Ok, I get it that they are behind everything since Napoleon but my question to u is.... What's the point? What are they gonna do if they get total control? They are just men, mortal, frail human beings. Explain to me the reasoning behind their agenda.
Redpill on the Rotschilds
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I did some research on that. Currently there are circa 500 descentands of the original Rotschilds. They control around 50 bilion of dollars in wealth. Think for yourself.
What is the point? What's their goal? What are they gonna do when they get total control? They are gonna die just like everyone else, I just don't see the logic behind their thinking
Georgia Guidestones en.wikipedia.org
This is the goal.
The global elite believe in the occult. Whether it may or may not be true it doesn't matter; THEY believe it, you don't have to.
Their knowledge and understanding of it are likely kept secret, and even amongst the occult they likely fill it with false information so who knows.
Their goals lie through the occult, and are completely kept secret to us. It's because of their beliefs. Whether what they believe is true or not I can't say because I do not know all the facts, and I suspect nobody but them does and they aim to keep it that way.
You are clearly not thinking here. A group of 500 people cannot possibly create any constructive consensus. 50 billions of dollars is a laughable number when compared to the biggest banks.
Could u shed any light to their beliefs Ameribro?
Well it seems that they are failing horribly.
They own central banks, which means they own the money. For example the fed loans money to the gov'nt that is payed back with interest.
In the spanish wikipedia page for Mayer Amschel Rothschild it mention a quote that says "It doesn't matter who the pople vote, they will always vote us" but I can't find any other source.
How do they own the central banks? Most of those are simply state institutions. Federal reserve is actually an exception.
It's been said that they'd like to put chips in everyone, by their own choice, which has all their information and currency on it. If you misbeahave, they turn it off. I used to think it was loony but the more I see people opting to use card and internet transactions over cash the more I feel that it has merit.
Most like Satanism, specifically Luciferianism. They don't believe in the spirit of it, but the science. It's a bit like satanist creationism but far more leaning into the scientific aspect rather than the spiritual.
There are many similarities between it and modern atheism.
I've found in life that no matter how large a mountain of information or lies is, the core is always the simplest mundane truth. They believe whatever they'll do will benefit themselves both physically and mentally. They believe that it is for the greater good, most truly evil people think this to justify their selfishness in an appeal to their own morals.
In a way I'd guess their religion is one built upon the concept of the greater good, making it one of the most destructive and malicious religions to this entire world. That's just guessing though based on their actions and most likely visible goals.
They just want to watch the world burn. Like when a happening is going on and you get comfy and shit post on pol. They like to create happenings, scare people and laugh at their suffering
As if they don't control the banks. user, I'm disappointed.
the federal reserve, for example, is a private institution
What's their end game?
has been the way of the world it seems
even if they dont own you from the get go those who refuse to play ball have a nasty habit of disappearing like they had the hope diamond up their ass
anywhere their banks take root this translates to business as well capitulate or be booted out of the market
people like soros and buffet serve at the good humor of the men behind the curtain after all it is their money
Their end-game is a secret goal. How can you stop an organization from achieving something if you don't know what it is they're trying to achieve?
If they succeed we'll never know what their goal was. If they fail we'll never know what their goal was. If it was for the best of us the means in which they're trying to achieve this goal only make the opposite clear.
Do we have any suspicions to what their end-goal is?
None whatsoever.
Depends on how many redpills you want to swallow on this subject.
The Lite version is that, by having the government confiscate any inventions made by people that we would consider more or less "advanced technology" a repository of sci-fi level tech has been amassed.
Both in working prototypes and plans, some of which have been put into limited production using shell companies.
This has been going on since at least the 60s.
Yes indeed... they do have large complexes and tunnels underground.
Where they have supplied themselves with everything they would need to survive down there.
But also to automate manufacturing (this is like 3d printing) of all the shit they'd need to make a new Utopia.
After we're all dead on the surface and all that remains is nature.
This is the Redpill Lite version. Omitting a giant list of other reasons for these things and the sinister nature of them.
But this is the end result...
Now this is scary.
probably just the slow and steady consolidation of control over the earth's resources and its people
For what reason? What are they gonna do with all that power? Pretend that they are Gods? They aren't and they never will be.
short hand version: they are attempting to fulfill the prophecies of the bible
Controlling the banks is just the best way to consolidate power, because financial institutions dont come and go, while politicians and laws can.
Usury, fractional reserve lending, all that is designed to nonstop suck the wealth out of the world and put it in their hands.
Which they can use to defend it because they can wreck economies by moving it around.
Part of it is so that they have enough resources to finish their goals. But the other part is for immunity to make sure that nobody kills them off before they get a chance to.
