Elderly people should be gassed after retirement, y/n?
Elderly people should be gassed after retirement, y/n?
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>after retirement
Usually death follows retirement anyways. Did you mean "after retiring"?
Most of them worked hard to create the society we live in. We should let them live out their last days passing on wisdom before death as we repeat the process.
Right wing retards think that when boomers retire, they should be counted as unemployed.
I think that many people have grandparents and are not bastards of dubious origin like OP.
Thanks for continuing the stereotype.
No, their retirements should be self funded or reliant upon family.
Why does socialism always lead to mass cullings?
>Why does socialism always lead to mass cullings?
That's not true
Hitler dindu nuffin
He a good 'ol boy, he ain't never killed no one
He wuz fixin' to get his reich on track, he jus' needed beacoup bucks fer dem relocations programs to Madagascar :^)
>work your ass of your entire life
>get gassed when you retire
I'd stop working conpletely and mooch of the governement as a big fuck you.
If people know they're going to be killed after they retire, they might not have much incentive to get a job in the first place and will rely entirely on the government their whole lives.
(0.5 shekels have been added to your account.)
They probably have pensions and 401k to be able to live out the rest of their lives. So no because they can still contribute to the economy.
Fuck you. Old people are awesome.
Why would you fart on elderly people?
This. Literally why even work and save for retirement if we're going to live in Logan's Run?
>Elderly people should be gassed after retirement, y/n?
You should be gassed right away just for sugesting that.
What the fuck are you, a fucking sociopath?
Throwing them off a cliff seems more economicaly
Absolutely, they're one of the biggest strains on any socialist policy. They pay into the system sure, but they don't work and they are the overwhelming majority of people who require medical care. Billions would be saved if we didn't have to pay to keep the elderly alive.
Anyone droning about how they worked to create what we have today should realise they also took from the society of their day, and will continue to take from the society of today. This is not a one way street. Contributing to achieve a goal is meaningless if you benefitted from it at the same time, and then you cannot rest on your laurels and claim you've done enough while everyone around you continues to contribute.
>gassing old people who worked for a living
>not gassing welfare dependents
As soon as they turn 40 they should be gassed
Simple solution, only pay out to those who are paying in. in case of illness and injury, give an allowance for them to get back to it (adjusted for whatever ailment they have) then cut them off if they won't return to work
>underage detected
I dont think it's either/or we can do both.
>work your ass off whole life
>look forward to sitting on your porch, looking at the bright future you made happen
>police comes, take you away
>"wtf is going on officer"
>"we don't need you anymore, old man"
>"b-but I did my part! don't I deserve a few years of rest?"
>"no, we don't care anymore"
undderrated poast
Sage in all fields!
>Gassing elderly people who've worked all their life and paid into their retirement
> Not gassing welfare dependants, illegal scum and leeches who live off the hard work of others
>Throwing them off a cliff seems more economicaly
no, those areas would fill too quickly and you'd constantly be needing to change locations which is a huge waste of money. just burn them.
Why would you want to live to 40 anyway? unless you specifically happen to be a 40 year old who is still ruled by his animal instinct to avoid dying whatever the cost.
You mean once they hit 30, they should go to carousel for the chance at renewal.
that's a nice burger don't be a faggot
t. Someone who will never be able to retire, due to his already accumulating debt.
No I love my grandparents. I will not be signing this petition.
Not sure.
old people contribute to our economy too. Think of all the old golfers out there buying expensive stuff
When they're unable to contribute to society they should be gassed, same goes to disabled people.
>contribute to the system
>also take from the system you're contributing to
>expect to be allowed to continue to take from the system for decades while no longer contributing
Yeah, no. Especially considering your retirement years are going to be nothing but drugs, surgeons and hope keeping you alive far longer than you naturally should. Shits expensive as fuck.
why is pol so suddenly concerned with society
They're buying up and it's indirectly dispersed. They are not contributing to the work force, and again, their medical bills are astronomical, it is the worst possible age for a person to expect others to pay for them because they will never be more costly to keep alive, and for what? So they can spend money but not work?
No, but euthanasia should be a right for people past a certain age, with a terminal disease or serious disability.
No. They worked hard, they deserve a good retirement
Better question is, why is Sup Forums suddenly so emotional when it comes to old people? They're not good for much, they're a huge drain, any other group of people and we'd be discussing how we'd gas them rather than whether we should.
we don't reward hard work in america
Yesss, good goy, throw away the knowledge of your elders!
I mean, how could a half century of accrued knowledge and observations possibly be helpful to you?
Oy vey, they are so backward, I mean they can't even operate an iphone!
I got a heart attack from looking at that burger
So you are for this, but not social welfare? How is this not the same principle? People should have to take care of themselves.
They shouldn't be subsidized.
If you're smart enough to save money for your retirement, good for you. I'll see you around at the next barbecue.
If you're so stupid you can't even save enough to buy yourself a house and have enough left to live, it's your own fucking problem not mine.
>be Italian
>in less than two years I've already paid more than 10000€ into the social security system
>if I could have gotten my hands on those 10K I would be MILES better off by now. I wouldn't have 12K of debt @8% APR.
In the long run this would have saved me over 5K which is WAY more than the interest I will see over those 10K put in the SS over 40 years.
