What's the most iconic shot from an 80s film?
Hard mode: No Star Wars or Spielberg.
What's the most iconic shot from an 80s film?
Hard mode: No Star Wars or Spielberg.
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You better be jesting.
terminator 2 was released in 91
Tried to watch this the other night, what a snoozefest. Boring characters and awful writing, dont get the hype behind this movie at all. Even miniatures just look like garbage. Someone explain this to me..
how in the fuck did Rocky win?
With his heart on fire.
manlet rage
because he's american duh
Capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than Communism ever did.
>during filming stallone almost died after taking a punch to the chest from Dolph
>Not the chink making that stupid face when he kills someone.
So close.
Did it have the splits being performed in mid-air to avoid a man inexplicably performing a forward roll below? Didn't think so.
he was like a piece of iron
In this thread is when movies were good.
>dude talk about a thing but don't say the thing lololololol :^)
>Not posting the version for patricians.
Barnes was such a dick in Platoon.
le ambassador
Hmmm...never knew Christina Ricci was in this movie.
He had the eye of the tiger
My ultimate guilty pleasure movie, I miss Swayze.
Are you sure this isn't from Genisys?
A lot of people don't prefer Temple of Doom, but parts of it I won't ever forget.
one of the most hype moments in 80's film history
my man.
Half these aren't iconic at all
That one seems to be the most popular, but for me this is the most iconic shot.
>not Chong Li flexing his pecs
I never understood the appeal of this movie. It's cringey as fuck and Broderick is a total cunt in it.
>lovely post, isn't it?
This is the winner.
Its pretty commonly accepted that a decade doesn't start until about 3 years in
I fucking hate you
and nobody has posted it yet
>Hard mode: No Star Wars or Spielberg
And this is the straight up most iconic shot of the 80s
Unironically this is the winner. EVERYBODY knows that shot despite not being able to make out a single character's face. That's kino.
plot armour
Swayze is one of premier examples of someone having real screen presence.
he heard a lot of people say a lot of things
good choice. I don't think there is a better Godfrey Ho film.
fucking finally
Really niggas
these are the only 'iconic' ones
OP said no Jewberg.
Yes, a snoozefest.
>inb4 muh existentialism
>plebs ignored this for 6 hours
Anyone who's seen a post-apocalyptic movie, show or game has seen this shot at least once in some variation
Mad Max is quite possibly the most influential movie for any single genre ever
Power of friendship
What movie?
you mean A Boy and His Dog? becouse this shot taken directly from it
When I see that pic, that song just starts playing in my head. There's no stopping it.
wings of desire
Name a single thing that said movie inspired, aside from that shot from Mad Max
If something inspired something influential, it does not make the original thing influential