"Sometimes you sound like a redneck trucker up in here."

What did he mean by this Sup Forums?


he was just making up stuff to say on the spot
he didn't know what the fuck he was doing

If "redneck" is fine, then "nigger" is fine too...

That's honestly the most insulting thing you could say to Bill, you can tell he was scared by the fact he barely fought back here.

nah not really

has bill ever been funny or intelligent on camera? in his entire career? no?

Hey everybody! Bill Maher is giving out the solution to all of life's problems! And hes doing it FOR FREE!

t. jew

the time he said that the 9/11 hijackers were brave was pretty based

I don't support the 9/11 hijackers but you have to admit that commandeering a plane and facing certain painful death is brave

what are you gonna do about it, nigger

Yes, really.

There are no "special" words.

Redneck, nigger, kike, dago, wop, chink, gook, spic, wetback, hipster, yuppie, kraut, pollock, limey, mick, jock, spearchucker, they're all the same.

Niggers, and SJW's, just need to grow the fuck up and quit being so childish about name calling.

Were rednecks at one point enslaved and murdered just because of their skin color? Did they have to endure the worst humane conditions and bear being called the n-word to remind them they were "less than"?


Then shut the fuck up, you inbred fuck.

>it's our word

So you speak for all niggers?

Dumb ass nigga.

However I'm glad niggas up in arms about words and discussing it rather than chimping out. It's an evolution of the negroid and soon they will be normal like whites and some gooks.

Well that toes a line of what is crazy and what is brave. Crazy people can take all sorts of pain but thats just because they are crazy. But you can also do the same if you are brave and have a good reason.

So we can't say "mick" then? Because the irish were tortured as slaves etc

>Were rednecks at one point enslaved and murdered just because of their skin color?
Depends what their heritage is.

You ever hear about a group called the ROMANS you dumb fuck? You know who they enslaved? WHITES.

Crybaby niggers and their apologists should be culled.

I agree but the 9/11 guys were at a strip club and getting drunk the night before. They weren't braindead zealots, they knew what they were doing.

What did this black bitch mean by anything she brought up.

Credit to Cube, he was cool about his feelings and didn't shout over Bill. He explained his issues logically, and accepted Bill's apology. Then he got up on his soapbox, said his piece, and got back down. All of it was nice and concise and clear.

Fuckin simple.

t uncle tom

Too long ago. There are still lots of people in the South that remember being called sub-human niggers and seen as way inferior to whites.
If it happened a few thousand years ago like with the Roman empire I doubt anyone would care.

i'm white, icelandic

>b-but it's not fair when YOU do it, white people!

FUCK all those hypocritical NIGGERS.

Either it's ALL bad, or it's ALL in play. I could care less either way.

yeah but he just said it to be edgy.

Can you? No you can't you stupid fuck. I dare you to go over to a group of irishmen and call them micks to their faces.

>Too long ago


It's just not convenient for the nigger narrative.

Blacks were not "enslaved" by white people. White people just bought black slaves from the slave trade that was already being conducted there by Africans and Arabs.

The average black person is worse than the average redneck, so he' really insulting his own people.

i say it all the time at work. mick, paddy, potatonigger etc

i'm scottish though, we don't have this kind of shit

Look up the lyrics to 'Cave BItch' by Ice Cube. The fact the he was somehow allowed to live in a white man's country after that and make millions of dollars is a testament to how soft whitey is.

friendly reminder that 10 out of 13 transpeople attacked are black ones attacked by other black people per the news yesterday

black people are way more racist then white people

>i'm scottish though
you're less of a human than the irish so who gives a shit what you say and who you say it to, you prat

>Too long ago.

So the niggers can conveniently forget about all the whites that fought and died to free their lazy black asses in the civil war, but they can sure as fuck remember slavery. They can forget about all the white politicians and citizens that championed the "civil rights" laws of the 50's and 60's, but they can sure as fuck remember "marching" for them. They can forget about the fact that it was AFRICANS that "stole" them from their villages and tribes and sold their worthless asses to Europeans, but they remain the white slave masters.

This is why I have zero sympathy for them. They are hypocritical pieces of shit that have zero desire to integrate into OUR society, and should have been deported wholesale after the civil war.

Fuck them.

you're not even trying tbqh

Because they don't attack white trans?

truth hurts don't it you sod

I thought he was funny when he said the house nigga thing.

I mostly just feel bad for truckers at this point
Most would probably laugh about it

I've totally lost sympathy with the whole black american we were slaves bullshit.

if we didn't buy your ancestors you would still be slaves. But you'd be AFRICAN slaves. in the AFRICAN slave trade. Where do we even begin with this shit?

