/trek/ - Star Trek Thread

... Tain?

[Barely perceptible horn music intensifies]

Ron Jones was a mistake



>A virus, a virus, she thinks I am a virus!

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."


How many lights?

Odo was the best character that was the first appearance of their alien race, and its impossible to argue against this position

Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

Who are the other contenders?

Spock > Odo > Ro > Phlox >>>>>>> Neelix


>Literally the worst race.

>his smile and optimism: gone

What went wrong?

Why does he look exactly like Data?
Is he some kind of body-morphed version?

When I was little my parents were watching an episode where a person slowly turned into one of these alt-human star trek aliens; it was horribly depressing and made me want to barf. Her skin was getting scabby and peeling off or something. I always hated Star Trek's aliens after that. They all look diseased. The idea that a human could actually morph into them by accident solidified the idea.

And why did they feel that way?

he realized his series is the only one still canon in the jjabramsverse

Should they have killed those 8000 descendants of the DS9 gang in Children of Time or not?

why did he had to die like that?

Ethically no, it's always ethics, fuck them though, ___Odo___ did the right thing, and gave his past self a chance.

this EP is great

What's the best TOS episode and why is it Balance of Terror?

You are now reading this in my voice.

Is killing 8000 people the same thing as not letting 8000 people exist? Every action you take stops an infinite number of possible futures and their inhabitants from existing.

They're called Changelings, a race of shapeshifters (that at one point used to be humanoid) who rule the Dominion in Deep Space 9.

reminder this happend

You think I care?

is being miles suffering?

Who here /Quark/?

More a /CousinGaela/ guy myself but do you small lobes.

Even working near O'Brien is suffering.


Ferengis are everywhere.

Just now finishing up DS9 and I have to ask, what the fuck happened to the writers in the last three seasons? It's like they got lazy and dropped the ball with their scripts out of nowhere.

Odo getting his powers back in the lamest way possible two episodes after losing them

BRUNT, FCA, goes from being a normal auditor to one if the series villains

Bashir being inexplicably captured by the Dominion and ending up in the same prison colony with Word, Martok, and Tain who is now Garak's father.

O'Brien's baby changing names from Sean to Hiroshimoot

Kassidy Yates and Eddington returning

Gul Dukat going from being a cargo ship captain to leader of the Dominion as if there was no other figure in Cardassia willing to do that.

It's like the writers were too scared to permanently fet rid of characters or aspects of already existing characters because they were terrified of losing the show. It just comes across very sloppy, TNG and even ENT were never like this. Is that what was going on?

>Odo getting his powers back in the lamest way possible two episodes after losing them
12 episodes.

You probably shouldn't have done so much skipping.

Vote for me.

I don't skip episodes. Not much development happened with Odo during that time. His return to being a Changeling felt completely rushed.

Ah, user, good of you to come.

Spares me the trouble of having to send someone else to kill you.

God you have shit taste. I thought you might just be joking but you do raise some points worthy of discussion, like the Dominion conveniently choosing Dukat instead of someone with more influence. The answer is, of course, Dukat was the one most willing to sell out his people to the Dominion and the one the Dominion thought they could control.


>tfw when the warp core ejection system doesn't malfunction for once

The entire prison colony but was nonsense. The only good thing thst came of that episode was Wayoun returning.

>it's a "the Doctor annoys the crew with his holodeck shenanigans" episode


i just finished season 5 of ds9 an hour ago

>The only good thing thst came of that episode was Wayoun returning.
That was a different episode.

Honestly, you might have not been paying enough attention.

Any anons going to Star Trek Las Vegas this year? I've never been, but bought a ticket this week.

>just being thorough

Right, he comes back when Kira's Cardassian dad kicks the bucket. I am remembering now. I watched the whole damn series so fast much of it is a,blur to me, but everything past season 5 had an element of sloppiness to it.

They kept a lot of characters around simply because they were popular and the actors were already there and willing to sign contracts. This was fine for characters like Kai Wynn who don't get much screentime, but it became problematic with Gul Dukat who outlived his character's narrative purpose and found himself being written into increasingly implausible situations just for the sake of keeping him around

During the whole of season 7 you're absolutely right. They had an opportunity to make Dukat a complex character and chucked it all away after the middle of season 6.

they turned Dukat in to a cartoon villian post season five because they got spooked by Dukat's popularity with the fans

so hows that new show coming along

I thought about Voyager again today and the horribly wasted potential of the premise. I got legit mad. How do I make it stop?

They intentionally character assassinated him because the (((writers))) were butthurt at how many people liked him.

Not even joking.

Le ebin reference callout senpai. This is a reference for hardcore sci-fi nerds such as myself. BTW, I fucking love science. hehaha.

