SJWs triggered
SJW triggered by Deus Ex
Fucking hanzers always gotta be talking about how they dindu nuffin after they already globally chimped out
>b-but it was muh illuminaty they were the ones to blame
Yeah right quit blaming your shortcomings on others you fucking dindu skinjobs
I'm literally shaking right now. What were they thinking?
Is that a good twitter post? I'm trying to get in the right groups.
>jude @immutablejude 48m48 minutes ago
>@TieTuesdayLP afrofuturism is a thing n devs could have easily found black artists to help them make robot racism not look dumb
Don't forget "How can they be this ignorant"
Sounds solid if you're a girl variant, if you're a dude or some variant try adding some more anger like "I can't believe they could do this!"
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Me too.
Is Cigaweed still banned?
ALM should add that shit to the list of demands.
Cigaweed is proven to help prevent augmentation rejection.
Read all the replies and it's just
"Wow i cant believe this is real" kind of shit
None of them have even stated why it's supposedly bad
at the end of the third game a lot of the people that were augmented got hacked and a lot of people were slaughter. The nonaugmented begin to greatly fear people with augments. What will probably happen in this game is the Illuminati is playing both sides to gain more control of the world.
>game is full of augs that go crazy due to all the enhancements
>we bein oppressed n sheeit we dindu nuffin
oh boy, this gun be good
>robot racism
Society bends over backwards trying to cater to blacks, with a plethora of social programs, free rides, diversity quotas, etc. And they continually fuck themselves up by bix nooding externally. Despite all the privileges they're given, they chimp out and then bitch and complain at whitey, saying they need to be given even more free shit.
That's the parallel here. These augs have the world on a silver platter due to being physically enhanced. And yet they're still bitching and moaning about perceived oppression.
The real question we have to ask is why OP follows furries on twitter.
So is it denuvo, or can I pirate it? Don't have the shekels for it
Those cheeky bastards.
>inb4 boku no pico
>can go full terror on aug fags
>unload fully upgraded pistol with explosive rounds into the crowd
>remember, no binary
I really look forward to the game. Human Revolution left a good impression, shitty ending though.
You mean duex ex game, bot sequel to dxhr right?
Theres only 1 sequel to dxhr and its for phones right?
Oh yeah, the ending was such balls i missed half of them the first time through because combat music and sounds went over the dialog. Learned to play with subtitles after that
Saris ending only american ending. The constitution is clear on the right to bear (robot) arms, shall not be infringed.
That aug control tech is totally infringing tho, make that illegeal
Only one good Deus Ex.
The original.
So, Sup Forums
Do augs lives matter?
It was due to a crippled having a beta uprising tantrum,
why don't you tell me where that ambrosia shipment is headed?
I never understood why augs were treated badly. I mean if you were an amputee and got new arms and legs that functioned better than the old ones you wouldn't be looked down on in society, right? That would just be silly.
Pretty much, but Human Revolution was still fun
Only if the aug was NEEDED to stay alive or keep a human life.
a.k.a. protehsis or organ replacements
Willingly to cut parts of your body off to replace them with better parts should NEVER be legal as we're not equal anymore at that point.
See Oscar Pistorius, whoose artificial legs helped him run faster that Usain Bolt.
Because they got hacked en masse and were forced to go on a killing spree, tainting their image.
Based Deus EX
But if you were some cyberpunk faggot who got them to look cool or some mafio who got it to fuck with common men, I think it'd set a bad precedent.
This is funny because this same game got SJW hate when a trailer used the term "apartheid" referring to the game's world legally separating augmented humans from normals.
They told the SJWs to shut the fuck up, that reaction, that connotation was deliberate.
Neuropozine dependency made people go bonkers when they ran out of drugs.
I wager people think they're timebombs waiting to happen.
brb pre-ordering now
So augs are all insane unemployed retards, i always suspected
I guess you could even call them, timebots
But she DOES matter!
Don't bother. Her friend suffers a horrible fate. I don't remember the author's name but he/she focuses on loli abuse.
I don't mind if some guy wants to play the piano with 12 fingers, but he shouldn't be in competing with non-aug people in contests.
If you played HR - in Hengsha is a women who HAD to take in brain augs to keep up with her competitors, otherwise she would have lost her job.
