Why do majority Montenegrins differ themselves from Serbian identity? Why did they vote for Independence from Serbia...

Why do majority Montenegrins differ themselves from Serbian identity? Why did they vote for Independence from Serbia, despite technically being Serbs themselves?(The myth that they descended from Serb knights who fled after the Battle of Kosovo) and settled in the unreachable mountains Ethnically, culturally, linguistically. I find it baffling and hard to comprehend.

>also extra salt in the wound that they recently joined NATO pact.

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The name of the country literally means nigger mountain. They are the nigger mountain people.

Does that sound serbian to you?

Not really kek, but that doesn't change the facts stated above


Every Montenegrin i know hates serbs

Even though ethnically they are the same people?

Aren't Croatians ethnically the same as Serbs too?

Because nobody can live in the same state as those gypsies, they leech off everyone. Montenegro is better off on its own, politically and economically. Hell, Vojvodina is gonna get their independence next year, and they're mostly serbs. Even serbs cant stand living with other serbs.

Well yes, they're South Slavic, but Montenegrins are way more closely related to Serbs way more than Croats and Bosniaks are.

Yeah I heard something about that. Is it Hungarians of Vojvodina or just Serbs that feel they arent Serbian?

No such country, invented by commies, artificial borders. Also polluted seas

Couldn't the same be said for the Irish?

>Why did they vote for Independence from Serbia

Because they have 20% muslim minority that was pro-independence

>every Muslim from Montenegro I know hates Serbs
fixed that for you
It's a long story but basically it's all a sham and as soon as the ruling party falls and their leader goes to jail/gallows, this ''country'' will disappear.

The Northern Irish are descendants of Scots and English colonists. It's not really the same situation. It's more like if the city of Cork just randomly decided they were not Irish despite the fact that they are Irish.

>as soon as the ruling party falls and their leader goes to jail/gallows, this ''country'' will disappear
So you are pro Unity with Serbia?

It's a meme
neither Magyars nor Serbs there are separatists

this is not a real nation, or a real country
it's a private feud of an ex-commie criminal who pretends he's a politician and literally invented by commies in 1945 to weaken Serbia inside Yugoslavia
we're ethnically and culturally Serbs, excluding Albanian minority (around 5%)

I don't know any Muslim, but i live in Germany, so nearly every diaspora yugoslavian is cancerous

potato or bizarre diaspora, that is the question

Ok so why did the so-called Christian Montenegrins vote for an independant Montenegro?

You know why, because crypto-Muslims make up the majority in your country.

curious potato

well shit. guess that's that explained to me. cheers Radenko.

all crna gora is now is a safe place for italian and russian mobsters

yeah yeah sure
majority of people here are openly or privately Serbs
people who hate Serbs are Muslims, and there's a tiny minority of traitors (usually people who profit from DPS) who ''hate'' Serbs, but they'll switch their position as soon as it becomes dangerous to have it
1. brainwashed tools
2. Orthodox Christians weren't for independence
it was 55-45% for independence, Orthodox are 80%, ALL Muslims voted for independence, so that means majority of Orthodox weren't for independence
not to mention massive rigging of votes, bringing over diaspora (usually Muslim) to vote for independence, and shit like that
this is an American-funded non-state made simply to deny Serbia sea access and deny Russia potential influence and bases

best way to sate your curiosity on teh mysteries of YU would be to read old news articles


e.g. here are some Kosovo related news from the 80's

also, ''Montenegrins'' come in three groups
1. really deluded people who bought that shit, often old people who are brainwashed for decades
2. upper class which profits from criminal government
3. people who declare as Montenegrin due to pressure but are privately feeling Serb

sometimes 1 and 2 overlap
overall it's a fucking chaos but this is Balkans, so things like this are possible

Montenegro was independent since 1696 up until 1918. So some national identity they have, that's sure...

What is it that drives them/brainwashes alot of Christian Montenegrins away from the Serb identity?

Cheers mate!

in the 19th century, when europeans were inventing national identities, the montenegran national identity was ""We are Serbs."

