I thought that song was funny. Tim just set all the insults he read online to song. The only thing unfunny about it is the amateur music video that misses the point
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Calling people cuckold is the height of alt-right comedy
Really make you think.
Well that and namedroping David Duke
It's hilarious. Look at yourself, you've been carrying on just like a leftist would. Crying on youtube, parroting your retarded memes and mantras. Screaming about injustices, while committing a dozen yourself.You're
literally supporting their techniques.Congrats you fucking morons.
He has a show.
Sam Hyde doesn't.
If Sam put half the effort that you faggots exert into his show, it would probably still be on the air. Even if it remained as unfunny as it was.
oh my
Song's catchy I'll give you that.
>Hydefags just salty that Tim took the joke away from you
Who are you trying to kid?
Subscribed, thanks. Patreon?
must be exhausting.
Based Tim!
I'm only pointing out the hypocrisy of the right. I'm an extreme moderate, and I'm tired of listening to the "Big Two" and their ridiculous bullshit.Don't be so sensitive, lass.
Yeah, but he can still afford health insurance. He also still has a show
Lay off the salt,Sam. It's bad for your health. And you not having insurance and all...
Oh he has MANY shows. One of them is about a secret spy that fighst against terrorists and another one which is a spinoff in which he reviews movies. Also, he makes songs and is featured from time to time in yourube channel JASH. He's got a bright future ahead!
I don't understand what the sarcasm here is, he does have a lot of shows and directs a lot of them to, or produces. Tim's actually very successful. Does that bother you?
>Tim's actually very successful.
He might be behind 6-7 layers of irony or something like that.
You know it's originally a Simon & Garfunkel song right?
You do realize that you arguing this only makes Hyde's career seem even more pathetic, right?
I didn't know that. Wow, Tim always finds a way to disappoint me.
It's one of their best imo
Oh god the cringe is too much
>all those normies who have no idea what words like cuck, shill, or libtard mean
>that awkward silence when he goes false flagging racist and everyone in the crowd is too afraid to laugh or cheer at the satire
>they all cheer at the end pretending like they enjoyed it...
I believe he was posting in support of you, user.
One of Tim's best moments, honestly. He just throws the absurdity of your ideology back into your sweaty, pimpled faces and clearly demonstrates what ridiculous, hypocritical fags you are.