Sup Forums status: BTFO

>Sup Forums status: BTFO

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More like
>my bf dumped me because I was a whore

Do you know what BTFO means? Because it sure as hell doesn't mean that a whore gets triggered and decides to go find a nu-male that will eat her nasty cheerios.

another future 40+ childless woman on antidepresants? hmm makes my neurons spin

pretty much this

>Tonilyn Hornung

What kind of made-up name is that?

hey Sup Forums have you ever pretended your face was a toilet and had std-riddled women shit on your tongue.

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another future old maid

That's why he paid you to leave you mean you fucking prostitute.

second post best post

>average women like this have the option to be massive sluts

Male privilege my ass

>my boyfriend didn't like whores so I went off to keep being a whore


Odds are she is just making this up.

Jesus christ. Bezos should be hanged for pushing all this bullshit.

The guy dodged the bullet.

>that image
>not mothers, too old to concieve
>it's mens fault that they're not living up to our standards
>men don't deserve women's bodies but I deserve babies from men


It means whore's child in norwegian

I'm not saying journalism is dead, I'm just saying between this, and that article about a racist spongebob gif, there's no difference between news websites and facebook anymore.


Jewish as fuck.

I bet she slipped up and bragged to him about what a slut she used to be, he got grossed out by it and stopped enjoying her company and she wrote the article to try to convince herself she did the "right" thing.

In her mind she is really thinking "Stupid, stupid, stupid! How the fuck could I have let tales of my sex life slip out!?"

I bet she lies from now on about how many sex partners she's had in her life.

>Washington Post is transitioning into Huffington Post

What a time to be alive

>still falling for th eternal female


>not staying pure for your first bf aka your future husband

baka desu senpai

This pic was the first thing to make me happy today, thank you user. Take this as thanks.

Sounds like she fell for the casual sex meme and forgot that you have to be hot for guys to not care about it.

>roastie thinks being a cumdumpster is "intimidating"
>all this will crash on her when she hits the wall
>she'll end up literally a cat lady
Jesus , Mary and Joseph

This is probably what happened

>buying the milk when the cow got milked for free

good for him desu

They are close to the top of the degeneracy/corruption list.

>“How many people have you slept with?” he asked again.

>I wanted to lie, but I’m a horrible liar. Even when I consider fibbing, my face gives it away. I also knew the answer to that question was none of his business, no matter my number. What does it matter how many people I’ve slept with?

We're long past saving.

There are plenty of guys who will fuck anything that moves as there are plenty of women who whore themselves out at the club every weekend because they measure their self worth in the amount of guys who want to fuck them instead of real accomplishments.

With that kind of logic women are responsible for creating rapists.

Honestly, as long as she has no STDs I'm completely fine with her number. I have a big dick and can fuck her better than all those other guys before her.
Being her best out of 5 is OK. Being her best out of 20 feels good. Being her best out of 50 feels great.

The only people concerned with the number are limp dick beta losers who are afraid that they're small dick won't please them and they'll be the worst experience for her. That's why they try to stick to virgins

>inb4 some virgin robot tries to pull up statistics about how sexual partners correlates to STDs and to divorce rates.
Who gives a shit? I'm just trying to fuck

what the fuck


t. Jamal

There's literally 3.5 billion women on this earth, and chances are that a fair amount of them are far better than the writer of that post, so if the guy actually wants to be with someone who hasn't fucked 500 guys, it's his choice, and he'll probably find it if he keeps looking.

don't be "intimidated", just don't marry the bitch

>who gives a fuck I'm just trying to fuck

not disgusted? :^)


>Who gives a shit? I'm just trying to fuck


Except only STD I care about is HIV - everything else is irrelevant

just read the article. she never says how many she's been with. she calls it "not that high"

kek, fucking slut

Yeah it's telling that she won't even admit it. It's almost as if she's ashamed, what a surprise.

I'm guessing it's around 8 or 10. Average looking girls are always the sluttiest.

That guy dodged a bullet there.

Man, Lis Mcdonald aged like cottage cheese.

>only 8 to 10

>Who gives a fuck? I'm just trying to shit


Now she has even more boyfriends.

There is a joke in here involving her being an Asian and her argument being a "slippery slope" but I am too tired to figure it out....

I hope he sent her a post-breakup card thanking her for not giving him HIV.

8 or 10 is slutty?
Just about every girl I know is between 6 or 10.
I know girls with 50+ who are still clean.


