Can someone explain the recent dindu nuffin?
Can someone explain the recent dindu nuffin?
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I don't know either but I'm going to guess: didn't comply and was put down
Black Woman has outstanding warrants for her arrest since she skipped her court dates. Sherif goes to her house to deliver summons.
She answers the door with a loaded shotgun.
Standoff with police, swat called in, she uses her child as a shield while shooting at police, gets shot, dies.
Bonus points: videos herself loading the shotgun, telling her baby that the police are here to kill him and that they need to kill all whites.
sauce me senpai
She pulled a shotgun on police and used her son as a human shield
Anyone have the link to the video with audio?
Video of her loading her shotgun right before her ALAHU ACKBAR blaze of glory.
really makes me think
>MFW black lives matter will demand justice for her
How can people like that even function in daily life?
Fucking Maryland. Get a R2Dindu, already.
It's 2016.
is she black or southeast asian?
i bet this is close to the truth. all her social medias were deleted; she was probably a racist cop basher
>making her kid record her loading up
>brainwashing her kid to think the cops were going to kill them no matter what
Shame he lived, that kid is fucked for life as he'll never be told how much his mother set him up to fail.
Full thread here:
They already are.
>She lived
What?! Oh god, it's even more hilarious.
I have two questions about this video
1) Is her loading the shotgun just a instagram video she posted two weeks ago? I saw a similar one where she thought she was Nigress Max Payne
2) What's with all the different camera angles?
3) Why is that cop retarded and standing in the doorway not aiming his gun at her?
Might want to re read that post. HE lived with injuries. She dead as a dindu doorknob.
this is priceless, blm is making mentally ill black people think they are some kind of king/queen demigod african malcolmx beat poet.
video related
The shotgun loading was on 7/19 as stated in the picture in my other post.
Nigs gunna nog.
BLM will never realize that THEY are the ones who killed this woman. This woman ate up the KANGZ N QUEENS narrative with a big grin on her face and accepted it to the point where she believed pointing a shotgun at a police officer was a viable alternative to getting insurance for her car.
15 minutes REALLY COULD have saved her 15% OR MORE
what the hell is wrong with that kids face? That fucking head is massive. I bet I could headshot him blindfolded in a dark night and I've never even fucking fired a gun before.
>See this fucking disturbing bullshit
>"God damn maybe people will finally wake up"
>every major media is reporting it as white privilege gone wrong
I lose more faith in humanity everyday
well i guess now the niglet will have to go live with its fath... oh wait
>operation get behind the darkies
She got dat melinated mind doe nigguh.
verison of this with sound?
Race war now?
Read thread.
That's what race mixing does.
she had unpaid parking tickets?
Just more dinduing and virtue signaling.
Nevermind you meant webm.
BLM and white guilt liberals are already all over twitter saying how it was just traffic violations so the cops should of left that way no one died.
Pretty much summed it up.
Sheboons have no shame.
What's worse is that her social media friends were egging her on during the confrontation.
I can't wait to hear crackpipesmatter justify that
Could've saved her a lot more. Much, much more. Us, nothinng. In fact, her not getting insurance just brings us a bit closer to putting down BLM.
full traffic stop
this bitch was full blown AM I BEING DETAINED sovereign citizen
The one on the right looks like she'd suck good
Nice lips and nice eyes
I'd bleach her face desu
And resisting arrest/assault. Did what niggers do and but show up to court and hit a bench warrant. Blm niggers are turning the traffic tickets into the Skittles bullshit ignoring that she points guns at cops.
>How can people like that even function in daily life?
They don't. Isn't welfare wonderful?
did they create a black Batman?
That's why there is videos of then chanting to kill cops and fry them like bacon etc.
Obviously if Trump had ejected that baby through a hail of police gunfire, he'd be lauded for his actions.
Kek. What a dumb bitch. It's a miracle she didn't get shot right there.
she used her little niglet as a human sheiff while she took pop shots at the cops
Does she want us to believe that BoB is hers?
Does KFC make MREs now?
She a real 100 detective with da hood intellect.
no shit, they're morons
thank god they're only 13% of the population because they'd be legitimately dangerous in larger numbers
>but she dead cuz dem ebil white cops mad bout dat traffic ticket
no you dumb coon, 3 months ago it would have been a ticket but since she fucked that up and didn't handle her shit it became a warrant which is why the cops where there
Jesus Christ
the fuck is she saying, I don't speak wewuzkings
she dindu nuffin she don't participate in any of you guys is side laws and things like that
>she tells her 5 year old son to fight the police at 7:18
i'm livid
>Islam necklace
Hoo boy
My black friend actually sent that one to me. Said he was going to go get a vasectomy so he doesn't bring any nigs into the world.
Poor guy. He's a genuinely good man, and smart, too. But even the smartest of them still give birth to niggers.
Be aware that's another nig """""""family""""""".
IS this comic inferring that blacks were originally Native Americans?
Why is it "sovereign citizens" always turn out to be habitual lawbreakers?
You never hear about a sovereign citizen who acts like a decent human being.
All I could decipher is her thanking her imaginary friend for teaching her how to use guns, that she legally purchased a gun and that she was ready to fight the police
she's NOI, they believe blacks are native americans
Could finish this.
Does pic related rim ass?
Yep, you are well versed.
Niggers love pistol grip shotguns. Everytime at the range...
As usual, probably another negress shielding herself with her children or placing her children between herself and a violent threat.
Is there a vid of her getting shot?
Can't stand that shit. They ignore everything that happened and only remember the initial reason for the stop. A nig could get stopped for speeding then pull a gun and they'll say he was killed because of speeding.
and people are defending this lady, she's crazy as hell
She's loading her shotgun for the walk to church.
Dindu. Nuffin.
It's the same shit Middle Easterners do. You don't see Asians, Natives, or Whites doing that shit.
Why do these people believe they dont have to follow the law? They only make themselves less believable
Why the FUCK aren't they using the letter 'a'
Shit is giving me a conniption trying to read.
Black chicks are hardcore as fuck.
Of course nigs miss the points that this shows she complied with the court system. If she did, no warrant would've been needed.
but he a good boy, he just drivin to da store n shit and dem rassis cops shot him dead
That cant be real.
>repeatedly tells the cops they're going to have to kill her around between minute 9 and 14
Even worse, watch this. They don't care about reality, just their niggality.
>all those random periods
>can't take the time for a couple As
You think they edited that mess? No, they just posted it on Facebook.
>What's worse is that her social media friends were egging her on during the confrontation.
isn't this kinda super illegal
What does cells mean?
And he is 5 years old. Getting too big to pick up and hold in front of you. Literally maliciously used him as a human shield. 5 years old can walk, run, etc. Dont need to be held
>kid starts crying like crazy at 15:30 because she told the kid the cops were gonna kill her
>cuz dem lawz b raycis n shitz nukka. we be we slaves nigga yeeeeeard meeee
That's why.
No, I mean a dude not wanting kids because they would be "niglets".
That is some A grade Redpill with a dose of self hate on it.