Trump on his worst day is still better than Hillary on her best, but normies see shit like this and are easily influenced. Is he being careless or is it just me?
What the fuck is Trump doing?
Thanks for #correctingtherecord!
Just a slow news day. No muslims beheading people or going on killing sprees or any massive Hillary scandal to report on. No one will remember this in 3 days.
>inb4 2304D intergalatactic marco polo
I know brotato. What is happening to Trump? He was crushing after the convention. And now all these gaffes? What gives?
>that quote
Lol i love Trump. Fuck anyone's precious feelings.
you don't get it
everything he says will be twisted
only way to win is to not give a fuck, not disappear like mitt
Jesus what a douchebag
what did you expect by SUPPORTING A LITERAL RETARD?
you fucking amerifats don't realize that you"re the laughing stock of the world thanks to this buffoon.
ANY other republican candidate would've won in a landslide after 8 years of Obama and against Shillary, EXCEPT for this orange clown
you fucked up everything
You can get a purple heart for like 10 bucks. This is a total joke.
My natural reaction when someone gives me something unexpected is also along the lines of "I've always wanted one!" Even if I never wanted one. It's one of those pleasantries we say almost as a reflex.
I don't get it, what's the problem here? The purple heart joke was no insult, it shows appreciation, he clearly says it's hard/painful to get it the usual way.
Or are you referring to the baby? I watched the rally, he was just fooling around with the mother, he has this IRL troll tendencies.
At this point, NOTHING he says will be accepted, the media is out on a full-on assault on him if you haven't noticed.
It's weird how Trump isn't allowed to have a sense of humor. It's just a basic joke
He's losing on purpose. Do you really think he wants all of the responsibilities of being the President? Hillary was born to lead a nation, Trump was born to be a media celebrity.
This is going to continue until the election, he's throwing it on purpose.
He didnt even say it as a joke. He said it as, "the shit you have to go through is incomprehensible compared to being a gift". I heard him say it and my first thought was, "yeah, i agree" not "haha good joke trump"
Stop feeding the media attention.
4D Chess
media bites it again
Just roll over and die already France.
I coul be wrong, but i think trump is suggesting that its much easier to get a gift than get shot
That monster!
Literally Hitler at work here!
Someone nuke MSM, they make their own news these days, instead of reporting on actual news.
Oh look more shills trying to slide the letter that got released
He's saying that running for president & being given one isn't as hard as earning a purple heart.
He's being humble clearly.
And too many defeatist cunts on pol. It's like they don't even realize no one will remember shit, good or bad, 3 months from now. Especially if wikileaks somehow follows through.
Internal polling is all that matters and we can see the Obama Hillary side is scared shitless. Trump's probably up double digits.
hillary is just doing it to grow her little slush fund . she wont make the country better. odds are we will hit M1 in national debt
hard to call yourself a economic super power when you owe all the physical money in the world and all the funny money banks pretend they have put together in national debt.
credit rating down grade for certain even without a default + currency value depreciation
Roseanne Barr on Marc Maron is a good listen. Maron calls Trump literally Satan (he says "he's not hitler, i think he's satan", and brings up the jewish star and Roseanne goes off on him on how much bullshit that is, and says how the media distorts what he says. you can tell shes really pissed off about it
He was obviously just making a joke, what the fuck is wrong with the media? Benghazi, unsecured top secret emails violating national security, Clinton Foundation bribes in return for giving away national secrets and property to foreign government, DNC rigging elections, giving favors to DNC insiders who helped rig the elections, taking money from a company that supports ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood connections to the Clinton Foundation, the trail of dozens of dead bodies for anyone with information implicating her in all her numerous crimes. Why the fuck is none of this being covered while they attack Trump over the pettiest most irrelevant things a candidate has ever been attacked for? The globalists aren't even pretending to hide how much they own our media and everything else anymore.
He said after having four attacks in two weeks in his country. And the US is the laughing stock. Right...
>this is a "scandal"
really because it sounds like an offhand joke to make light of the situation
kek, I'm so glad I just tuned out of the """news""" 2 months ago
If you guys really want to subject yourself to that trash every day and give CNN ad sheckels, you really are the ultimate goy
>implying Sup Forums isn't 40% astroturf by now
Hillary buys and is bought
Trump is stupid funny and right
I like truth and economy
And money
Vote trump
Because Hillary is just a bitch of the status quo
The defeatists are merely hillary shillbots trying to influence us to give up on trump.
