>1,284 days until Avatar 2
1,284 days until Avatar 2
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Who give a shit, the first movie was awful
>Not liking bad movies makes you reddit
Nice try James, go shill this trash somewhere else.
Dumb redditposter.
What happens to the others when the first sequel underperforms? There's no way the series can compete with the new Star Wars even though they're shit.
>has reddit opinions
>gets upset about being called reddit
>"There's no way James Cameron's new film __________ ISN'T going to be a flop!"
geeee where have i heard this before
>Is a pleb
>Gets upset when people call him a pleb for liking bad movies
Back to redit, newfag, you don't belong here.
hello plebbit
They're making a sequel to that shitty Airbender movie?
cry more
>1,284 days until the Avatar 2 release date is announced.
0/10 You're just butthurt.
Anyone else here unironically watch Avatar once a month?
I love the feeling it gives me. It's like I'm watching how blockbusters used to be. Like Indiana Jones and that stuff. There's this awesome sense of adventure to it that movies don't have anymore for some reason . .
>It's like I'm watching how blockbusters used to be. Like Indiana Jones and that stuff
It feel nothing like that, and that's why no one liked it.
kys Jim
It's shit and I'll never watch it again.
Plus the CGI is dated as fuck.
Video games looks better than it nowadays.
Keep trying
Holy shit, it is true. Telling people to go to Reddit does automatically generate (YOU's)
almost 3 billion people liked it
Pure redditry.
>Who give a shit, the first movie was awful
>when Ney'tiri finds Jake Sully's tiny broken human body, gently puts the mask on him and still holds him close
It's amazing how fast the CGI started to look like shit
Can't wait to not watch it!
How the fuck do you even make a sequel to Pocahontas? Are we just going to see the blue ayy lmaos dying to the common cold over the course of a few decades for 3 hours straight?
They sent the humans away instead of killing them all
Turns out humans know how to hold a grudge and come back with warships
The aliens have to travel to Pandora's moon to unlock the ancient super-tech their society abandoned in favour of a simple tribal existence generations ago, which Norm re-discovered and Jake has to convince the Navi to use again by augmenting Taruk with laser-cannons and jet engines.
>tfw still the best looking CGI ever made
why can't other movies do this
So we aren't even going to see the Navi buying warships and shit from the humans purely kill each other off and expand their tribal lands for more hunting grounds and nomadic areas since they have no grasp of land ownership?
I don't want to see Pocahontas 2 desu senpaitachi.
Oh that must make it good then.
>that's what butthurt hatters actually believe
Cry more.
All these newfags and reddit cancer who werent here when Avatar came out.
I miss that russian autist so much
yeah i love those ps2 graphics
He was right though. Neytiri is objectively perfect.
anyone still remember abatap? the guy that was posting how many days till blu ray blah blah release