What does Sup Forums think about Wolle Petry?
What does Sup Forums think about Wolle Petry?
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10/10 would like to recieve some spanking
Would culturally enrich.
The last hope apart from civil war that we have.
Shes hot for a german woman.
>swn never play piano and sing for you
why even live..
Wolle Petry has a nice mullet. And look at all those happy people in the crowds, not being raped by refugees.
And I like Frauke Petry.
>Hölle Hölle Hölle
Link to vid?
would let her dom me
The face, not so much, the body, fuck yes.
>tfw i was there
>ywn have a MILF threesome with Marine Le Pen and Petry
why live?
I can't find one where she sings :(
Hi Wolfgang
my waifu
fugg those legs.
would ficki ficki.
I want those legs wrapped around me
>I can't find one where she sings :(
Doch das ist es was ich will!
When looking for this pic I came to kul-tours.de
Site seems redpilled. Liking HC and FPÖ Anyone know it?
I liked her better when she was younger
9/10 MILF waifu and also currently Germany's only hope.
Ich liebe Frauke
That is one of the worst Photoshop airbrushes i've ever seen
Wolle translated from German = I would
wolle === wool, fleece
wolleN === I would
How I about 'I want her to piss on me'
I don't know who that is mate
But Frauke I'd fuck
And her politics are good too
Yepp. That's something a german would say.
That's wrong though.
"Ich wolle" means "i wool"
"ich wollTe" means "i wanted to"
My great grandpa is German-Pollock.
She looks like if this guy and Arnold Schwarzenegger had a daughter.
I would love to raise a family with this beautiful German woman.
Check up on Alice Weidel
>she reposted a Ben Garrison on fuckbook
ich wolle is future subjunctive (or konjunktiv in German) you mongol
saying "wolle petry" makes no sense whatsoever, it's youth slang for a cute, "fluffy girl"
One of the few women that actually look good with that haircut.
>he doesn't know about Cranberries singer-woman
that's Boxxy
>saying "wolle petry" makes no sense whatsoever, it's youth slang for a cute, "fluffy girl"
I really don't. Who would have thought that?
>he also doesn't know about Die Happy singer woman (german band) with biggest juggs on planet Earth
Woops, stimmt. Ich kann meine eigene Sprache nich.
I watched this one and talkshows like these made me full red pill, its incredible how hard they try and still fail, everyone was contra afd, even the host and still they lost.
do you have to let it linger?
Good for her. Doesn't change the fact that she is a lesbian, married to another Swiss banker dike and is a Goldman Sachs market radical who despises "Völkisches Gedankengut".
Non-conservative Cheating whore that left her family.
Won't manage to split the conservative vote enough hopefully.
Die Happy?
Yeah, I remember those fags. I always thought they are called "Die Happy" as in "The Happy".
she is nazi
das ist den uber haircutte
Thanks, neighbour. I have actually been trying to remember the name of that fucking band for weeks now.
>married to another Swiss banker dike
who ? I really like to know, its so bizarre imagine this woman besides Gauland (who really is an idiot, seriously and I'm as redpilled as it gets) and Petry or Hoecke
its such a weird group that don't actually belong together, thats why they don't really get forward
>Won't manage to split the conservative vote enough
You have no idea how many people are fed up with CDU
> that 80's haircut
thread theme
if you want to die happy
>its such a weird group that don't actually belong together, thats why they don't really get forward
Its why the AFD will fail in the long run.
Last year they had the in-fighting with the "libertarians" around Lucke - which now left the party.
And now its Petry leading the "moderates" and Högge and Gauland doing all they can to annihilate voters.
I don't know her name. Weidel isn't into PR. But it should be on the net somewhere. It's no secret though that she is a lesbian and adopted a child. Gauland and Meuthen proposed her as the main candidate: What a joke! It's one thing to accept her or tolerate her in the party, if you are against leftists. But as the embodiment of the party? THIS? Hell no!