(Because over the centuries there have been a steady number of people who either worked with them and were let go, or found out through personal experience.)
Besides the Rothschilds just represent a larger organization made up of many of the previous-royalty families and other old-richies, along with anybody else willing to sell their soul for this Plan of theirs (uhh... hello Clinton Foundation).
so its not really the Rothschilds themselves its a whole bunch of people, though their total number in the world is rather small as a group (about 1 million benefactors or so)
They don't. Bill Gates could do more impact than the whole Rotschilds family.
>What's the point?
To summon Moloch
OP, have you read 1984 from George Orwell?
I'm going to quote a few bits from the books, so I can make things clear to you.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power... Power is inflicting pain and humiliation.
Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together
in new shapes of our own choosing."
If you want any context, I would suggest reading the book. It should put things into perspective and make their motives clear.
Do explain
They are serving dark forces
This is why they do black magic rituals
Perhaps they want to become deities themselves
They definitely want complete control over the planet and all its resources
I think they still want to keep a few people around - 500 Mil - these people will probably be arranged like in Plato's republic - philosopher kings, warrior class and slaves
Transhumanism is a part of it. They want to become gods through technology, genetic engineering, cloning, whatever the hell they are doing at CERN (?wormhole creation, opening other dimensions)
I think they are being guided by extradimensional evil beings - why else do all this bizarre stuff with rituals, gematria/numerology
Their goal was to create Israel, they have achieved their goal, most of them aren't even that rich anymore.
The closest I can come to explaining the 'why' is that people have been able to access dark forces for centuries through ritual black magic. I think in the same way that followers of God have been promised certain things through prayer, devotion,etc.., followers of evil spirits or whatever they are have ben promised things as well - maybe eternal life, unlimited power, access to other dimensions of existence
Jacob Rothschild wrote an article in a UK paper in the bild up to Brexit, saying that leaving would be a disaster. He even wrote about his ancestors and their banking history.
As a pole you'd think you would be incredibly concerned with Shillary and her hateboner for starting WWIII with Russia. Which protip will be in your backyard
>India nukes Pakistan
>Russia and America Duke it out with China getting shit on by both
>Rest of world starved because no American bread belt
>500k chosen and Israel survive
Most people will never understand that the Rothchilds are irrelevant nowadays (although they are very rich fuckers)
It is people like Soros who have a lot more power than the descendants of the Rothchilds or other traditional Jewish oligarchs like Montefiore
50 billion as in "english billion"? Because in germany, "billion" means "trillion" in english. 50 billions for the rothschilds sound rather low.
keyword is wealth. not currency reserves. fucking shill
>burger education
>human beings
you do not "believe" in the occult.
it is just unknown, hidden knowledge.
these threads are just awfull.
Only for finger pointers, the guilt business.
You should recognize that without your lazy and willing ass the Rothschilds would not exist.
That doesn't sound so bad, honestly.
>You should recognize that without your lazy and willing ass the Rothschilds would not exist.
This, people literally have all the power to stop whatever evil shit is going on, and it obviously is going on.
Just by coming to sense of who and what they are, and stop falling for le epic mainstream consumer memes.
>hey guise here's my excuse for being a shill
>muh not enough money to raise even one kid
>STD scare
>governments take steps in proliferating HIV instead of isolating affected people
>million and a half of new "genders", a unique one for every rebellious kid
Birth control aka planned parenthood works as intended in first world countries. Shitskins will be eliminated by war, GMO based agriculture destroying their food sources and philanthropic vaccination that renders people sterile. Gates didn't build that Svalbard seed vault for nothing.
How to the protocols of zion come into play? It is their agenda, isn't it?
>le red pill me on le rothschilds bro
Why don't you do your own fucking research? Go on bibliotecapleyades and read the articles concerning the Rothschilds. Watch Money Masters on Youtube. Watch the Holographic Disclosure, as well. They're just another ancient blood line that influence EVERYONE BEHIND THE SCENES. Information is limited on them because THEY WANT IT THAT WAY. You're not gonna easily get a fucking LE EPIC REDPILL, BROOOOO. Sup Forums won't tell you shit, and newsflash, shills exist.
>fukkin scaly reptile anoonocky dood
Anunaki is based on occult allegory. It is pure disinformation.
the protocols are the family of 13, the rothschilds are family of 300
(rothies take orders from jews who follow the protocols)
thats old and not needed anymore. cell phones will do the trick (you basically have them on you all the time as if you are chipped)
I read recently that Bill Clinton is the Bastard of Nelson Rockafeller...
Don't you worry about it, user.