Attack on Kino

Holy fuck how does this anime constantly manage to utterly BTFO of any other western tv show? The production quality is insane

This episode was like the Ride of the Rohirrim meets Battle of the Bastards. It has got to go down as one of the best executed action set pieces in years.

I enjoyed Season 1, is season 2 coming to Netflix?

It's pretty shit though.

>11 episode season, nothing happens for almost 5 episodes

It's garbage, even by anime standards

this show uses too much cg its fucking trash Mob Pyscho is kino now go away

It has been like GoT in that sense
9 episode of meh and 2 episodes of utter kino

GoT hasn't been good since S3 though, also GoT never had 11 episode seasons.

>This episode was like the Ride of the Rohirrim meets Battle of the Bastards.

Woops! It appears you've wandered out of your containment zone. This has been happening alot what with summer and all...

But fret not, young newfriend! We here at Sup Forums pride ourselves on being both helpful & compassionate.

There ya go, champ! Now you can start a thread about your faggy, flavor-of-the-week Jap garbage in your own environment. Exciting isn't it?

CaptainErwin, even though he is missing an arm, bleeding heavily and probably had his equipment damaged by the titan, somehowsurvives and has the willpower and stamina to save the protagonist at the last moment.

This show isn't smart, its just a big spectacle, the plot is only a tool for the visuals and action, none of it is well written or coherent, story beats are always building up twists of the most mundane things you could imagine for the sake of the next big episode of nothing happening until the last 2 episodes where something does happen. I don't dislike this series and I don't believe I'm being cynical in bringing up how dumb this series is, all I care about is the fun visuals and cool action, other than that this series is utter garbage. Don't tell that to Sup Forums or they will crucify you.

>le special snowflakes hate everything popular

Show is trash. Yeah the animation is decent (when it's not CG'd to fuck) and the action is good, but holy good god damn is the writing fucking abysmal. Brilliant concept and aesthetic, utterly ruined by shitty narrative, characters, and pacing.

Try again.

>implying there is such a thing as "too much CG" when the shitfest that is Berserk 2016-2017 exists

Fuck off weeb

I never said I hate it, I just said it's not good, i enjoy it.

It's a shit show user. The writing is fucking utterly retarded

>(when it's not CG'd to fuck)

so like literally 5% of it?


One thing I've noticed about people complaining of "writing" is they speak very vaguely about the supposed writing flaws.

Boruto is the only airing anime kino

You can barely even tell what the fuck is happening and it's not even fully animated. This is garbage tier shit for retards.


most popular things are shit because most people are idiots


>implying any actual Berserk fan likes it
Your argument is invalid
Fuck off back to Sup Forums

Very slow season with cliffhangers that are much more irritating than they are suspenseful, especially more annoying when you know the episode count was halved. That said, the stuff in between is still really good.

>something's wrong with those guys!
>oops, i got snuck up on by a fucking giant and now i'm dead

Giving an example and describing what I feel the writing is doing somehow is being vague now?

>that scene where that bitch jumps off the tower and goes titan mode to protect them
>it takes them all like 5 minutes to figure out she's trying to protect them

>now i'm dead
He literally saves them at the end

what episode?
I started watching s2 but was shit so dropped it

>actually giving a fuck about the opinion of a board full of trash and basement boys

By getting eaten? Weird.

This is Kino

It was the last episode, after Reiner and Bertholt kidnap Eren and Ymir and showing they were the titans from season 1

>oh btw, we're titans

I just cant stand how melodramatic AoT is

>go back to Sup Forums

To those who post this have you even visited Sup Forums?

Its wall to wall loli porn and arguments who is the biggest Weeb-hipster
You cant get a conversation going about anything that is popular enough to get an english dub

I want all weebs to be gassed. Your stupid fucking cartoons are nothing compared to real art.

>5 minute monologues of characters explaining their exact motivations, desires and plans in explicit detail every time there's a moment of development or change
They treat their audience like drooling retards. There's absolutely zero nuance or subtlety

>This is Kino

>david lynch
>real art

lost highway is basically anime

almost like its the same titan that killed their friend

almost like they are realizing their friend killed their childhood friend

>all these stills where it should be fully animated instead
>the dialogue is full of exposition just like always
And this is the best anime has to offer? sad!

Explain yourself now. I want a full essay on how Lost Highway is like anime.

But they don't realize that till like 10 minutes later

people who complain about weebs on Sup Forums are worse than the weebs themselves.
t. never watched anime

Its because its based on a comic
Thats why most animes have so many still shots

Also these shows are made on a 20-50k $ budget per episode , at best

That is a very eastern way of writing, though we often rather have a show have a "show, don't tell" motto, for most anime its tell tell tell tell tell tell and tell some more. There is the ocasional dialogue driven anime that i enjoy that has minutes-long expositions that work, but for the most anime it is a very tired clichè.

Faxing it now

The animation, score and action scenes are literally 10/10
Everything else is kind of meh but in the end its entertaining to watch just for when they can pull on all their best qualities like this

>It's garbage, even by anime standards

No Sup Forums thinks its garbage simply because it has normie appeal

>t. never watched anime
Why do you lie?

Losing an arm doesn't affect the equipment besides losing one of the two blades. "Probably damaged" is pure speculation and there is no evidence that it actually happened, and considering the equipment doesn't attack to the arm or shoulder then logically it actually COULDN'T have been affected.