>Trump supporting mother takes her day to come see him
>her child starts crying and he calls hero ut
>“Actually, I was only kidding, you can get the baby out of here," the Republican nominee said to laughter and applause. "That’s all right. Don’t worry. I, I think she really believed me that I love having a baby crying while I’m speaking. That’s OK. People don’t understand. That’s OK."
Anything he says will be twisted. It's not him, it's the shill media. I can't see a single thing wrong with what he did. It was a self deprecating joke. It should be endearing.
>hes throwing it on purpose because deep down the charismatic billionaire celebrity is scared of being the most powerful man on earth
this is truly the stupidest meme of the election, thanks Joe you brain dead jeb supporting Msnbc resident cuckervative faggot
Its a joking way of stating the obvious. Trump has a purple heart and he is happy to have been given one by a veteran, but he did not have to suffer for it. Thats not a controversy
Everyday the mental gymnastics on this board get more and more impressive.
I have yet to hear one thing Trump has says that is funny.
Gotta defend our honor after supporting a broken candidate in a one sided election.
Mad liberal detected
I'm voting twice and you can't stop me
>pushing gaffe memes
The lying media takes everything out of context.
>scandals about trump is how he made a somewhat rude joke or said a truth that is taboo under politically correctness
>scandals about hillary involve murders, corruption, treason
Yep, they're obviously both as bad ! Hard to decide who to vote for !
>Trump-supporting veteran gives purple heart at high-energy rally
Trump, being a man, is not prone to emotional displays like a woman
>accepts the purple heart, making light banter to prevent the situation from growing a vagina
>everyone laughs happily, not meanly, at this high energy and positive exchange between candidate and soldier
>assmad liberal media desperate to malign Trump in every way possible
>writes shitty article spinning Trump as LITERALLY THE DEVIL
The only thing you can really take from this is to realize that Trump has a good sense of humor and likes banter
maybe being easy to vote against to make it easier for Hillary to win, like many people thought since last year
Why don't liberals have a sense of humor?
You was born to prep the bull.
He was a total cunt today at his speech event.
> baby crying
> "thats fine darling we love babies, dont we just love babies!"
> 5 mins later
> "i was joking get that baby outta here! Geez cant ppl take a hint?! I was joking when i said the baby was okay!"
Wow what a total piece of shit, and he turns on a dime, not mentally sound.
He's bombing like an open miker.
Thank you. That record really needed to be corrected.
another record that I could correct for you is that you should stop posting random gifs every time you post. It makes you stick out like an outsider.
>jokes are bad! no jokes allowed!
t. (you)
That was a joke?! Ah OK baka
> fire the nukes!
> oh wait I was joking!
This is the nan you want to be POTUS!? Lord save us from his ego and hissyfits!!!
Probably because you're a perpetually
Butthurt liberal.
this, mittens got wrecked for every innocent thing he said and kept on the defensive constantly, people see the guy getting bulled constantly as weak and a bad leader
I think you need to add more !!!!?!! to your post, I wan't quite getting the gist of how much of a raging cuck you are
>your ID
>doesn't endorse the speaker of the house
>doesn't endorse a person he made fun of for being a POW in the Vietnam war
And he calls himself the Great Unifier!
Glad I'm not the only who noticed.
The man is pure cringe if it wasnt for the fact that he's a vile cunt.
Really? You had to take a swing at a frikkin' baby? Really Donald? CUNT!
>only way to win is to not give a fuck, not disappear like mitt
This. I have been supporting Trump since last August. I have given up a few times, and he proved me wrong. Believe in him. And Kek. Check these doubles.
Watch the whole moment in the rally and tell me he was mocking the veteran who came on stage and presented it to him.
I'm finding it harder to support him every time he does something stupid. I'm starting to feel like a fucking sheep. I used to be proud to support him, now I'm starting to feel a little embarrassed. I already bought a hat, so I'm in it till the end no matter how dumb he comes off as.