Job competetion is also a thing. And you can't just say "Turn off those augs" while you work.
that's not what neuropozyne does faggot. neuropozyne destroys glial tissue that forms around the ends of the electrodes in PEDOT cluster, implanted in your brain. The body sees it as a foreign object and starts building scar tissue around it but in doing so it blocks the brain to machine signal that runs augments
Also augmented people are vastly superior to non auged people due to stronger limbs and neural enhancements. This makes the poor people jealous and naturally outclassed.
fucking augs
Bruh it was literally Darrow and the illuminati. Nopoz is just an anti-rejection drug.
if the BLM movement has any merit they, like everyone else on the planet, should be prepared to be referenced, retooled and–gasp!–parodied in contemporary art. it's what culture does, as a high profile phenomenon you cannot just close a certain aspect of reality off. there's never just one perspective. i mean, who's to say this video game won't help them get exposure and fresh supporters? why constantly respond to everything with bile and put-downs? what kind of people do they think that rhetoric will attract?
Oh, money on the table is a different ballgame, of course. I'm talking about Spelling Bees, the Olympics, etc.
Armstrong lost his title because he doped. The same should happen to those who augs in such competitions.
Mildly underrated.
Human Revolution was a worthy sequel to a game that is very difficult to better. It was also an excellent retelling of Robocop.
hot. sauce plz
>crazy due to all the enhancements
You mean went crazy thanks to a forced firmware update that was secretly mean to make them all go crazy so that the world would hate them. Did you just not understand the plot of the last game or did you just not bother playing it. The augs in this case didnt do anything wrong, The Illuminati conspired against them and created a faulty firmware with Hugh Darrow to make them all go crazy
Deus Ex was fucking god tier. It's one of the best games of all fucking time.
That said, DXHR was quite good. Just wasn't *as* good as the original. Still an awesome game.
The matter of human augmentation is a topic that both liberals and conservatives can join in on. Liberals are against it because it widens the gap between the poor and the rich, whereas conservatives believe it is an affront to God to alter the human body.
>brownish gray letters on a brownish gray background
literally what were they thinking? Libcucks use bright and flashy letters to make their point, or at least use bold black letters. This is a terrible coloring choice.
Everyone who worked in construction had augmentations. If you didn't have augumentations you were pretty fucked economically. It was a grim and realistic future.
Other than the boss battles, I couldn't see any fundamental flaws to HR. The endings felt off, but I couldn't think of a better alternative. My first choice is Darrow's option because my first run is the truthful one, my second is Sarif's because I want to protect the rights of the already marginalized augs.
It's biggest flaw was that by the end of the game you got all augmentations. What made DX1 great was that you were forced to make a decision and stick with it. In my opinion anyway.
I don't remember sorry, but you should put "loli", "tentacles" and "ghost" when looking.
The mission is conquest. What's the first move?
I'm a non-religious conservative, and I'd still be against it. Not because it's an affront to god. Not because of some marxist bullshit about haves and have-nots.
I'd be against it because it'd just cause an arms-race where now everyone has to chop off their limps and put chips in their brains in order to compete in the workforce.
Kinda like steroids in sports. You have to juice because everyone else is doing it too. But if juicing didn't exist, everything would still be fine.
>Augs Liv(es) Matters
Does the first game have the non-lethal run option?
There are only IIRC two people you have to kill.
wtf i hate augs now
I dont get it.
Isn't this what they want?
>I asked to became an aug and let the corporations run my brain, but I'm not at fault when they do
Carlos !
Logging off for the day I think. See everyone later.
Get pills against my orders!
For fuck sake when this all will finally end?
>Le log off
>muh feelings
>muh fairness
I'm so glad that your opinions are completely irrelevant and you have absolutely no sway to at all ruin the wonderful future we have as a race.
ITS 2026!
Stick with the prod, prod with the prod.
i neva ask fo dis
What's your take on Lance Armstrong, then?
>Racist anime
>Literally asks if they even asked a single black guy
>black guy is lead and plenty of blacks on the team
And to think that I watched his LPs.
Fucking Goon cunts.
Degenerates I swear.
Go in and go in and go in and go in
Is the Deus Ex series the only group not taken over by SJWs?
Human Revolution was basically Alex Jones: The Game.
ADAAM! You know I care about our life! It's just that I have a potential technological revolution to think about!
yea I always assumed wed get more augments that were mounted to bones and nerves through a manner similar to this
utilizing stem cells to manufacture a new intermediate tissue between machine and organic and functioning like a genuine limb rather than reading ghost signals or improperly reading them through our current means
I should read more about current prosthetics to see if any new advances have come for arms
Jensen never asked for this.
Sarif literally did NOTHING WRONG.
That Lazarus radio guy was the best. All it was missing was filter ads.
What the fuck is afrofuturism?
>tfw you realize all these rich billionaires involved in worldwide new world order schemes are actually people who think of themselves as someone like David Sarif.
They are retarded, DEMD the gift that keeps on giving.
I learned all i know about Gypsies from the movie Snatch.
Niggers and Gypsies deserve eachother.