Where does Sup Forums stand on the abortion issue? Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
Other urls found in this thread:
1) I support an absolute ban.
2) It should be illegal, but I allow exceptions for cases of rape, incest, and/or when a danger to the mother or child is present.
Only vote once please - IDs will be checked.
1) I am completely pro-choice.
2) Pro-choice except for after 3 months of pregnancy.
Only vote once please - IDs will be checked.
I think killing babies is wrong
I'm not sure OP. I'm all for killing babies but it gives women a choice
This is up there with gay marriage for me - I really don't care either way. It doesn't effect me and there are much more pressing issues to deal with like not letting our country turn into a third world muslim shit hole like Europe.
If I have to vote, I guess yes to gay marriage and yes to abortion.
Women ruin everything.
I'm pro life...
Why not kill women, then there would be no problem
I'm pro 4th trimester abortion
Pro life, only exception if woman's life/health is in danger or Incest.
How many scientists, artists, and great people have been lost.
If it was never allowed in Europe, no need for mass immigration.
Is it not white? Are the parents liberal? Retarded? If answered yes to any of the above, abort immediately.
I'm pro dead nigger babies.
Nihilism= I'm fine with babies being slaughtered.
people iike you are disgusting
pro choice within 3 months
/r9k/ here should I support abortion or be against it, I mean part of me wants stacies to suffer the consequences of being whores but the other half doesn't want more kids brought into this world to shit parents otherwise it leads to shitty or robot kids.
Someone post that greentext of the user working in the abortion clinic who convinces niggers to abort but convinces white people to keep the child.
Pro-choice. If an unborn child is to be aborted, it is unwanted and everyone is better off with less unwanted children.
Pro choice, same as the founders of planned parent hood, there are too many blacks and foreigners.
I think it should be only done in two cases:
- save the mother
- confirmed rape cases and investigation after whoever did it
Not enough time in the world to give a shit about everything mang. There are more pressing issues that this election hangs on. Worry about getting Trump elected and you can keep the anti-abortion rhetoric for another few years.
It's probably murder but it's mostly dindus
Shamelessly seconding this request without giving anything of value in return. I've never seen this
keep abortion mandatory for retards
Good thing an unborn fetus isnt a baby yet, just like a baby isnt an adult yet
Pro choice before 2nd timemester as the brain hasnt developed enough at that point for it to matter
Pro-choice. Reason:
Pro-choice: 6
Pro-life: 3
This. There's no shame in death, christcucks.
There shouldn't be a choice if it has a defect.
Pro life and if the mother doesn't want the child then the state will raise it in a military academy to become a future front line soldier and when the son of Sam falls in battle the would be mother will receive a letter merely stating that the abortion was complete.
>Good thing an unborn fetus isnt a baby yet, just like a baby isnt an adult yet
Try it rationalize it all you want. Just declare what you're killing as non-human or non-baby.
>Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
pro choice [spoiler]for minorities[/spoiler]
Unconditionally PRO-CHOICE!
Some of you don't have your priorities straight as right-wingers. Freedom from government isn't a pick and choose sorta thing.
>wants a small gov that doesn't infringe
>thinks country is overpopulated
>"Make more babies!"
>is against welfare state
>"i DONT care if you're financially unstable, NO ABORTIONS!"
the right wing has gone full retarded.
>it's another Americuck thinks his spics and niggers are fine just as long as they're not worshipping the wrong sandnigger god episode
> canada
where it is legal to kill a baby 1 minute from birth.
>getting this upset.
You are killing a human yes, but biologically is not a baby yet as it has not developed enough at that point. How fucking retarded are you to have failed basic biology this badly?
Do you think babies just pop into the womb fully formed one day? They start out as literally 1 sperm cell and 1 egg cell which are MICROSCOPIC and eventually grow to be a baby after roughly 260 days.
>where it is legal to kill a baby 1 minute from birth.
Citation required. Also if its a nigger or native i couldnt care less, we need less of them around anyways. In fact they shouldnt be allowed to breed in the first place as most of them are unable to look after their children
pro choice, except I ain't paying for some retards abortion
I support your right to life man
Pro-life. The argument that we need to keep abortion legal for blacks and other low-intelligence individuals should really be an argument that these people need to stop being funded through social welfare.
My stance on social welfare is that if you feed the animals, they tend to breed.
fellow robot here, imo we should support it (less NEETBux to go around) but still hate roasties
This. Sorry but once life is created its not "Your" body, you are killing a life. You're not removing a tumor, you're not getting a biopsy you are going in and killing somthing that would be alive.
Have some classic Jew boy
>You are killing a human yes
>but biologically is not a baby yet
You see the mental gymnastics you have to go through to justify killing babies? You can rationalize it all you want( and its sounds like a fair bit of rationalization on your account) that's your prerogative. But i say you're killing babies, one day you might see things differently.
1) Absolute ban
Exceptions are worse than pro choice. If you are pro life, no exceptions, then you think it's life and you aren't killing. If you are pro-choice then you think it's not life and you aren't killing. If you are pro-life with exceptions then you think it's life, but killing babies is okay sometimes
Im pro life and I think all birth control methods should be banned because Im actually a virgin that cannot score so Im envious of others.
Im not even trolling or being ironic.
pro-choice the closest thing you're ever going to have to a Eugenics program
Most abortions are niggers and there's nothing wrong with that
>being forced to carry around a massive parasite
pro choice
scientists, artists, and great people do not come from mistake babies...(niggers and spics). I don't understand how pol can be against abortion if it means less shit tier people in the world.
