Trump actually eats KFC with a fucking fork and knife.
How does that make you feel Sup Forums?
Trump actually eats KFC with a fucking fork and knife.
How does that make you feel Sup Forums?
Like he doesn't want grease all over that horribly expensive outfit he must be wearing or anything else he touches.
please dont reply to shill threads
Its ok
>Trump actually eats KFC with a fucking fork and knife.
>How does that make you feel Sup Forums?
Makes me feel like I've been doing it wrong and should give it a try
>He reads newspapers
wtf I love Trump now
t. Jamaal
I do too?
>How does that make you feel Sup Forums?
wtf is KFC?
He's not a fucking animal like you that's why.
wtf i love kfc now
Fuck you
Trump is a civilized gentleman, and not a swine.
>This is somehow a bad thing.
>You will never eat fast food on such a comfy plane
Why live?
wtf I love knife and fork now
Some of the most delicious chicken on the planet.
Their sides are not too good though. Very processed.
>Trump supporting Bernie Fried Chicken
Not even the potato wedges?
I do it sometimes when I don't want to get my fingers oily
m8 the wall's been down for almost 30 years and you still dont have KFC?
They had a McDonald's but Putin shut it down due to him getting pissy over Crimea.
The potato wedges are good. One of my favorites.
I compare their other things like the mashed potatoes to Popeyes though, and find them lacking.
Step aside plebs
Holy shit I've now opened my eyes,thank you.
I'm now a #Hillary
Not sure but i bet nogs feel violated
>A McDonalds
Such hardship
>insults latinos but eating taco bowls
>insults blacks by eating the most popular of black food
This man is a tool
Yeah Popeye's sells the better chicken.
I haven't had KFC in a decade because all the KFC's in my area closed down. Probably due to trying to sell the Colonel's fingers as a new $5 special with a side of fried rat.
What in the fuck is on that pizza?
You get messy as fuck eating that shit. You need a roll of paper towels to get thru a meal. Trump has it right.
>Inb4 hire that's not how average people eat dey chickens.
Ever see Obama order a burger? Shit look awkward as fuck.
Yes, yes. But where does he keep his ketchup?
I think it' peppers?
wtf I hate kasich now.
Its food. Fast food at that. Calm your tits.
They're pretty much rostiks. Even bought them out and replaced their locations. Definitely one in Pushkin square, if you're around Moscow.
Not fully true. They shut down a couple over bs allegations, but there are still plenty.
How do you eat that?
With a smile.
I prefer someone else separate the meat from the bone before it arrives at my table.
Isn't that pretty much what tendies and chicken nuggers are?
I do the same thing.
Wtf I love Hillary now
>tfw KFC discontinued its boneless original recipe chicken
Why. That shit was the best, particularly the dark meat versions.
Nah. He doesn't eat it. He even doesn't open the dipping sauce. It's probably just an half-hearted attempt to make the nignogs vote for him.
Wonder how he eats a candy bar
You would probably do the same if you were wearing a $2000 jacket.
He probably melts it into a soup and eats it with a spoon.
He probably lets Chris Christie eat it afterwards.
>Not internet savvy
>Eats fast food
>Reads newspapers
>implying he's wearing a 2000 jacket and not a 200000000000000000 jacket
>They're pretty much rostiks. Even bought them out and replaced their locations. Definitely one in Pushkin square, if you're around Moscow.
so, its just shitfood with NAME
>reads WSJ
Love you Trump but wtf dude.
Lotta guys like Total Biscuit, Lethalfrag et al just turned off their comment sections and noped out. Made their lives and careers better. You should do the same. Stop reading what anyone else says about you.
This is obviously a ploy to get black votes.
How is he not a million pounds the way he eats so much damned fast food? I would expect him to be the size of Chris Christie the way he eats.
Trump eats all his meals with a fork and knife.
He's not a savage.
Makes me hungry. I don't even prefer KFC, but this diet leaves me with strong cravings to go back to the way things used to be.
Makes me feel european, it does. With clean hands and no greasy fingers, it does.
Like a loser for eating chicken the easy way all this time.
Everyone who isn't a nigger eats with a fork and knife faggot. I eat with a fork and knife. What you eat with your hands and just slobber it up like a fucking sub Saharan savage? Fucking subhuman.
>inb4 hurr durr I eat meat like a man
If you don't want to use a knife and fork that's your problem but don't go spreading your savage ways to everyone else. I bet you have a beard too you fucking nu-male.
I guess campaigning a lot burns a lot of calories.
That hasn't helped Chris Christie though.
wasnt there a seinjew episode on this
He only sells left wings.
An African American delicacy.
Hope it gives him energy to come out fucking swinging against KHAN et al.
Stop being a pussy
No fucking shit, hes wearing a super expensive suit in a super expensive plane. Would you want to get grease or that KFC gravy anywhere on it?
Who cares?
I don't eat nigger food.
But if I did, I would also use cutlery, or at least chopsticks.
Has he been accused of cultural appropriation by blacks yet? because you know he will be.
I do the same thing
Alex Jones and "The Health Ranger" would totally loose their shit over this. Muh MSG's!!!!!
>nigger food
Don't let them fucking take fried chicken. That's AMERICAN food
>muh gmos
>muh msgs
>muh spoopy chemicals
>muh muh muh
>hes wearing a super expensive suit
As do many nogs.
And he doesn't have to wait for next months food-stamps to buy a new one.
It makes me feel happy and proud to see Trump soaring over the United States in a jet enjoying the freedom to eat however he pleases.
It comes in a fucking bucket.
I'm not touching that.
That's some real fucking class right there.
you're missing out.
But I have. It's nothing special.
>fork and knife
it's a knife and fork you prick
You just don't understand freedom
make fast food great again
>How does that make you feel
No one cares what you thought in the first place.
>eats with a fork
Sounds like a good idea
Who wants to get that greasy shit all over their fingers? The glorious emperor has once again shown us the way on important issues such as the eating of fried chicken