/po/, prove to me that the gyptians were not black

/po/, prove to me that the gyptians were not black

I dont believe you

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they built something besides a Mud hut.

I don't care about some Sandniggers that passed away 10,000 years ago

Because Africa does not automatically mean black.

They didu sumfin

We don't have to proof shit nigger, fuck off!

prove to me there isnt an invisible pink unicorn next to me

i dont believe you

Fine, then blacks started the first known record of mass slavery.


dna test of tutenchamun
enough to refuse this bullshit


They had dark/darkish skin but arent sub Saharan negroid black like 100 percent of "we wuz kangz" niggers are

Well if they were, the mud castles would not be their best achievment in Africa.

I can understand they could be have some regressions, like Roma after Augustus, but not an absolute disparition of any concept of civilization.


Pictured: Black egyptian masters getting fanned by their paleface slaves.

Egyptian slaves, which were bought from the jews, we're black folk from Southern/central afrika.

Simply search for "Egyptian people" images. What do you think happened to all those black Egyptians? Have they become more white because of those evil dominant white genes?

obvious bait.


The 25th dynasty.. was the nubian dynasty where the kushites conquered egypt in a time of severe decline for egypt.. it lasted for about 100 years before egypt was taken over, and started what is called the late period..

When the kushites (blacks) conquered egypt, they appropriated the pharaonic system cause "we iz kangz now" they also tried to build "pyramids" which ended up looking like sandcastles and look exactly like you would expect from someone who had no clue how to build them or how they were built. (pic related)

This is from where blacks think they were pharos.. it's partially true as you now understand but 25th dynasty is pretty far away from the 1st dynasty.


TL;DR the kangz weren't first pharaos nor did they build the pyramids, the actual egyptians did have black slaves, and with regards to pharaos that was only the 25th dynasty which at the point egypt was basically in total decline compared to its former abilities.

The egyptians were caucasoids, closer related to the middle east (it's right next to arabia) and other places with caucasoids.. than africa bloodline wise. The ancient egyptians had very little in common with africans genetically or in appearance.

/po/ is nextdoor, friendo.

Have you ever thought that those niggers in those old paintings are nothing more than irrelevant slave-servants? Serving the actual kings? Or there was not a single nigger slave doing more than building the pyramids? They'll probably have nigger slaves for everything, cleaning shit wiping the royalty's assholes picking crops.

So is ancient egypt and accurate mirror for what will happen in america? WE WUZ FOUNDING FATHERS

>yfw some white guy went around with dynamite and blew open the tops of most of those hoping to find treasure

Heh i guess you could say that.. if all the europeans bloodlines who built the US from scratch vanish from the US (89.5% white europeans even as late as 1950's) obviously simply inheriting something others has built doesn't automatically makes you an expert in doing similar things or maintaining the things that are in place.

This is Sup Forums you autistic canuck

Egypt was ruled by a Nubian dynasty for some time but the majority of the native Egyptian stock were probably Hamitic. Nitlotes which are from the South are darker skinned than the reddish skinned Hamites. Jews up North collectively referred to all Africans and some Canaanites as "Kham" meaning 'burnt'.
Either way Hamitic peoples are closer to "negroids" than they are to "caucasoids" excepting the Semitic and Caucasoid admixture in African Arabs, Berbers, and Ethiopians.

Yea well all throughout history you can find tons of examples of great empires being genetically shifted and then crumbling and disappearing

only this time there is nowhere to run to

read the OP again

Also with regards to mass immigration to fix global poverty see this video of how it makes it even worse

The leftists argue "why you against mass immigration don't you want them to be part of the future" if you bring them in you make it worse for them AND us.. youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE

The main problem is other nations are not self sufficient enough not doing well enough for THEMSELVES.. you don't fix that by bringing them into well functioning nations, you just destroy their future AND ours simultaneously by doing that.

With regards to the US, if the illegal immigration etc. that started to happen after 1965 where US removed the european first principle that preserved its pan european culture.. If you cancel that out by booting out the illegals then i think US can get on a path of getting into pretty good shape again. So i don't see it as gloomy as you present it.

But if nothing is done to sort that out then yeah.. that'll not be very good for the US or for the nations that these migrants come from either.

Also this is a slide thread basically so remember to sage, they're trying to slide this So head over and see what it's about and thanks for the chat user because i got to go.

They were black and african

I would like the people that don't believe this and just copy memes like sheep actually read some books


Wow those are terribly built.



Because the pyramids look nothing like mudhuts

Oh ffs this afrocentrism is hilarious. Ofcourse there might have been interbreeding, egypt was on the african continent afterall, but egypt was right next to arabia and middle east which is more akin to how the pharaos look and the average egyptians were depicted if you consider all the historical and archaeological evidence..