Montenegro was an independent remnant of Serb state
Montenegrin ''identity'' first appeared when after WW1 Serbian dynasty kicked out native dynasty
so people who enjoyed privileges under former king revolted, we had a meme civil war, like 15 guys died, and no one gave a fuck
then in WW2 Italians come and invent new ''Kingdom of Montenegro'' (Italian Queen was from here) and appoint a traitor fuck to rule over it
people tell him quickly what they think of it by staging the biggest revolt in Europe in WW2 until that time
then after war communist Croat Tito decides that Serbia is too weak and Croats don't like that so they separate Montenegro from Serbia, create Bosnia (even though it had Serb plurality back then), forbid the return of exiled Serbs to Kosovo and other shit
of course, commie Serbs support this because Serbs are cretins like that
so now 50 years later you have ''Montenegrins'' and our government (which is direct continuation of communist government) just rehashed propaganda a bit
still, I'd say more and more people are rejecting that shit, but this is apathetic region so change is slow

So basically Serbs got divided and conquered by the Balkans very own version of the eternal Anglo is what you're saying

The loss of Montenegro is direct consequence of the people Milosevic installed into power after '89 coup.

>there are 45% "Montenegrins" in "Montenegro"
Totaly not a meme country at all.

yeah pretty much
Milošević was a faglord, but who could've anticipated it, Đukanović was a loyal dog back then, and hated Croats and all that
>he even started hating chess

How do you think the situation will ever recover?

Northern Ireland will be an independent country before things improve.

it will recover, because this is totally unnatural state
as I told you, majority of non-Muslim people here are openly or privately Serbs
it's kinda hard to explain this situation to a foreigner, but basically we're awful apathetic people, people are afraid to go against government, so even though someone is a Serb he can still vote for ruling party which is anti-Serb
unlike Bosnia or maybe Northern Ireland, Serb and Montenegrin here is just a political difference at best so there is no real hatred
for example, in my close circle, 3 guys are Montenegrins and 4 are Serbs
the fact we're 20% Muslim also complicates things (Muslims are obviously anti-Serb)

How come there was an independence referendum in first place? Back than in 2006 I was a kid and did not follow politics.

And what is the montenegrin indentity?

>How come there was an independence referendum in first place?
Americans gave a green light and Đukanović obviously doesn't like competition from Belgrade in his criminal endeavors
>And what is the montenegrin indentity?
no idea
we wuz Dukljans n shieet
some fairy-tales invented by a Muslim ''historian'' in 90's and some other memelords

up the RA

Well we shall see how things pan out, maybe Seselj will get some influence in among Crnogorci?

Seselj is dying of cancer and is a total memelord that has 0 influence.

>Hard to explain
I'll try. You are Cucks you fucking cowardish mountain serb.

Šešelj is a meme m8, he's literally paid opposition
only legitimate opposition in Serbia is DJB (liberals) and Dveri/DSS (though some told me they're bought too), and together they have 10% or something
dire times, but things will change for the better, can't get worse than this

yes we are but so are you (if you're Austrian)

They dont. Its a made up stupid nationality. Half of my family is from there and Im pretty sure theyre Serbs

t. Serb on a holiday

New Yugoslavia when?

literally never (thank God)

>Šešelj is a meme m8, he's literally paid opposition

opinion discarded

>yugoslav relations

Why is the country called monte negro, aka black mountain? is there an actual mountain by that name there?

sorry for my ignorance, im genuinely curious

Foreigners named their country.

Can you get more cucked?

top cuck go learn what happened in 90's
I appreciate him wrecking Hague but he's a faglord in every other aspect

Croatia is a country that has a smaller population than Serbia and even smaller replacement rates iirc. Enjoy death you idiot, see you in hell. I think Vojvodina will be just fine considering the 80+ percent of Serb population it has

it's a Venetian name that stuck
in past it was Zeta and before that Duklja

Is there many Serbs left in Croatia to form autonomy like RS in Bosnia?

thanks bros

To be fair I personally hate Đukanović. He is now tring to lick the ass of croatian PMs ("please help us to join EU") but still he will always be hated here.

Anyway now that Montenegro is NATO I doubt there will be a unification with Serbia anytime soon.

no, around 4% (12% in 1991)

even with rigged polls you can easily see there's little support here for NATO
we'll leave the same way we entered, if we enter
what will Americucks do, occupy us?

