Essential brapkinos?

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shes so beautiful omg

those eyes and that smile..cute cute!

She maybe cute but would you knowing she has apocalyptic farts?

what goes through someone's head to not only think this is funny but share it online?

what you think they smell like?

>british "people"

>Thinking this is real
>Thinking women actually fart


More braaaapkino

>a guy farts
>1 comment: "dumb faggot"

>a girl farts
>millions of views, reposted on different youtube channels each getting hundreds of thousands of views
>millions of comments, likes, shares
>invited onto national tv
>morning tv presenters call her "america's next richard pryor"
>president gives her medal of freedom
>queen of england makes her honorary knight
>new space shuttle launched and as NASA is launching it they play the sound of her farting to rapturous applause

any female that thinks this is funny needs to be executed

>fart joke
>fat kid

Nice try, amerifat

>tfw vine is dead
best place for amateur farts desu

you could've just said their accents you fucking retard.

But that wouldn't have worked as a joke, you fucking autist.

>a guy farts
>1 comment: "dumb faggot"

>a girl farts
>millions of views, reposted on different youtube channels each getting hundreds of thousands of views
>millions of comments, likes, shares
>half of the comments are "haha you should doing it again that's funny hahah, maybe facefarting one your friends hahaha you know like a prank or something haha"
>the other half is basically "hot, I want to smell your farts and lick your butthole clean after you poo"
>she deletes the video

it didn't work regardless

I've been posting here for ages now but to this day I still can't glean the meaning of this BRRRAP meme, could someone explain it to me?

We'll always have Youtube lad

good. she should be silenced with a bullet

2 girls have farted right against my skin, and a third has farted in front of me. It's real.

Haha what do you guys think it smelt like?

Does this Sup Forumseddit thread being babysat mean we can have a live sessions thread now?

she looks a bit mutty here


I love my Sup Forums bros

fuck off, i'm white

you wish

>Those comments

98% white to be exact.

This thread made me physically ill.

Literally just erotically charged fart jokes you aspie

it's amazing how being 98% white makes you still look like a shitskin

>all those degenerate fart fetishists in the comments
They should be genocided desu

The ultimate brapkino


Would you expect anything else from people autistic enough to comment on YouTube videos.

poor force, no buttock ripples, minimal gas extraction, likely no smell

its the capeshit of farts

Hi aidz :^)
remember no vpn with the google account

you don't know what I look like though

Anyone got that one of the IG model who was tricked into thinking she was talking to a Saudi Royal through DMs and was asked to send him Brap vids and she did. Someone uploaded it here once. It was a monster Brap


>getting butthurt

you do know that Sup Forums is a containment board at this point right?

asking for a friend haha


anything related to women actually having an anus is extremely disgusting to me.

this thread triggers me

>Donald Duck having a stroke

Do your parents know you're a turboplebe? It's important you tell them quickly in case there's still time for them to have a son they can love

Lets get this shit into overdrive


Why do bongs force their kids into fart videos?

why hasn't disney gotten these vids removed already? they are the youtube equivalent of shitposting.

If you don't lick your girl's anus she will never truly love you.

It's the latest psyop craze, haven't you heard? I humbly present the Braaap, the cool way to tell people you're into women farting near, on and inside of you. Made a few political comments on this site before? Well maybe you just like farts. Trying to make a productive thread? Not today champ, not with the braap posters shitting this board up all day long. Have any sort of logical retort or a genuine question about their motives? BRRAAAAPPPPPP

This has to become copypasta

wow what a story mark

The comments are non-sexual videos that clearly unintentionally trigger some sort of fetish for people are hilarious.

A tour de force.

This is my fetish along with giantesses. I only wish that a hot girl would shrink me down to a quarter of an inch and put me between her buttcheeks to blow a long fart.

That's disgusting. I don't care how cute she is, if she's farting like that her digestion is fucked up and she probably smells.

so how is your sex life?

>people let kids watch this

What can i tell you. Love is blind.

wait a minute
Sup Forums bows to superior bbc
Sup Forums "hates" blacks?

Is this Brapkino?