Because it's not like women are overemotional and lie and start shit for no reason...

yeah, like if it isn't a big deal then why isn't she saying the number? she cared enough to write an article about it and is mad her qtbf that told her that he loved her and wanted to spend his life with her (6 months in? L M A O )

I've only been with 6 girls and I don't really think that's high at all. I have a few friends that have fucked 40+. you're underestimating how pig disgusting women are. this bitch is in the 20s, I guarantee you


nah. she likely dumped him because he was a wet blanket.

there are very few traditional females left that are worth marriage. to find them you need to go into a religious community. the problem is that you then need to often buy into the religious bullshit.

the age of traditional role playing is over.

accept it.

make money, find wisdom, fuck pussy.

And then my mom wonders why I don't get myself a wife

Because it's none of your business

She's actually over 30 and married, dipshit

>I know girls with 50+ who are still clean.
>girls with 50+

I thought she was okay, then I clicked the thumbnail.

She was lucky to have been in a relationship, I wouldn't even buy her a beer.

Dude, it's very unlikely to get HIV from sticking your dick in a girl with it. Do some fucking research.

>Because it's none of your business

It was the boyfriend's business, that's for sure.

If my GF has fucked 500 guys, I'd like to know, because I'd like to keep an hourglass next to me, counting down to when she cheats or moves on to the next guy.

Men just need to get back in control of their women. In the past, we never denied they were this way. That's why we slapped the shit out of them to remind the ungrateful brats who really supports the household. Your wife refuses sex? Fucking rape her. Quickest and best way to establish dominance and respect. Seriously.

>Virgin detected

le tip

it was probably a made up story. some feminist whos mad that she was a whore and every one knows it because she was one some girls gone wild commercial and nobody on tinder will put their dick in her

she should go back to making fake polls showing support for hillary to bolster the aggregated polling

Who gives a fuck im just trying to shit.

Jesus dude, your board is over here:

>Think 50+ isn't a lot

That's why we are going to see an epidemic of single women past their 30s. It will be like listening to the whining of a fucking thousand starving filthy alley cats. The future just keeps looking fucking more annoying.


I see it much the same, I only have problems that cheated or ever did anything sexual for money, e.g. porn or prostitution, and from personal experience women who fuck around a lot are more prone to have done one of these two things, both which are reasons for me to immediately cease any relationship.

That is fucking sad ;____;

freedom means its my business

women have no concept of freedom

*re-opens 50 shades of gray*

>was a whore

once a whore always a whore

Heh, raping your girl, nothing personal, but that's not enough. If you don't torture her during your rape you might as well just buy her roses.

I never said it wasn't a lot. I said as long as there are no STDs, it doesn't matter. If you're good at sex, I guarantee you she won't be thinking about any of those 50+ guys. If you're the one thinking about them, well then that's your problem. You're just insecure because you suck at sex

you are just a cuck

just a fucking stupid book

go read 'story of an eye'

>yfw when I'm married
Being married for me has opened my eyes a lot. Perhaps society should reconsider what it means to be a good husband. Husbands must also be disciplinarians, to their wives and children. She will love and respect you more for it too.

how many previous sexual partners is too many for a girl?
> inb4 1
Give me an actual number

The amount of people someone sleeps with is a matter of character. If a woman sleeps with that many people it shows that she's damaged in some way. The only people I've known who have whored that badly are people who have been raped as children.

millenials have completely thrown out any concept of mental health so they can lie to themselves

i call it the freedom to be mediocre, stupid, below, uneducated


tfw your sisters are basically thots, with sleeve tattoos, don't know how to cook or clean, hook up with different dude bros they meet at bars or clubs or tinder , etc...

tfw you explain to them that no respectable guy is going to want to date them but they just think you're attacking them or judging

you get what you (DONT) pay for. also, why should journalism be alive when there is an oligopol of MSM?

>If I don't fuck anyone, I'll never be a cuck!
I don't think you understand what a cuck is, and it's affecting your social life

your tongue should be cut from your mouth for calling that hedonic civilization-ending philosophy "wisdom".


There's a difference between establishing dominance and abuse. The line can be difficult to distinguish sometimes, and every woman is a little different in what they require.

>It's a /pol9k/ pretends to be good with women episode

Depending on age. At 20 2 or 3. But no matter the age, if it's 2 digits, it's a whore.


>being perfectly fine with a woman willing to bounce around random men for no reason whatsoever

the more sexual partners a person has the more likely this person is to be a mental wreck

it sucks that youre projecting this much