If they are so desperate to adapt anime to hollywood, why not adapt something that will trasnlate well to the big screen?
If they are so desperate to adapt anime to hollywood...
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men don't want to watch women and women don't want to watch attractive women
Same reason the late 90's-mid 2000's saw a huge spike in video game adaptations: they see some niche-hobby become popular & scramble to flood the market before the bubble pops.
Coincidentally, both only have a limited few that actually ended up decent
>VG > Film
>Mortal Kombat
>(some argue) Silent Hill
>Anime > Film
>women knowing how to use guns
Like this you mean?
Plus it has massive normie appeal in the US already
>Ywn see Samurai Pizza Cats on the big screen
this would translate terribly
>If they are so desperate to adapt anime
They're not
It's used as a way to launder money and the only ones who want these adaptations are you Sup Forumsedditors
how in the fuck do you think this would translate well?
life is suffering
I would actually go and see this tbqh.
The manga is legitimately good as well, Sup Forums, not some moe-shit. The chicks do standard action-movie stuff and are tech-savvy, though of course this savviness is just the self-insert weapons knowledge of the author. An extended story arc has them taking on a really sadistic mafia bitch (it's fiction, a woman can be a mob boss) who covets the lead as a lesbian sex slave. Russ Meyer-tier.
Because it's about a literal pedophile. And because the charm in that show is the fact that it's animated, not live action.
>Anime can't be ki-
Kinda creepy desu
Would the Big Cheese still be a crossdressing queer?
Would watch if they keep in the part where MiniMay sucks a dick
They should have done that Cowboy Bebop with Keanu years ago when the rumors appeared. Now it's kinda too late.
Just saw this. Eco warrior anime.Surprised it hasn't already been adapted.
spike kinda needs to be over-the-hill. And the main problem is, now and forever, casting a decent ed.
imagine an american adaptation of Youjo Senki
People who watch that sort of thing have no sense of reality
Wonder if the original Gundam would work, supposing of course they kept the brutality, vicious fire and dogfights, and the "two sides to war/war is bad" message, as opposed to just focusing on mecha porn (which is probably what they would do.)
Though most of the follow up series seemed to go off the rails, I thought the one-year war trilogy was a perfect sci-fi war story.
You do know that Rally is a lesbian...right?
She's cute so it's fine.
I think this would be shit as a movie (and was, but Japs have trouble with kino.) Maybe an ok mini-series, but even then there's far better shit to adapt.
If anything I'd like a big budget 1st person horror-action game were you are a no-name soldier going on increasingly difficult missions running concurrently with the events of the manga, with each mission taking place in a relative sandbox area with AI teamates.
Only brief interactions with named characters until relatively late, when the survey corps is decimated to such a degree that avoiding interactions with Levi and co are impossible
Preferably with a Nightmare mode that makes each individual titan as difficult as portrayed in the show.
>Not wanting to see hot chicks in muscle cars with guns and explosions
You gay?
Or explain that her pimp fed her drugs so she would stay in eternal loli mode.
>Chinese herbs
eh, same thing
>the main problem is, now and forever, casting a decent ed.
Easier than ever. Cast some boyish looking cunny like the stranger things kid, but keep the character male. Now you get to be progressive for breaking gender roles when really you're just doing some good casting.
Anime should never be adapted by the west.
It makes the weebs excited because their fucking cartoon got noticed by hollywood then they're butthurt when the adaption makes tons of changes to appeal to a western audience
The source material itself usually rarely works in live action because of a need for excessive special affects and because nips use excessive dialogue with minimal character movement with short bursts of absurd action
Most of the actors attached to the project are fucking terrible and wouldn't properly portray the character, even if they were more down to earth which is rare in anime
>tfw they wouldn't get the A•E•S•T•H•E•T•I•C right
I liked that stuff too, then I grew up
>special affects
God that show is such dog shit in so many ways. You are also a massive moron for thinking that.
>then I grew up
I don't believe you.
He's on Sup Forums in an anime thread. Of course he hasn't grown up.
Things you like when you were younger will have less appeal as you age, fact of life. Unless your emotional maturity is stunted.
do they really wear jackets with their pictures on the back of it? seems kinda goofy
>Gunsmith Cats will never be a full extended TV series with that fantastic opening song
If they ever wanted to make an all female cop show, this is still the ideal property to bank on without inserting politics into anything.
the old 90's one was a 6/10, a new movie could be of epic proportions, besides it could bring back the manly animes of old
the anime was shit and the nip flick that followed was even worse
Man fuck you shut the fuck up or theyll pick up on this & fuck it up moron. Theyd make bean bandit danny trejo or a random nigger
literally the only good western anime adapation
>without inserting politics into anything
You know they would insert them anyway because it's the "current year" and our entertainment has to "mean something".
that song doesn't fit that intro animation at all. Even for jazz it sounds tired and neutered.
I believe that someday they will understand how shit doing that is. I have to.
Because you can't sell Happy Meals with Minnie Mae's backstory and SUMMER BLOCKBUSTERS are all about ancillary merchandising.
because while every guy wants to see a loli blowing things up, the jews and all those "mom" organizations do not.
I put on a bad copy of Ghost In The Shell last night, turned it off a Beat Takeshi wasn't subbed.
First ten minutes was dire though. Had lost all it's charm by way of over explaining everything right off the bat.
The only way this junk could be even worse is to force real people to act it out on camera
Wouldn't it be nice if they got actual fans of the shit they're adapting who actually appreciate the source material instead of grabbing the first chucklefuck they can find?
Adapt F91. Work with tomino to add the cut stuff to fix the pacing issues and tighten it up.
Well Aronofsky's Perfect Blue adaptation was pretty successful.
It fits just fine. The OVA is very much in the vibe of '70s cop drama shows so having a '70s jazzy soundtrack fits way better. It's also blatantly obvious that was a pretty big influence on Cowboy Bebop's own OP.
Holy shit it fits perfectly
Not really
Slavish devotion to detail is not what keeps anime adaptations from being good, it's the lack of an original vision and direction. You don't want a fanboy in charge of anything, because they likely have problems with attaining the perspective to understand why something might need to be changed in order to make for a smooth transition into a different story telling format.
>add the cut stuff
It'd still be sloppy and borderline incoherent because it was supposed to be a TV show. The only Gundam that'd probably work in any sort of an adaptation are 08th MS Team (overrated as I think it is), 0083 (shit as it is) and 0080 since all three are fairly grounded without all the Newtype stuff and are short enough works to be compressed without cutting out anything essential, especially 0080.
Will it be good?
No. Sucks because I like Yost's comics but his TV/movie work is shit.