Europoors BTFO

Obesity doesn't cause heart attacks or early death, scientists say after comparing twins.

In fact it was the opposite. Over 12 years of follow-up, 209 of the leaner twins had heart attacks and 633 died. Meanwhile, 203 of the heavier twins had heart attacks and 550 died.

Amerifats wins again!

Other urls found in this thread:

Wtf I love fat people now

Why did that guy carry so many stones?

Visceral fat (the fat actually on and in your internal organs) is far more dangerous than subcutaneous fat (fat just under the skin). And the same source you posted mentioned that obesity is still a high risk factor for diabetes... which itself is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

But you can still be overweight and lead a relatively healthy lifestyle, and be far healthier than an average weight person who eats garbage and never exercises.

>Using a Swedish register of identical twins

>One of those limitations is that the participants' height and weight were self-reported. If such data was misreported, this could lead to inaccurate findings.

Get off the stage you fat fuck

very true, health at any size!

the journal itself has a shitty website that wont load most pages.

i smell some kikery a foot here.

I really doubt he lost that much weight in 6 weeks, and if he did that's very dangerous.


That's what good friends are for.

If I took them out would you die?

fuck it


english not your first language m8?

Backups. He keeps losing them.

That woman has a lot of visceral fat, though.


It would be extremely heavy

Its mostly genetic when you are going to die. Lots of " Skinny " people have the dangerous fat around their organs.

Honestly, people smoke 2 packs a day and live 100 years. Just do what you love, everyone dies anyway

The study seems to imply that even with diabetes, the fat people still lived longer than the thin people.


>Just do what you love, everyone dies anyway
nice try shekelstein.




How THE FUCK is fucking STONE a unit for mass? Please... for the love of god, at least use kilogram. We can still be friends, even if you refuse to use meters for length and degree Celsius for temperature. But for fucks sake, use kilograms and its powers for mass.

>Go to walmart
>see nothing but ugly fat fucks
>Chicks are all mirin, but they're fat as fuck too.
>So much wasted potential.
>Suddenly get the protein shits
>Run to bathroom and immediately sit down
>Fall right in water and nearly break my tailbone.
>The pain makes me shit all over my balls and perfectly uncircumcised penis.
>Had to miss the gym cause my pants were full of shit.
>Chicks still mirin my shitty ass on the way out
>Pic related

I hate fat fucks.

>See guys, being fat doesn't cause heart attacks so it's totally fine to be fat! none of the other health effects, attractiveness or ability to run matters at all! checkmate europoors! HAHAHAHA

You're a fatass

For freedom

1 stone = 14 pounds

Not all stones weight 14 pounds though.

requesting dredd fat guy suicide pic.

Ron Wood must come close

fuck swedes are dumb

Why does social media make people say obviously untrue things

Because in real life your micro-expressions would give away that you're lying

>I hope he finds them.
I get it though.
>get called fat every day
>develop severe anxiety
>start to forget things
>lose my precious stones.

>anything is possible with gods help.

Oh, NOW it makes sense of course. Of course it's fucking 14. Who the fuck would use multiples of tens? That's just way to easy to calculate.. you know.. just appending a zero.

still would tbqh

Why is it that every 45-55 year old guy who drops dead looks like John Candy?

kek. In all fairness a lb is 16 oz. Our measuring system is pretty stupid. A foot is 12 inches. A yard is three feet. You are lucky we still don't use rods as well.

This is some shit England came up with, ask them.

Russian disinfo propaganda at it's finest

holy shit dude... how the fuck did you make to the fucking moon? That's a miracle.

Why do they have to simplify it? Maybe there wouldn't be a weight issue if they just used pounds.
>fat fuck loses 294 fucking pounds

How much does a stone way?


Yup. Saw a thing on sumo wrestlers and they took a big boy about 350lbs and I think it was an MRI they used to determine he had virtually no viceral fat and the musculature of other super-athletes.

I would rather live 50 years free to do as I please than 100 bound to waddling around or riding a scooter

Stone is an English measurement dumdum. We don't use it

It helps us win wars. And spies cannot decipher our measurements.
>how the fuck did you make to the fucking moon?
We guessed and checked with monkeys and shit.

And faggots with your flag still try to give us shit for not using metric.


i would love to slap the shit out her.


Shit, wrong one

>21 stone

What the fuck?

I believe it to a point. I truly think chubby people who are active are healthier than skinny people just because all the fatties in my family are in their 90s while my skinny family members dropped dead in their 70s.

the fatties aren't obese though, just pudgy and were pretty active ranchers and farmers. I think having a little pudge is good, being obese is still unhealthy. I doubt being skinny is unhealthy but having extremely low body fat is probably bad unless you're just naturally skinny as fuck but eat well.

who knows, my grandpa is 210 pounds, smokes cigarettes and drinks booze daily and he's 89 years old. shits weird.