Not enough, no. Considering that the croats killed and kicked out most of them. There were 80 90 year old people that were killed just because they were Serbs. And most people from there come to Serbia to study colleges and eventually stay. Same things happens with Bosnia Serb kids I know such examples

What are you speaking, Gregyp? Croatia has a higher fertility rate than Serbia.

Montenegrins are our top bros, IMO

Also I'd like if croats and serbs could not hate each other anymore. We da fucking strongest in balkan, amirite or amirite guys?

>leave nato

sides in intergalactic space

No. Although they have this thing called Zajednica srpskih općina which only a advisory body.

>mfw it will be the Romanians there that proclaim independence

You can't leave NATO unless you've been a member for 20 years btw.

I also doubt you will reunify with Serbia, there's alot of paranoia about changing borders in europe atm.

And how come you do not start a revolution and oust Đukanović?

Romanians are in Serbia what Polacks are in Germany.

are you following what's happening in Europe and world in general?
unless they literally occupy us, as soon as Đukanović is gone, this country is gone too
it's a fucking piece of paper, who gives a fuck about NATO

cekas propast zapada? otprilije je 116-a godina kako zapad samo sto nije propao.

Not really helping the expression "We have three friends around us - the Danube, the Black Sea and the Serb".

Also, don't get me started on how the Serbian government has treated the Vlach minorities in eastern Serbia. No right to schools in Romanian, no right to representation in their language, no right to legal representation in their language and so forth.

I'll let that slide tho', because we care even less about those remnant Vlachs. Which is truly fucking sad.

because we're apathetic fucks

It could work

But under the rule that any mention of any national identity gets you crucified, and that 90% of all exyu population is outright holocausted

Why so defensive? I merely meant that we provide you with employment. :^)

>Vlach minorities

Fucking witches the whole lot.

They want to keep their shekels and not share them with Belgrade

ne propast, ali da će izgubiti uticaj i politički se rascijepkati, to je neminovno
Vlachs are powerful mages, they should curse Serbian government or something
and ignore the faggot, Romanians are bros

nato nece. drzace se toga do kraja. i nece pustati da se izlazi kako ko hoce, ako se pitas.

jel su najavili neku bazu kod vas?

>I'll let that slide tho', because we care even less about those remnant Vlachs. Which is truly fucking sad.

If I had to deal with werewolves and vampires every day, I wouldn't be that concerned with expatriate countrymen either. They are probably safer in Serbia anyway.

trips of truth

I think most of the ex-satellite countries are like that, due to commie brainwashing. People are taught, or were taught, that they have to shut up, keep their heads down, work for themselves and their families and life is good.

>mfw half of the Romanian jokes revolve around sorrow and suffering, in a twisted funny way

>we treat our minorities the same way we treated the defense of the Stalingrad offensive line.

As much as I love my country and my history, nobody in Romania gives a flying fuck about our historic and almost-dead minorities located outside of Romania.

Nationalism has died ever since the commies were removed from power, mainly because the people regarded nationalism as a commie tool.

Sure, we attend rallies, we wave our flags, we are proud of our history and our army, but we'll never care about what's right, not anymore.

If by safer you mean forced integration and assimilation of Serbian culture whilst their record in their inhabited zones is being completely erased so that they can be replaced with Serbs, then yea, they are doing just fine.

Hell, if we did that with our Szekel minorities, the world would go mad.

>Commie Tool

So, Causescu was a nationalist?

There will be other opportunities.

History repeats itself after all.

Finally a fellow Serb on this board that knows the truth about the current political situation in Serbia. Drz se prijatelju!

>nato neće
Amerika je na 60% bijelaca trenutno
eto ti samo jedan od faktora
a NATO je samo mrtvo slovo na papiru, ništa sledeću vlast ne sprečava da radi što oće, uz podršku Rusije normalno
osim da nas okupiraju, a čisto sumnjam u to
IMO Vlach status is a shame, I mean they give fucking Croats in Vojvodina all rights, but don't do the same for Vlachs

Da bi Amerika propala mora imati nekih barem 40% crnčuga, da bude ko Detroit.

>Amerika je na 60% bijelaca trenutno
>eto ti samo jedan od faktora

faktora za sta? mislis da ce jusa da prsne po savovima?

dave se u lovi, nece oni nigde jos dugo dugo.

