What the fuck did I just watch?

What the fuck did I just watch?

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great film with a lot of name dropping

idk you tell me, I still have to watch it
is it Polish Zulawski or is it French Zulawski?


oh, now I'll definitely wait to watch it after I've read the book then
French Zulawski sucks

How the hell did he find an almost exact copy of young Isabella Adjani tho

she was qt


you seen her in that short film Catarina and the Others? Shit's wild. I didn't even realize it was the same person until I checked her credits.

Sadly no, but I think she's been awarded at the portuguese awards (Globos de Ouro) and did a movie with John Malkovich. Anyway, I'd thank you if you sent me link of this short film


pretty typical "art film" but it's well shot and acted. The comments on the youtube upload of it are ridiculous.

>Some say Cosmos

it's actually Kos

Thank user, I'll watch it asap

I agree, I don't know what the fuck was it all about. I think Leo, the drunken idiot was responsible for everything.
Also I thought it was mediocre compared with one of the greatest films I've seen, POSSESSION (1981), by the same director.

>is it Polish Zulawski or is it French Zulawski?
Wait, wait. What do you mean by this?

is the film in Polish or in French

I actually meant if it feels more like a Polish (Possession, On the silver globe, Szamanka, Diabel) or French (L'amour braque, la femme poublique) era Zulawski, but yea also that

cosmos is the best film by zulawski after szamanka, third part of the night, diabel and on the silver globe

Uh French I think. But Possession was in German, if I remember well.

Possession was French/German wasn't it? Though it's definitely more akin to his Polish work.

But yeah, I knew you meant it as in the difference in vibe/style between French and Polish Zulawski, I just simplified it (and forgot about Possession not being either language)

If you mean by production it was partly German, yeah. Also took place in Berlin, I believe. Though it's in English.

I was lucky enough to see a 35mm screening of it in a repertory theater after he died. One of the wildest nights at the movies.

>mfw the only available Zulawski's films in my country are L'amour braque, Possession, On the Silver Side of the Globe, The Most Important Thing: Love and Diabel, and I've already own all of them but I'll never be able to watch his other movies.

You are correct, he wanted to make it in Poland but couldn't because I think it was the minister of culture in Poland was too crazy with censorship so he said fuck it and went to Germany.

honestly there's a power gap between Possession and everything else he made, no wonder, Possession is one of the best films ever made in history

Even though I own his movies I didn't watch them because I have such high expectations and I don't want to ruin it, even though I think he'll may be able to top it, and also I have a ton of other shit to watch, so I'll save his movies for a while.