If the egyptians looked like the average africann and simply were the average african, why is it we see nothing comparatively around the rest of africa.. and even much later when they had much more time for it, yet again not a dang thing but mudhuts.. there's literally nothing like it except for egypt which is right next to another group of non african people.. Obviously why they made their base there, a short trek over the ocean build an empire in africa.. and use black slaves etc.

ah. the golden age of archaeology.

I really think instead of "escape from africa" which some describe as the theory.. Where we were all from africa i think it's the exact opposite..

But blacks want to claim that they're the people that everybody else came from.. it's funny how they never invented the wheel or ships and stuff like this at any point.. whilst the alledged "escapees" had no big issues doing these things..

If it was "escape from africa" which the afrocentric theory.. you'd think africans would in general be a bit smarter..

it seems much more following with how history developed that the africans were a tribe that originally came from another area, went into africa somehow.. chilled out too much eating low hanging fruit and lost their motivation.. and somehow completely deevolved to the point where they became so dumb that they literally could not even invent the wheel and basic things like agriculture etc. for thousands of years, whilst the rest of the world did all kinds of things.

Fits far better with recorded ancient history, contemporary history and current day experience. Than the afrocentric centered migration theory.

who cares. they didn't really accomplish anything

With regards to explain blacks skin adaptation that can be easier explained by a later massive bioadaptation rather than the "original". It seems more plausible that the "original" is the non melinated one.. since only at extreme equatorial areas is it necessary to literally adapt a defense against constant UVB bombardment..

north european whites (close to poles with severely diminished UVA for a long long LONG time with very little crossbreeding) vs blacks intense UVB close to the equator for a very very very long time. And then everyone in between relative to geolocation.

So the closer you get to the poles and if you live there for long enough time without massive crossbreeding with people from other sectors of the planet.. brown eyes become blue\gray\green and skin becomes whiter and whiter and hair also becomes whiter.. this is the extreme in areas with very diminished UVA over a long long time..

Then you go further down towards equator eyes become gradually darker, hair become darker, skin becomes more olive and more ruddish and gradually darker.. (egyptians were often depicted as ruddish) till the extreme at particularly equatorial africa where the skin is almost pitch black due to intense UVB (shortwave intense bursts) where melanin is used as a defense so as not to get hurt by the constant sunlight. aka TOO MUCH sun..

The afrocentric "master blueprint for phenotypes" doesn't make sense because currently it is very clearly the less intelligent and competent version.. yet afrocentrics wants to tell us that other ethnicities come from them and "devolved" from that blueprint.. which is absurd because the non africans are the ones with the highest intelligence and most exceptional historical achievements. Whereas if we all came from the africans.. they should've had the most time of anyone to get shit done, and they didn't get any damn thing done whatsoever.. not even invent the frigging wheel.. Unless they ofcourse pretend that they were the egyptians.. which is what the gimmick obviously is. But as i've just demonstrated it doesn't make any damn sense nor does it fit with history or archeology or historical texts about egyptians.

When you start to look at it it makes far more sense that the tribes of man started in UVA areas and moved closer to UVB areas than the other way around. Where the africans then were UVA area tribes that had to severely adapt to the intense UVB area of africa by melanizing their skin to protect from the intense sunlight.

Trying to invert that makes it impossible to explain properly why the tribes in africa if that was where humanity started have been able to do fuck all throughout thousands upon thousands of years of history compared to the UVA tribes.


Eygptians were nekos, but the Muslims raped them to death.

Stop trying to steal this guy's heritage and history.

If Egyptians are black then explain why North Africans do not qualify for African American scholarships.

Checkmate, niggers.

No one is saying there weren't blacks Egypt. Of course there were blacks in Ancient Egyptian society, it's just that they were anything but Kings or kangz. They were lower class slaves along with the Jews.

They weren't just black and african as if there is a difference.

It was a multicultural society which lacked whites until Romans arrived. African blacks and Arabs were the predominant races with Arabs having the most power.

It was also the first society to fail due to multiculturalism.

The timetraveler: Gookmoot

Why BLM want to associate themselves with egyptians?
>muh years of slave work! white men evil!
>but it's okay to call the egyptians our ancestor even though they used slavery system
Disgusting, leftcuck movements are a mental disease.

>those pyramids

Most of the pyramids were already looted by the Persians after they conquered egypt. After Alexander's conquest and during the Hellenistic and Roman period most pyramids and tombs were already looted.

I once went to the valley of kings and in nearly every tomb you'll see ancient Greek graphiti everywere.

this is ramses II
doesnt look like a nigger to me

>prove to me that black people didn't invent slavery

Nah man you can have that one.

Goddamnit Jamal.

This is the best niggers in africa can do on their own, right now.

the Kushites or Nubians weren't true blacks but were just very dark Caucasians.
pic related is what they would have looked like.