Having your arm bit off is pretty fucked up but then again people have been known to run full speed after suffering lethal wounds, only to collapse later; adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Is it likely? No. But name 5 action flicks, 2 movies and 0.7 kinos where there weren't unlikely events during the climax.

The reality is tha Sup Forums loves it and doesn't let people talk shit about it.

they realize it instantly? and if you mean realizing that she is helping them, its like 30 seconds to a minute. They dont stand there cursing ymir, they stand there going holy shit shes a titan?

It's garbage. I don't care about Sup Forums's reasons for disliking it. They show is fucking retarded

This isn't even good animation.

>5 years for a 11 episode anime with worse animation quality than the first season and worse pacing too.

maybe in another 5 years we'll get a 5 episode 3rd season.

>muh german sounding names
>muh walls
>muh big naked people
>muh over-the-top music and chorus to make everything overdramatic
>muh retarded plot that might aswell have been made by Ridley Scott
even watching moeshit is more dignified than this normiebait

I'll concede that reveal was badly written. The anime actually did a better job of making it seem organic than the manga, believe it or not.

Why are you watching children's cartoons?

anime is a medium, not a genre

Dropped when I saw that everyone and their mother turned into titans. Went full shounen.

What OP posted is a children's cartoon. You can't use the "it's a medium, not a genre" excuse to defend Attack on Titan.

>3 people is everyone and their mothers

wasn't aware blood and violence were for children

Oh look a Sup Forumseditor thread that would be deleted if the opposite was made on Sup Forums or /jp/
Funny how all the garbage spam came back after e3 finished

>Oh look
This is how you start a thread if you want to sound butthurt.

I'm about a volume or so behind on the manga but I'm pretty sure Eren, Annie, Bertholdt and Reiner are the only established characters who ever end up being secret titans.

Kids love over the top violence

Trigger is saving anime again

Japanese culture is very different from Western culture, you ignorant weeb.


i dont watch anything besides this, good insult my man! ill definitely be dropping this show now

>i dont watch anything besides this
Wow, you're actually worse than weebs. Out of all of the anime in the world you decided to watch garbage that has capeshit tier writing.

Isnt it just supposed to be Reiner acting a bit out of desperation because he cant stand being around those guys anymore? He was mentally unstable at that point, which is why he would say something like that so casually. Still, even then he tried to "reveal" it to Eren only.


It is in America you swine
Just don't show nudes or curse

>it's violent so it's not for kids!
By that logic, all capeshit isn't for kids.

He was freaking out that he was accidentally gonna get eaten by a titan while in human form, and was thinking he's had 2 close calls and enough's enough. They're already way out at the wall so that's a perfect time for the 3 of them to transform simultaneously, wipe out everyone else, and head out. He just badly miscalculated how much Eren hates titans.

The much vaunted animation is frequently lazy and shit. Another 5 minute overlong conversation as characters speed through a wood with a single redeployment of wires bizarrely fired out parallel to the ground. how are they levitating exactly? This is incredibly cheap to animate, but conversely makes no sense and is also utter fucking shit.

>watching AoT when it first released
>oh shit this is pretty interesting
>that moment when the MC is giving a motivational speech and is abruptly interrupted by the flayed dude
>Fuck yes this is amaz--
>suddenly the MC can also into a titan
>everything from that point is fucking terrible

Every single anime/manga fucks up royally, every time. This is why anime and manga can never be kino; it almost always reaches that point but then the writers fuck it all up because anime/manga fans are fucking drooling retards who can't appreciate good writing.

It's baffling that the Japs always find a way to fuck their good shit up. Like, every series that isn't short lived turns to shit.

The only anime I can consider kino is The Tatami Galaxy

There are 7 total titan shifters, which is still not everyone and their mothers. Through the serum or the Beast titan's power, the people that live around there can turn into mindless titans but cant turn back unless they eat a human titan shifter and absorb their power

>>suddenly the MC can also into a titan
Oh dont you worry, things get even dumber and weirder come Chapter 3

The anime still has great music and good designs, so I tolerate it.
Also sexy waifus

Wait wtf is this like an experiment?

>nobody cares about guin saga
>not even the people who worked on the dub

eren being a titan was literally the only interesting part of this nonsensical schlock.

>read manga because fuck waiting until 2038 for reveals
>like chapter 88 or something where it just tells you everything

wew lad

>anime and manga can never be kin-

wasn't aware capeshit had people being bitten in half with blood and guts

who /hobo/ here?

Why is this off topic trash stI'll up? ?

AoT is on tv

It actually doesn't have much biting.

They had their memories wiped.

Kids love edgy shit. In fact they're the only ones. If you are over 16 and you love edgy shit you're basically a manchild

Wow how very mature. It's a real adult show just like Deadpool XD

And this happened after they lost a war to literal Nazi Germany, whom are the ones sending the Titans against them.

>>suddenly the MC can also into a titan

And your point is? Your autismo skull doesnt know what "mystery" is?
Would you really prefer if they just right away explained that the MC can into titan because his father, who could also into titan, injected him with titan's spinal fluid so he would turn into a titan, and then as a mindless titan he ate his father to inherit the power of two titans and the ability to titan shift?

This is basically every opinion on Sup Forums

Isn't attack on titan basically evangelion without mechs

Bahamut is the only anime kino.

Attack on Reddit need not apply.

Not really. It's way, way worse.

Nope, that's just some reddit meme.