why are some people so butthurt over this movie? We get the best roles in all the movies why is it a big deal to let Black people have all black films like this?
Why are some people so butthurt over this movie...
They think that this movie was specifically made to trigger them due to some SJW agenda or something. Not realizing that BP has been around forever.
No one's butthurt about the movie. People just think it's funny that a small group of black people out there actually believe Africa would be a technological wonder if white people never existed.
t. cracker
Ironic shitposting
T. Brownie
I can actually hear the crickets
Because having a movie celebrating racial exclusivity is bullshit in today's world. I would have no problem with it if the status quo weren't so politically correct and movies/organizations/businesses weren't constantly being grilled for being "too white".
The double standard that liberals seek to reinforce is what pisses people off.
>inb4 appeals to abstract forms of "systemic oppression"
nobody believes this shit except for the brainwashed
>a movie celebrating racial exclusivity is bullshit in today's world
When are you faggot cucks going to realize that all races should not be held to the same standard, and further segregation between races is the way of the future? Let the niggers have their movie
i think it's fucking hilarious, i love watching american black culture somehow continually get more and more retarded
Ok, I just watched the trailer. Is this meant to be a sequel to Civil War or a prequel? I thought we were gonna skip to origin story on this guy. Anyone have any insight?
SJW agenda exists. It's just a matter of seeing the timing, controversy and comments that critics, writers and actors have been making for the past years.
(((They))) are using BP to cause it, even though he was there forever.
For most it doesn't even matter he's black. Might even be a decent movie.
I agree with segregation of the races. This is healthy thinking user.
You are trying to argue this with someone that know exactly what you are talking about and is knowingly a part of it. Don't feed the trolls.
Name a black actor of this generation that stands up to the likes of Freeman,Jackson or Washington.
What merit is there to demand bland actors play bland characters in bland films based upon the false premise of Muh Whitey or black supremacy?
I'm not fro the US but black americans seem retarded to me. They're actively campaigning for this movie to be exclusively THEIRS and for the whites not showing up to "ruin their moment" because it's their turn and they can do it alone.
They don't realize that they're just doing damage and if this bombs they will blame white people regardless.
i wonder how people will react when they find out wakanda is a bunch of xenophobic assholes.
>a mono-ethnic society retains its traditional culture while becoming technologically advanced, keeps to itself, starts no shit with anyone and takes no shit from anyone.
As a white ethno-nationalist, I actually like the message this movie is offering.
nobody is
I honestly couldn't give a flying fuck.
Some of my favourite films pretty much only star black people (Menace II Society, Don't Be A Menace To South Central Whilst Drinking Your Juice In The Hood)... so yeah, I really couldn't give a shit.
A good movie is a good movie regardless of who's in it, same with shit movies... all that matters is if the actors do the film justice if it comes from a book or comic that's popular.
Jesus christ, you need to watch better movies.
I hope you're
The funny thing is Wakanda is isolationist america on steroids. It's a movie for black Trump supporters (all 3 of them)
Some people hate it when minorities get a chance. They don't want anyone else competing with them for opportunities. It's a harsh world out there and if you can keep the minorities down by trivialising the things that empower them then you won't have to compete with them on an even, fair playing field.
>implying I'm butthurt over HELLA diversity
We had a discussion about this in my cinematography class the other day (where the black people are pretty cool and not victim complex deflect-about-whitey types) and we agreed most white people are irked by how people on both sides of the ridiculous argument are hung up about how they imagine the other side is reacting to it.
In truth, though, there's definitely black people who post obnoxious shit on social media about how white people are to blame for everything wrong with black culture and the black experience. Those people should just be ignored, same with the white people who blame non-whites for ruining america etc
>same with the white people who blame non-whites for ruining america
Life isn't like a John Lennon song.
Will you respect their wish to not to ruin their experience by not seeing the movie though?
I think that they are only 13% of the population, don't quote me on that. If no one but them shows up to see this film the movie is definitely going to bomb.
Don't play this game in here.
Because if it weren't for the Jews he would be white. Like olden films where they didn't give a fuck about what the characters real race was.
All I'm seeing is
>if you're going to see it, you're entering our space. Just don't let us have this one!
>if you're not going to see it, you're racist. It's your fault that it didn't do well.
Can't win.
Because we aren't allowed to have all white movies without people throwinf a fit. Taste of their own medicine
>Will you respect their wish to not to ruin their experience by not seeing the movie though?
oh shit is this a thing? people are really asking for this in america?
i would have pirated it anyway, like all other capeshit, but goddamn
>people on both sides of the ridiculous argument are hung up about how they imagine the other side is reacting to it.
yeah this is what i figured
Just like they sold Wonder Woman solely on the feminist argument, they're doing the same for this movie with the black argument. As if these capeshit movies were something important for society. It's only important for the producers
>oh shit is this a thing? people are really asking for this in america?