But no, I'm sure the all-knowing gubbment knows what's best for me right? :DDDDDDDD
No. Just get rid of SS. If you don't save and don't have kids that will support you, you don't get to retire
>If I disagree with it, it's the Jews
Dont you believe the jews control the world? And they've been pretty happy to have retirement and look after the elderly in society. Besides, thinking doing a life's work entitles you to lie back on a pile of shekels while everyone around you contributes sounds like what a Jew would want to me.
Way to pick up on the obvious joke
My girlfriend went home last week to take care of her grandmother. She has master's research to do, but she can VPN in. I'm still working across the country, but I'll visit home in a couple weeks too. We're from the same town.
Right now her mom takes care of her grandmother, who is 92 years old. Last I saw her she could walk, but pretty slow. Now, she can't move without a walker. I get sent videos of her walking from the couch to the bathroom, which takes literally 7-9 minutes to get up, settle on the walker, shuffle at perhaps one step every 5 seconds, and use the toilet. She has one of those seats that goes over the toilet with armrests on either side. Sometimes she can't make it to the bathroom, and will have to use a portable toilet.
She can't get into bed by herself. Either one person moves her torso, then legs, then back and forth until she's on the bed, or two people move her at once. She can't get changed by herself, because she can't lift her arms very well. Standing tires her out, and her arms and legs shake under her own weight. She wakes up every 3 hours during the night because she has to use the bathroom, and needs help. She rarely goes out to eat anymore because it's too exhausting; her life consists of sleeping, going to the bathroom, eating, and watching television. And she's supervised almost all the time to make sure she doesn't fall and break everything in her body.
I never want to become that useless. Not only wasting myself away, but forcing someone to waste away with me. I think I could contribute to society after retirement, but when I get to this point, I would just want to fucking die.
You could try implementing a policy like this, but there's always gonna be some numbskull who goes off his meds and starts seeing colors again.
Elderly people should be gassed when they hit 30.
It's the only way to protect the Domes.
Where can I get a burger like that without the bun
What is this game and how do I play it?
Whatever you useful idiot. Clearly you don't understand how important it is to have a connection with your own family and society.
Maybe you should actually get out of your tumblr hugbox and talk to some old people.
Did you get molested by a senior citizen OP?
you don't have grandparents do you, fag?
You should be gassed now.
people too young to know what its like to take care of your elderly family members
everybody should be gassed at 80
what are you 8? spic
No.... Old people vote republican, and are based
>Sup Forums is basically old people
OP is under 25, doesn't visit his grandparents, has less than $2,500 in the bank and as many of you already know--is a total and complete faggot.
Most old guys I know are buying motorcycles, looking at puss at the Y and relishing in the tree they planted 30 years ago.
Seriously where the fuck are the burger places in America?
When I was there all burgers will never as big as that, the best burger i had was in fucking Vancouver cooked by a an American in an harley davidson bar.
Report obvious JIDF thread
that's sad you came all the way over and didnt find a good burger. they're all over too
>after retirement
I think you mean once the become a burden. There are those who did well for themselves and can pay for themselves and don't leech off the system.
Those that just strain society should be gassed.
Five guys would have been your easiest and most ubiquitous choice. It's a decent "fast food" burger so to speak.
Florida has dank ass burgers because all we do is grill food around the pool.
they don't vote republican based on the issues though. 95% of the old worthless boomers that vote republican do it based on misguided attempts to preserve the society they grew up in and to give themselves more benefits, despite probably already being the last generation to know what a decent retirement will be like.
The only way to plant a fresh, productive, healthy garden is to remove the dead plants and weeds.
who are these teenage retirees
it's because of minds like yours 10s of millions died in failed "socialist utopias" last century
>Elderly people should be gassed after retirement, y/n?
No but modern medecine allowing people to live longer is becoming a huge problem. It is a burden on pension funds and families alike. Centenarians used to be the exception, they're about to become the norm.
Placing a relative in a retirement home costs a bunch of money. Having them at home requires some space, time and specialized care which is still expensive.
I think we should consider offering euthanasia as a dignified way out for old people that are just waiting to die and don't want to be a burden to their family.
t. someone with a 104 years old relative that just won't die and is costing my family a lot when money is tight at the moment.
Froggy bro knows what he is talking about. Look up "French Paradox" These fuckers smoke all they want, eat how they want, live as long as they want.
Dialing back entitlements is basically impossible at this point in US. Can only imagine for our French user.
Euthanasia is called "Death with dignity" over here, but more or less I think it's going for the same goal.
Jokes on you, I'm thinking of national socialism. Socialism fails the moment people taking out stop putting in
Millionaires' kids
Not if we geezers see you little fauxhawk wearing skinny jean slithering Barcelona soccer shirt wearing, dayglo orange soccer shoes wearing flat brimmed ball cap wearers with trash can lids in your earlobes.
Tbh i ll gas myself if after 70 i have any major health problem , i don t want to be a faggot .
I believe Switzerland is the only country allowing people to opt for euthanasia legally in Europe.
I think more will follow suit, It only makes sense if you're old, lingering in pain but your body just won't give up.
>My girlfriend went home last week to take care of her grandmother.
Uh huh. Sure that's all she's doing. You know goddamn well that when she isn't helping granny wipe, she is taking Jamal and Tyrones cocks in her mouth every chance she gets. Cuck.
Social security and medicare need to fucking go. I'm fucking tired of these irresponsible boomers leeching off the system. If you saved for retirement responsibly by yourself I have no problem.