You think getting WHIPPED is bad? Imagine the shit ubungu and his machete and his psycho crew would have done. And BEST CASE if your ancestors escaped slavery you'd still be in some third world shithole

WORST case you'd still be a slave today because THEY'RE STILL FUCKING DOING IT. I mean yeah it's fucked up to think about it but when you do? Being enslaved by whitey and then freed gave their kids a better life than they would have had otherwise

God damn you're reddit

Someones gotta confirm this for me because I swear in school they taught us white people just abducted all these black people. Like they'd invade a little colony and use nets and shit to capture them

>if we didn't buy your ancestors you would still be slaves

We who?

Now, I get Ice cubes point. "Nigger", coming from a white dude with even the best intentions sounds wrong because it's making light of a usage of that word that was really ugly, just to have it lend more weight to your words. It coming from other races that are not white or black is cringey too. But what I don't agree with is that when it's used by a black person it's alright. In some cases it is and since they've probably been called a nigger some time in their life, intentions alone are enough to separate the acceptable usage from the unacceptable. But you can't make that longwinded speech about it being their word and not bring up the fact that black people do use it in a very demeaning sense too, especially with the word "house nigger", no one black or white should be allowed (before you go all 1st amendment on me by allowed I simply mean what's acceptable to society) to use that word. It's a phrase used by black people to put down other black people by evoking the master-slave relationship in a way that's meant to take agency away from them.

If Ice Cube, or anyone speaking up about this, made this point I would consider their point an ideological one and a correct one at that. As it stands the point is completely based on identity politics and not ideology.

Calling Bill a redneck trucker is probably the best insult against him, you can tell that hurt coming from a black man


>tfw Bill Maher is destroyed by the political correctness he's been criticizing his entire career and he does it by cowing to it

bunch of niggers in this thread. stfu over normie tv problems.

This wasn't too long ago.

>It's a phrase used by black people to put down other black people by evoking the master-slave relationship in a way that's meant to take agency away from them.

What the fuck is this shit? my nigga is a term of endearment. it's just black "dude"

Ice Cube is fucking hypocrite. He's insulted Koreans, Jews, and gay people (I think he called Easy E a faggot in one of his songs) and now he's the PC police. He went from "fuck to police" to PC police. Fuck this nigger (inb4, "herr derr you can't say that it's OUR WORD")

But fuck Maher even more. This douchebag has spent his entire career ripping liberals for apologizing for saying something unPC, and as soon as he says something unPC, HE apologizes. I have zero respect for him now and will never watch his show again.


I'm talking about house-nigger not nigger. That's why I said phrase not word.

jesus christ user

>Spend 30 years on the air preaching liberal bullshit and defending black people
>Have black people on your show to defend you
>They call you a redneck racist

Funny shit

>tfw some cool black dude refers to you as "nigga"

What country do you think you're living in?

look at this special needs child and his petty attempts at an insult.

That user is right and wrong. Black people in Africa were originally captured and sold into slavery by black tribal leaders/kings. White people then bought the black slaves and used them in chattel slavery, which was a new unique form of slavery and a white invention.

Google you fucking inbred mongoloid darkie

Why are you trying to justify slavery? Shouldn't Europeans be held to a higher standard than the subhumans you hate? You live in a country that enslaved a race for a hundred years, and still systematically oppressed them through jim crow and redlining up until 50 years ago. You're pretty sick user if you think nobody did anything wrong

only rich democrats owned slaves

bullshit. my teacher kind of tried to skimp over that fact, but that would be outright lies. there was very little enslavement whites did because there was little need for it. Warring african tribes gladly sold each other for pennies.

>and as soon as he says something unPC, HE apologizes
He's said tonnes of unPC things and never apologized. He's even used the word "nigger" before while referring to Niggerhead ranch. He did this time due to one of three reasons. He really did feel bad about saying it and didn't really think about it when he did. Or HBO told him he either apologizes or loses his show. Or imo the actual reason, he has a lot of black friends and fans and didn't want to lose them over this.


Imagine believing this and then thinking your inability to get a girlfriend or political representation are part of a Jewish conspiracy to keep you down. Don't you understand that you're a lunatic who's views were rejected by mainstream society long ago?

Nigger is racist. Nigga ain't.

In my opinion Bill Maher says more offensive things than "Senator, I'm a house nigger" week-to-week, but it seems like prominent social media figures like Deray McKesson and Chance the Rapper latched onto that one clip, made it highly public, and thus forced Bill to apologize repeatedly on last week's show. I say this as someone who watches the Bill Maher show every week and has done so for approximately 6 years. Bill Maher is a bit of an asshole, but his show is the best political comedy programme and he gets legitimately great guests to appear on the program so I will not stop watching his show any time soon.