One of the most crazed motherfucker at it, nonetheless!

When he took power, he replaced all of the commie propaganda with Romanian propaganda (thinks like WE WUZ DACIANS WE WUZ ROMANS AND SHIET originated mostly from him, he actively tried to set a glorified background for himself, by building his persona around our ancient history and our most famous rulers - Stephen the Great, Vlad the Impaler, Decebal -).

He also increased the Army personnel, in fear of an soviet-backed invasion that would start from Hungary, which in turn manifested itself as a hatred towards the Hungarian people. We did have beef with before WW1, but the sentiments towards them after we got Transilvania were nothing more but neutral, and they stood that way until Ceausescu changed everything.

tl;dr He tried to use Nationalism to form a Cult revolved around his persona, a Cult that made him gain absolute power through propaganda, fear and the Securitate (Intelligence State-Machine).

ne vjerujem da će Amerika da propadne bukvalno, ali će izgubiti uticaj koji imaju
pogledaj što se dešava u Evropi, desnica jača a ta desnica je uglavnom anti-američki nastrojena
i u pravu su da budemo iskreni, sva te degenerične stvari dolaze iz Amerike

dave se u fiktivnoj lovi, brate moj
to fiktivno bogatstvo zavisi od kontrole međunarodnih finansija, a ta kontrola zavisi od uticaja koji imaju u raznim regionima svijeta
a u najbitnijem regionu (Bliski Istok) gube uticaj, gube ga i u istočnoj Aziji, i u Evropi

> mfw I will never learn how to speak our ancient beautiful language - Aromanian
> mfw I will never be a thraco-dacian shepherd, roaming the Carpathians with my flock of sheep and my most trusted dog

Why even live ...

>fiktivno bogatstvo zavisi od kontrole međunarodnih finansija
>kontrola međunarodnih finansija zavisi od uticaja koji imaju u raznim regionima svijeta
>uticaj u svetu zavisi od njihove fiktivne love

u krug u krug. :^)

zato su glavni shefe. bice mnogo zajebano razbiti taj zacarani krug.

Based Chausescu.

već se razbija, i to sam od sebe, uz malo pomoći od Irana, Kine i Rusije :^)

get yourself one of these

>već se razbija


Most people don't know this, but Ceausescu was the first President from Eastern Europe to be invited to the White House, to meet President Reagan. After that, he was toured around Western Europe and presented as the "light in the East", "our friend among the reds" and so forth.

His Securitate Agency was so good, that when the highest Romanian General defected to the US, it was revealed to the Allies that there were close to 270 Romanian spies infiltrated deep inside the US Government and Research Facilities.

Motherfucker had balls, I'll give him that. If not for the last 5-7 years of his rule, he might have had a chance at pulling it off. It's sad that he had a crazy wife pulling the shots and he himself went mad at the end.

evo ti Turska kao primjer, Erdogan ih odjebao, nisu uspjeli da ga uklone
Asad je opstao i pobjeđuje u Siriji
Velika Britanija van EU
DB ide u kurac
EU ide u kurac uopšte
ekspedicija u Ukrajini propala manje-više
da ne spominjemo unutrašnje probleme u zapadnim državama i Americi
jebali su ježa


Trump je rekao da je NATO relikt iz Hladnog rata. Svaka NATO članica je po ugovoru dužna 2% BDP-a uložiti u vojsku, međutim nijedna članica to ne radi već se čeka da Amerika dadne nešto oružja.
U toj točki bi moglo potencijalno doći do raspuštanja NATO-a, no teško je prognozirati.

brate, pogledaj kako im je bilo tokom hladnog rata.

isto tako, propast za propasti, kad ono gle, izasli kao pobednici.

dok je petrodolara nema propasti za zapad. bar ne do stepena koji je potreban za ono sto prizeljkujes.

ste vi nesto dobili od njih? il ste jos na YU naoruzanju? mislim da morate neke standarde da ispostujete, sto se verovatno prevodi u "kupujte od USA"

nije im nikako bilo ovako za vrijeme HR, tad su još bili u usponu u svakom smislu
i tad su imali komunjare kao prijetnju i to ih je držalo na okupu
sad, malo je teško prodati narodu priču da je Putin novi Hitler i govna koja slijede iz toga