From an ideological standpoint I can identify with Höcke, but he doesn't really have great rhetorical skills. He also always was an introvert, as he said, and it shows: he comes off as artificial and awkward. And all of them do everything they can to give the party a bad name, make a lot of mistakes and split the party. Meuthen's move over Gedeon was "installed sleeper agent to destroy the party" tier.
Autists for Deutschland kek
Stegner is such a retard, I hate him with a passion.
blocked in Germany
not strong enough leader to unify rag-bag forces of the right. a week of terror, a CDU-CSU split and polling for AfD is stagnant. the anti-semitism kerfuffle should have been squashed earlier too.
petry's boyfriend is actually pretty based
holy shit GEMA is biggest terror organisation in germany
I remember wanting to listen to some Accept bootleg on youtube when I was in germany and it was also blocked
>current year
>not being behind 7 proxies
Das ganze Land ist scheiße und von so vielen Riesenarschgeigegen bevölkert...
>He also always was an introvert, as he said, and it shows: he comes off as artificial and awkward.
his maybe awkward show at Günther Jauch was very good
Its all on record how he predicted new years eve and the likes
its no damage done really
nice and also "sweet dreams" woman
what a Milf
>tfw driving around with my dumb-ass half brother in his car while Joyride blasted out of his 1000 Watt sound system
Oh boy, i surely like the the turn my country took.
I would like to see her with a more feminine hairstyle and better makeup job
If you want a bearable radio station you have to listen to one of these 80's pop music stations
everything else these days makes you retarded
No, but he certainly isn't a pro. Not that much charisma, very low rhetoric skills, appeals to the dumb sometimes, but tries to be the great tribune of the Volk. Works meh. But our other politians are apocalypse tier bad.
The only chance is Petry as a Candidate.
She is hot, more known than 99% of politicians in the Bundestag and a Mother. That can seal alot of deals
also heres another for you youtube.com
Literally fucking up the SPDs reputation with any new tweet. He should be put in prison tho for always agitating violence against AfD
But according to some, it is HER who is trying to split the party, intrigates and has Gauland, Höcke and Meuthen against her. I don't see why: there is no bigger difference in the party than Meuthen/Weiland and Höcke in my eyes.
CURRENT YEAR was a meme in Germany before Oily Jewhn was a shekel in his dad's left nut
A notice to you germans who seems to have found a damn based (and gorgeous) female leader.
Look we have or had, it's not there floating, the pols have vacation til september or so I don't remember.
Anyways we had our Sylvi Listhaug which all flags (this is Nor, not Dan) celebrated, me too.
I told them this, remember that she is a woman, a woman cannot lead! Even thoguh she was this fucking based, she almost(gaaahagagdfgsdF) aaaalmost got us withdrawn out of the entire asylum agreement all together, making it impossible to get asylm here
anyways, she handles the media bombardments, the party is used to all of this. But then she opens sosial media accounts, and she get bombarded by retarded SJW-es, prolly Sup Forums and commie echchamber, I dunno so much about it.
>but user, her feeeel
>she went to doctor
>got hurt feels note
>people writing bad things on the twitter and facebook of me..
>buh huhhuh
this is natural, she nows excepts her husband to step in, and fix her problem.
>but.. her husband can't just go to parliament and take her job as a minister and fix it
Sylvi is based, and we all love her!
>But this women playing men meme HAS TO END
yeah I'm not doing it
But you need a man..
>also gief pics
Oh boy, Guano Apes. I'm having like major flashbacks right now.
Hölle Hölle Hölle/10
>do you even know how deep the rabbit hole goes?
Controlled opposition. Nothing but a meme Ossi Witzfigur.
Kek. Stop it. Before it's too late.
>people here unironically believe that the AfD won't self destruct before the next elections
ok last one
>tfw you'll never get this times back with Tv Total, Harald Schmidt and Helge Schenider
Frauke Petry is boss lady who might just save Germany
>based right wing Party
>PhD in Chemistry
>Business owner
>Church organist and choir director
>and look at her, this fucking lady straight up doesn't give a fuck
She is our tiny Mini-Trump.