what are some movies about lost technology? i find the concept fascinating
What are some movies about lost technology? i find the concept fascinating
My Science Project
Guyver 1 and 2
fifth element
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Battlefield Earth
Not a movie but
Castle in the Sky
>i find the concept fascinating
Why don't you just say it's cool shit you pretentious fucking hack?
This is a concept that's kind of hard to realize outside of animation.
Turbo Kid somewhat fits the bill.
>cool shit
why not say awesome stuff you fucking monkey?
>Wah you must limit your vocabulary to no more than 20 words because I'm a huge retard who can't read
Fuck off nigger
oh jeez louise that was scary
Turn A Gundam does this.
The nuke episode was amazing
your autism is fascinating
Planet of the Apes.
fuck yes!
using a lot of words does not mean you're better
If I may pontificate, not being a nigger makes me better than you already.
>being illiterate
Nobody ever said it did, you seem to think it. Maybe you were bullied for being an idiot at a dumb age? Either way don't tell other people how to speak.
Oblivion is not really original but it's neat to look at the destroyed world
hey it's an actual strawman
I want to argue more about this but I have no problem with "i find the concept fascinating", he made his point well, even if it was a bit fruity
but I fucking hate people using pretentious language just for the sake of it
it almost describes my exact problem with reddit, 12 year olds using big words and archaic phrases because that's what impacted them and now they think it's respectable or cool or a substitute for a substantial point/discussion, and all the other cock goblins jump right on it too
goat in a tuxedo
>My Science Project
>Guyver 1 and 2
oh my nigga them digits, and those BASED MOVIES.
The Alien franchise uses this trope several times; notably in Alien, Alien vs Predator, Prometheus and Covenant.
battlefield earth
Naussica sucked though
Not a movie, but Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Good taste, user.
I don't understand how anyone can like this. Slow, boring, nothing intelligent. Half the movie is just a continuous battle in an apartment against a robot. Director just slapped a filter over the camera for a yellow haze.
why dont you just call them smartass faggots instead? only smartass faggots use words like """petentious"""
why do you pretend to be more than you are homey?
Eden Log
Titan A.E.
>using the word pretentious when stupid will do
>bringing up the reddit le boogeyman
another strawman, but I'll go with it, pretentious is the word that fits what I'm saying, smartass faggot fits a lot of different vibes and seems most like a faggot that makes smartass jokes, and I'm not talking about that
I'm really trying to be clear here
>why do you pretend to be more than you are homey?
sorry what am I, and what am I pretending to be?
or are you just trying to piss me off by calling me pretentious?
if you have an actual point be clear about it
stupid will not do, it's not what I'm talking about, in fact if I had used the word stupid I would have been a lot more unclear
also I brought up reddit more as a side-note, because it occurred to me and fits the situation, I wasn't calling anyone here reddit, which to my understanding is what "boogeyman" usually refers to, but then again these faggot memes get morphed in to anything, and are shitty for making actual discussion
also another side-note, smartass faggot jokes also seem very reddit to me
I cant believe you took my obvious B8
honestly thought they were both bait, haha, but like I said, I want to argue more, and I fucking hate pretentious big word cunts
does seem like a defensive reaction though
fuck yourself
You do know some people have different vocabularies than you, right? Like maybe "fascinating" is his go to word for interesting things. Sesquipedalianism isnt a crime anyway
there the faggot is with the big words again
who you tryin to impress?
iron giant
>cool shit
Stop talking like a FAGGOT and say McAwsom stuff
I never had a problem with fascinating
>Sesquipedalianism isnt a crime anyway
it is pretentious though, at least in the way we're talking about it now
and some people do have different vocabularies, but I'm talking about a real specific style of talking/typing, it's taken a long time to actually find the words to describe it properly
>does seem like a defensive reaction though
Why don't you just say it's stupid shit you pretentious fucking hack?
look @ smart guy
>cool shit
shud say gud ass
the moon sized AI robot thing made this movie. rest could be skipped desu
We have now reached the point on this board where using the word "fascinating" to describe the premise of a movie is now reddit.
Uhh mass effect? I honestly can't think of anything
he used it to describe a concept you fucking retard
Wow this thread is terrible, there are almost no recs and the ones there are mostly children's cartoons
So this is the power of the American vocabulary
This looks interesting.
Do I need to see gallforce1?
If you want the full "lost technology" aspect you need to watch the original three OVA's, plus the sequel.
Castle in the Sky
Wild Arms 1-5
Legend Of Heroes - Trails in the Sky
Legend Of Heroes - Trails of Cold Steel
As I tought, it's the same artist for bubblegum crisis, that's really neat.
Since everybody's talking about anime now, NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind.
Bitches I made this thread because I've already watched nausicaa and castle in the sky I mean come who hasn't
How are we supposed to know what you've seen and what you haven't seen? Are we supposed to read your mind? I can't do that! That's unfair!
A concept that is the premise of a movie.
Try not to lash out like a fucking sperg
Should OP have used 'hella'? Bretty underused word.
Since "not a movie but" has become a thing, I can suggest this. Keepers of the Maser is the english title iirc.
It's underused because it's west coast nonsense.
holy shit
the autism is off the charts
Best coast here
Also, this.
And this.