The context of saying the phrase "house nigger" was that, for some weird reason, the Senator whom Maher was interviewing said that Bill is "welcome to come work in the fields with us." It was a strange phrase that was frankly said with a very condescending tone; I'm not sure why Senator Sasse said it, but it seemed to imply that he thought Bill was an "out-of-touch costal elite" who is only welcome in Nebraska to "work in the fields." I kind of understand why Bill said the remark because I think he was trying to comment on the fact that Sasse seemed like a fucking asshole, kind of like a slaveowner. Not saying that Maher's comment was justified but that's where I think it was coming from.

He was defending you by suggesting "liberal educators" purposefully teach incorrect history, basically a pol false flag because that's what you guys do

>Blacks were not "enslaved" by white people. White people just bought black slaves from the slave trade that was already being conducted there by Africans and Arabs.
>Drug lords are not "supported" by white people. White people just bought drugs from the drug trade that was already being conducted there by hispanics and chinese.

White people justifying their evil smdh.

Bill's back was sweating.

That's realy offensive thing for ice cube to say. Tha'ts honestly more offensive than maher saying nigger. He didn't say it about anyone. Cube is denoting a certain type of voice to certain types of people. Like the redneck trucker life style needs to dumped on. I hope ice cube apologizes.

>There are no "special" words.

Indeed, and no ethnic group has exclusive "right" to any word.

He has good writers.

>He's said tonnes of unPC things and never apologized
Those things obviously had zero backlash. He bent over and took it in the ass like a bitch. When Hilary Duff wore a Native American halloween costume, there was outrage and Hilary apologized. And then Maher called her and liberals out on their bullshit. But now he's doing the same thing.

>He's even used the word "nigger" before while referring to Niggerhead ranch.
Not really the same thing. That was an OBVIOUS joke, and was over the top. In this case he flat out said "nigger".

>He really did feel bad about saying it and didn't really think about it when he did.
Bullshit. He literally said "it's a joke" 2 seconds after saying it.

>Or HBO told him he either apologizes or loses his show.
Then he has no balls.

>Or imo the actual reason, he has a lot of black friends and fans and didn't want to lose them over this.
Again, no balls.

How long before white people can't say "boy"?

Or is it ok as long as it's not pronounced "bwoy".

He won't have to because no "redneck truckers" watch the Bill Maher show or listen to Ice Cube.

Bill Maher, on the other hand, was forced to apologize because Deray McKesson tunes into the program

But niggers are always going to be seen as inferior because they are. Everybody knows it, including themselves, yet people pretend like it's not the case.

>Romans enslaving white people: too long ago
>Irish people not even considered white and persecuted because of their race less than a century ago
>the Umayyad caliphate enslaved Spaniards and Latin people for hundreds of years (far longer than enslavement in the US lasted) when they occupied Iberia
>innumerable other examples of slavery of white or white passing or simply not black races being enslaved without such a huge gap in time, logically nullifying your point >American enslavement of Africans also being centuries ago but is somehow still relevant despite not having any tangible effect upon the lives of black people today other than something to further self victimize themselves for their own gain only because the kikes have conditioned them into this behavior


>being this way on Sup Forums
p gay t b h

Africa is lucky europe didn't hard core seige it and put it through endless wars and genocide.

ice cube is og, of course he's gonna have a problem with white people

whites weren't even the biggest supporters. The americas accounted for less than 4% of the slave trade. south american countries individually enslaved far more black people, yet they ironically get away with saying nigga a lot more.

You're behind the times. An Indian got into an argument with Talib Kweli on twitter where Talib condescendingly called him "son", the guy replied and called him "boy" at which point everyone called him a hateful racist. For context this was a young rapper calling a 65 year old man "son".

This happened to a so called PoC.


>chattel slavery, which was a new unique form of slavery and a white invention.

But I have a girlfriend and Trump is president so what the fuck. You saying I'm wrong?

>There are still lots of people in the South that remember being called sub-human niggers and seen as way inferior to whites.

There are still lots of people in Europe who remember being call untermensch and watching their families get machined-gunned down.

I don't know that I'd call Talib young, but yeah I guess I am behind the times.

>You're pretty sick user if you think nobody did anything wrong

They did NOTHING wrong. Blacks are savages that should have been returned to Africa to live and evolve among their own.

They have been nothing but a scourge and money sink ever since the end of slavery.

Depopulating an entire continent would probably be seen as more trouble than it's worth even if you don't give a shit about killing the natives. It mostly only worked in the Americas because disease did most of the work



far fewer still alive than victims of racism in the south, though, the 20 or so year difference is a whole generation

Butthurt nigger trying to ignore historical fact.

god damn why do sjw's never realize how stupidly condescending they come across and that's why no one listens to them

also why are those pieces of shit all over Sup Forums these days

>a scourge and money sink

You don't seem to be that different

This is true.

I've heard in the past a lot of slaves went to the middle east. Did those just travel over land or was that just bullshit?

>because they are inferior

Except at sports. Negros are very fast and have great basketball skills.