what are some of your favorite jewish propaganda films from your childhood?
pic related. i love this shit
what are some of your favorite jewish propaganda films from your childhood?
pic related. i love this shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>jewish propaganda
that's already precised in "films" user
This. Why do you think they're called "Schlomovies"?
This is now a Remember The Titans thread - sub Jewish conspiracy bullshit
top this
>ywn be a big fat soulfull white boi with lots of nigger friends that sing and dance with you
It's absolutely shameless Jewish racemixing propaganda but I watched the fuck out of it growing up
This for sure
just saw you in that other thread
keep up the good fight against those nazis brother!
Why is a nigger fucking a white girl propaganda?
>be in middle school
>this movie in theaters
>it's friday at school
>have big boys n girls club football game saturday
>suddenly name gets called to office
>walking down hall
>start seeing more dudes
>all from football team
>coach pulls us all out and takes us to movie
>have a blast
>win on saturday
pretty great memory
shit teachers would put on when they didn't feel like teaching
fuck this kikefest trash movie
kill yourself you MOTHER FUCKING NORMIE
Haha I was except they beat my ass
I already tried after my fiance died.
The bullet was a dud so I cycled the round and shot at my car tire in anger blowing it out
Damn, Bertier's death hit him pretty hard, huh?
why did you give up after one try?
too depressed to try again