Now you know why he doesn't give a fuck
Oh your influenced me
I'm mentally hill now
>doesn't get the endorsements of neocons
Nice reddit meme m8
My ID reflects the state of affair with Donald "GET RID OF YOUR BABIES IM TALKING HERE!!!!" CUNTPF
> uhoh wait am i too loud?
> uhoh
dont you have a truck to get run over by france also no every other contender in the Republican race was weak and would have gone the way of bernie "im going to take the high road" sanders
>buying the hat is like selling your soul
Fuck your doubles and belief, kek.
The Purple Heart is inscribed on the back with the name of the recipient. It is a violation of the law to remove that name, or to inscribe on the back of a Purple Heart the name of someone who is not a recipient.
>Trump on his worst day is still better than Hillary on her best
are you being retarded on purpose?
Cringefaggots can't take the MAGA hat off anymore! It's permanent!
Months from now the MAGA cap will be seen as the new fedora.
McCain and Romney were the most sniveling of little bitches, groveling and bowing to the media at every turn and putting every statement through 20 consultants to make sure it wasn't offensive. If only "Careless Drumpf" would copy their winning strategies, maybe he would have a chance.
The media takes things out of context and blows shit out of proportion, like that fucking KFC picture.
>make a light-hearted joke with people including veteran laughing and having fun
They reallu don't like the fact that the military unanimously supports Trump and must be trying to piss vets off.
i think having a walking meme get into the oval office is significantly better than having your country being invaded by muslims
they will misinterpret everything he says anyway for clickbait
literaly no fun allowed
shillary hasn't had a press conference in almost a year but that's fine
first day on the job shill? using 2 proxies.
>literaly no fun allowed
i mean, outside of the correspondents dinner and tv/internet appearances, a president shouldn't be cracking stupid jokes constantly.
Lol if Trump cured cancer they'd make a negative spin out of it.
>rallies are the same as administration
literally retarded
The media is trying desperately to divide Trump supporters. It didn't work with evangelicals, so now they're going after the military. Maybe if Trump was running against John Kerry it would matter, but soldiers know too much about Hillary to fall for that trap. Maybe if they show support for Trump you can go back to calling them stupid, uneducated, xenophobic, baby-killers.
How does it feel to know that no matter how hard you try to pretend you respect the military they know you are the scum who spit on their coffins?
Move on to the next sub-group. I suggest you try the "uneducated" that you sneered at for the past six months. Tell them that Trump doesn't care about them but Hillary does. See how that blows over.
Go surrender to the nearest Muslim
>Trump proves once again that he's the anti Christ by sparking an overpopulation crisis after discovering cure for cancer!
If you guys think that he will stop saying stupid and unnecessary shit like this you are wrong. He will keep saying retarded shit all the way until November. He was quiet from middle of June all the way to the RNC. He didn't say stupid stuff and he took the lead in the polls. Last 7 days he started barking again and here we are, again losing. He is either a Clinton plant or he simple doesn't learn from his mistakes. I thought that at least USA can be saved, because Europe is beyond saving, but he keeps fucking up every day. Only thing you can hope for is that Hillary won't actually open the borders and that she won't take too many refugees.
>unifying includes neo-con cucks
He's unifying the common man against foreign interests.
Normies are the majority of the voters. So what you think is better is irrelevant to running a campaign.
He invited the guy who gave him the Purple Heart on stage and took a photo with him right after he said that
i cannot believe they are running with that baby shit. good fucking god are they desperate.
Having a sense of humor is what got him here and he's doing fine.
Just making sure his old friend wins the election.
What's wrong with that quote?
He's literally saying that he admires a person more for getting Purple heart than becoming the presidential nominee for GOP.
Nobody pays attention to the news. Half the time you just see the pictures and the volume is muted. Trump gets his face plastered on every TV screen in the country, for free, every day.
Pretty simple.
They weren't friends. Trump owned her, hence the hilldog nickname.
>Trump's gonna start wars over a bruised ego
this lame ass shit again
>get that baby out of here
>launch the nukes
pretty much the same thing
What's it like having 70 IQ?
Sure thing.
Can anyone explain why what he said is bad?
You don't love your pets? Clinton is a Trump plant.
He behaves like this because he genuinely can't help himself.