a retard now.



>Russia getting a female president
Only Poklonskaya and not as president but as Empress.


Listen here traitor, Croatia is Catholic, that means for us Poles are allies, Russians are enemies.

Listen here traitor, Poland is american colony and Russia is not.
Americans and their puppets are not my allies, cuck

Russian is NOT a superpower you faggot

Sto posto si Srbin, Hrvatskim interesima ne treba jaka Rusija.

so you wanna be russia's puppet? go suck my dick cuck

Ne. Rusija nam nikad nije napravila nikakvu stetu i uvijek se dosad pokazala kao pouzdan partner unatoc stanju kod nas i nasoj losoj vanjskoj politici

I never said anything about wanting to be a puppet, where did you read that, are you mentally ill? I bet you are, you self-hating faggot kys

Nije nam saveznik, pravoslavci su kao i Srbi i prirodno je da će sa njima imati bolje odnose.

Ameri su nam pomogli 90ih.

Jesi Srbin koji živi u Hr?

Boli me kurac za religiju, odrasti. Politika se religijom ne vodi.
Rusija nas je prije priznala, davala nam kredite i nudila planove za izgradnju plinovoda koje su nasi debili odbili jer zapadu nije odgovaralo, i mnogo ostalih oblika suradnje
Ameri ne pomazu nikom osim sebi, zbog njih smo također osim sankcija Rusiji uveli i sankcije Siriji zbog kojih smo izgubili veoma vazna naftna polja. "Pomogli" su nam jedino da ostanemo bez suvereniteta

Znači jesi Srbin.

Realpolitik se ne vodi religijom, slažem se. Ali da stvarno misliš da vjerske ili kulturne veze nemaju određenu težinu, naivan si.

Ameri su nam pomogli 90ih da pregazimo Srbe, tek kada se Klinton spustio u Zagreb, je počelo svjetsko podupiranje Hrvata.

wtf i understand almost all you say
slav magic