Where have you been? I got nothing against BP per se but goddamn these people are fucking nuts. "We can do it ourselves" my ass.
Yeah they are going to blame white people no matter what. This is why no one respects them in America.
t. Wakandian
I'm 30 and I don't give a fuck what you think about what I like or don't like.
You're just someone on an Anonymous imageboard... I've been more bothered about stubbing my toe.
I remember a time where one didn't give a flying fuck about racial bullshit. Didn't matter if everyone was white, didn't matter if everyone was black, didn't matter if main char was black and had a relationship with a white girl. It mattered that the plot was believable. That the cast made sense and looked pretty. Nowadays its all "le racism" bullshit SJW meme. And there's no arguing with these faggots. You can't win.
i don't follow this shit, i usually watch these kinds of movies months after they're released
i guess the thing that i find strange is like...really? this is the film you want to make some odd ethnic/cultural stand on? this is where you draw the line and make a gesture, fucking marvel capeshit is the blackexcellence you've been waiting for?
it doesn't even look like a bad movie but fucking hell
It makes me, as a mexican american, hope that marvel will make a Brown Chihuahua movie about how great tacos would be if the stupid whites would let us use human meat.
why you here grandpa
>mfw this flops in Asia
Every week you guys do the same thing. Get mad about the most recent movie because you hate the agenda it pushes.
Why haven't you just stopped watching them like I have?
you need to go back
so do you
and you
>mfw this flops everywhere and the Jews are forced to pay people to watch it to cover it up
Like pic related.
Movie seems to be championing the backwards-ass tribal nature of Africa. That's un-American as fuck.
Flashbacks maybe?
Have nowhere else I can go to bitch about it... Tried to talk with IRL friends about SJWs without actually being a racist. Still got called a racist and now no friends. SJWs and racial bullshit sucks ass.
>skyscrapers look like BBC
Mind you're own business, faggot.
What's it like being such a cuck you can only see black dicks wherever you look?
How come diversity only means niggers?
Where the fuck are the Asians, Hispanics, Middle Eastern people, etc?
You have shit taste at whatever age you're at from rimming your dad, you cocksucking fairy.
Its jew crap meant to make people think niggers are "just like us".
>Colonization by the British never resulted in anything bad
Stop it Nigel
negro here
I really hate this girl's twitter all she does is post SJW shit but constantly admits she's only attracted to white men. just lmao
I have no interest in the movie, but I will say that it's diversity "done right"--that is, an original black character vs. blackwashing cultural appropriation. Nothing makes me shake my head harder than Marvel (comics) trying to replace a legacy character with a minority. Lazy, transparent, and an absolute failure of a strategy.
Blacks born in the United States are usually the most vocal about their demands for diversity in movies to make up for the fact that they have no culture of their own. They tried and failed to create a culture of their own in the late 20th Century, only for the whole thing to blow in their faces.
>colonization of africa wasn't a net benefit for most of the native africans
get a load of this faggot
>Those people should just be ignored
that hasn't worked the past 20 years and it isn't going to magically start working now
Works for me
It's the game being played
>I'm not from the US but these internet screencaps of a vocal hyper-minority have led me to judge an entire group of people numbering in the millions
Sup Forums in a nut-shell.
Closes mouths don't get fed.
If Asians and Latinos want to start movements for more representation on TV and film they're more then welcome to do so.
>same with the white people who blame non-whites for ruining america etc
Like I don't think that technologically we would be better off if that were the case, but socially we definitely would. Imagine if everybody was just one color and we didn't have to deal with this race shit coming out of the woodworks every 10 or 20 years or so. It'll die down soon, but it'll be back.
This movie was paid for by AIDS
>It'll die down soon
Good goy. Pretend nothing's wrong.
All I mean is that there are peaks and troughs with this shit. 1960s was a peak, so was the late 1980s, and now we're having another one. Hopefully people will realize there are more important things to argue about than skin color soon enough, but you can never be sure.
Do they really believe this??
Mfw one of the Africans that benefited
You have to realize that the people who are complaining are literally kids and mentally stunted man-children.
Its hard to take this shit serious with some nignog click clacking with a frisbee in his lip.
This shit aside, Im really looking forward to Thor Ragincock.
>people so butthurt over this movie
Dude, its called trolling. You intentionally talk shit about something so people who like it will get angry.
I thought people would've known by now.
Dumbass OP.
>caring about capeshit movies
Idris Elba
Wow you must be really mature.
4chin is consistently anally perturbed over niggers
why is a mystery