Abortion is disgusting, wrong, and most of all abortion is murder
>i have absolutely no idea how biology works: the post
>waaaaaaah biology is just mental gymnastics its not real waaaah
>actually thinking this is an agrument
I don't care, do what you want. it should be regulated though, no "oops jamal got me pregnant again time for another abortion". legal if the health of the mother/child is at risk, if the kid is the result of rape/incest, if the mother is below 18 or over 50, if the kid is going to be physically/mentally disabled or if parents are living in extreme poverty.
I'm against infancide but for reducing the number of violent criminals so I'm pretty torn on the abortion issue.
How does understanding biology make an action any more or less moral?
>biology has anything to do with abortion
Pretending abortion is not murder is just retarded. I'm still for abortion though, especially since its mostly niggers that get them.
Yah that's the problem with the alt right, only retards are anti abortion. Makes it very easy for the left to make you look retarded.
pretending the only reason blacks have a high rate of abortion is anything other than low income.
abortion is not murder. you have to be a retarded christ-fag to believe that shit
If a woman wants an abortion, she has reasons for it. Maybe the economy isn't suited to raising a child. Maybe she has to quit her studies, basically dooming her to living on government welfare for the rest of her life due to shit jobs. Maybe the kid (or the mother too) will become druggies due to the situation. So much for "reproducing the Aryan race" if it just ends in a waste of oxygen.
Kills niglets. For it.
Outlaw reproduction and clone sterile humans.
Problem solved.
I hardly consider it murder when you're destroying something that isn't even a viable life form on it's own. Most fetuses aren't viable until 6 months in, at LEAST.
Heyo babies for Morgoth
We need to better develop early detection techniques. If we find the babby to be trans or brown we pull the cord.
yes abortion is overpowered against fetuses.
vote 2
Pic related.
I believe the correct lingo you are looking for is 'Super Effective.'
>Steel beats Normal.
>abortion is literally just murder
>the babies murdered are mostly from poor/black families
fuck this is hard
I was pro-life when i was an edgy teen
Now im an adult so obviously im pro-life
I'm pro abortion but anti pretending it isn't killing babies
i was pro-choice ***
Adamantly pro-life for whites.
Adamantly pro-choice for non-whites.
Oh, you.
I've never read that one. That's based as fuck.
its true but no i wont bother looking for proofs google it yourself
>He didnt get the memo last week about Agent Davis heading the Sup Forums Datamining department.
Most people getting abortions already have children anyways, they still hace more than us too and we rival them in abortion rates. 34% white 37% black
NICE saving the white race there goys
>Killing a pregnant women is considered double homicide
>Abortion is called "pro-choice"
Even if the fetus isn't "capable of living outside of the womb" or is "just a clump of cells" they consider killing a pregnant woman two counts of murder.
Pro-life all the way.
Abortion is necessary. It keeps the violent nigger and general degenerate population well under control and most aborted babies would have turned out to be welfare leeching pieces of garbage anyway.
Also, I think it's overly emotional to be pro life. It's based in either emotionalism or Christ Cuckery, usually. To me it's like saying the fact that you jerked your spunk off into a tissue is equivalent to killing an infant because that sperm could have fertilized an egg which could have become a baby and a living human rite?!
i dont consider a early stages of pregnancy human life.
sometimes i wonder if our culture would be better if abortion wasn't an option at all though
Holy fuck. Satan stop posting.
>i wonder if our culture would be better if abortion wasn't an option at all though
I highly doubt it. People are going to fuck irresponsibly anyway. We're all better off if we don't have to deal with their screwed up kids.
Pro choice because anyone who wants to kill their child is not fit to be a mother and that trait should not be passed on. Furthermore, most people who support abortion are left wing. We don't need more leftist creating leftist children. Those on the right are pro life and will not have an abortion, so in the long run there will be more children raised by right wing parents.
Honestly the woman is the one carrying it so it should be 100% her choice
Probably not.
It's not like making abortion illegal will stop it anyway, it would obviously slow it down but at the end of the day if someone would really like to end her fetus she could just stick a coat hanger up there and no one would be any the wiser.
Also, I think the one problem with modern abortion is that the man has very little say in it. Increase the man's power over whether a woman gets an abortion, he's the one paying for it if his degenerate wife decides to keep the baby after all.
Abortion is only one of the many many problems in our society.
If it was about population control, make birth control freely available to women so they can prevent pregnancy in the first place.
Most abortions are happening because its the sluts ultimate peace of mind that no matter how many loads of chad gets poured into them they can abort away any consequences. Very irresponsible behaviour and all an excuse to be able to preform an act free of its burdens.
Most people getting an abortion have already had children thus their genes have been passed down.
Im Pro-Choice.
1) Because if a woman can have one child she can have another.
2) Because pregnancy is potentially life threatening.
3) Because we Can do it, that means it should be Illegal to force somebody to go through childbirth if they're pregnant (it should be illegal to deny the option).
There's no right to life.
There never was.
For thousands of years women have been able to induce miscarriage through herbal remedies. This is no "modern horror" or the like. Its just a more elegant way of doing it.
I'm opposed to people in the medical field killing healthy fetuses.
We're all just shit-producing human beings. You guys think that you're special and unique lol? We all got here the same way through pregnancy and birth. You all were once fetuses yourselves.