Librarians BTFO
Librarians BTFO
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Yes librarian's are to blame.
burn books not bridges
just pay the free market to build a road to your house m8.
This isn't 2012. Libertarians are no longer the majority of this board, since we realized that nice political theorizing is only sensible in a homogenous society. Libertarianism or socialism might work in all all white society, but for now we need fascism to get rid of the brown hoards that make identity politics rule the day in politics.
I speak for Sup Forums btw
Libra is a zodiac of peace
Hump librarians!
op come on
alright here goes
go fuck a teakettle you bitchass calling cookies biscuit ass fucking muslim ass bitch how about you lose an entire seafaring empire again faggot your great grandmother needed so much dick your country took over the world to get her enough go fuck some black pudding while thinking of the queen faggot your food is so shit africa chased you out so they could go back to eating dirt dont you have a muslim bull to prep or is it time to put fucking beans on fucking toast & pretend you dont want to kill yourself are you gonna pray to allah when youre done here or jack it with your big ben dildo
id tell you to slit your wrists but you dont have ANY FUCKING KNIVES DO YA
i tried searching "best blowjob ever" on pornhub but all i could find was your COUNTRY FUCKING SUCKING BITCHFAG
Socialists BTFO.
>b-but muh roads
not an argument
Libertarian Vehicle. Authoritarians BTFO.
pls no steppy mr. gubment!
wtf I hate libraries now
I laugh every time I read something like this from a fat yank, we are slowly dumbing you all down to the point of retardation then we strike.
>we'll need roads in a free society
too. fucking. slow.
what're you gonna do, throw muslims at us?
How will you strike while Muhammad's cock is in your arse?
yeah it's so hard for businesses to take over the production and maintenance of roads
Private companies have roads between construction halls, explain this.
Libertarian neighborhood.
>The private sector builds homes but they could never possibly figure out how to lay asphalt!
No let trump unleash the masterplan , everything is working to perfection I give you 5 years.
I'll let you in on a secret yank, Trump's grandfather was Scottish.
>617 + 324 + 987 + 88
>Not realizing that the majority of our infrastructure funding comes from the profits that libraries make off of overdue books
life ruined.
Also checked.
>5$ a mile toll.
Quarter mile of road is a little different than the 4 million miles of road in the USA.
reeee gubment btfo
plz no steppy
This is now a snek thread.
>I will take "What are public goods?" for 700.
Fucking ignorance of economics and libertarianism
t. edgy stormfronter.
>Libertarianism is the same as ancap
All socialists are egalitarian advocates
All capitalists are laissez-faire social darwinists
all conservatives are against motorcars, internet, medicine and other blights on society
All people against the Iraq war are pacifist hippies
>implying i need a road when I can build a hemp-powered airbike with no regulations
stay mad authority junkies
>British education
You only need to get to build enough to get to someone else's road, you don't need to plan all 4 million miles at once.
In Germany small municipalities are in charge of building and planning roads, you can still get anywhere you want using them.
Highways are something different, but if there is enough need for a big road, why wouldn't companies that need to transport things from A to B not collaborate to build them?
>muh roads
no matter what libertarians still support the dominance of parasitic finance jews over the economy, the destruction of traditional society and degenerate mass culture with its unhealthy consumption patterns. libertarianism must be disavowed.
>has no idea who murray rothbard is
The term anarcho-capitalist was literally coined by the same person who changed the meaning of "libertarian" in America's lexicon to mean... anarcho-capitalist. They are the same ideology.
If it weren't for Rothbard, libertarian would still mean anarchist/communist.
so really, not that much different from now.
I look forward to libertarian roads.
Companies don't build roads for public use. Do you understand how profit works?
lmao half the roads near me are like that
i drive a big retarded truck just like everyone else here so its not a problem.
wont be killing anyone while drunk if i can only go 20mph checkmate faggets
The whole Eastern Seaboard of the US charges tolls. Explain this.
I thought the picture was in reference to libertarian slippery slope? Not that long ago they were just fighting for gay acceptance. Now 6 year old transgenders are a thing
pls no steppy k?
yup, quads confirm
Gary *globalist open borders anti gun narcissist fuckstick* Johnson had made what was a joke 4 years ago a fucking disgrace.
Actually they do.
If a company has a store or mall or other attraction that they want people to spent money at, it is absolutely in their interest to build roads for the public to access it.
Also, toll roads are often privately owned.
>be company W based in town A
>want to expand your market to town B
>so do companies X, Y and Z
>companies WXYZ agree to build a road to town B to make shipping of goods less expensive, faster and more reliable
>they realize that their road is not saturated and they can rent it out to regular people who want to move from A to B on a subscription based service
>start actually earning more money from the subscription service to the road than from the goods they're selling
>WXYZ Roadbuilding Inc. is born
>Connect towns C, D, E, F...
This is literally how railways began. It's not fucking rocket science.
>City being burned by BLM
>Call the police
>that'll be $20,000 sir
>Call your Senator
>"If you can't defend your city yourself then it doesn't deserve to be a city."
>They come to your house
>Outnumbered 10:1 all you can scream is "MUH NAP"
Remember to vote Johnson!
libertarianism only works regarding large public projects when you are willing to physically remove people who dont help.
>pitch in
pick one.
As a socialist all this hating on libertarians is great
More rest stops/areas and better roadways.
These things are not free, senpai.
>Not an argument.
Uh, hello, Andorra.
>Businessman_in_suit_and_tie notices Police Contractor #1 is making mad profit
>Police Contractor #2 is born
>undercuts PC1 by $5000
>Businessman #2 thinks he can still beat them
>PC3 comes around and undercuts both by another 5000
>PC1 goes out of business
>PC2 starts competing fiercely with PC3
>6 months later PC2 is offering unlimited coverage for a flat 6500$ yearly rate while PC3 offers a similar package for 7000$ but with free BigMacs as consolation for every property damage >100$ you're subjected to.
>Fancy looking Romania
Gee how did this picture make it around the world?
What sort of transportation did it use?
Who built, owns, and operates the Internet?
The government does not own the Internet, surely this is some kind of dark magic at work.
It's the Andorra flag and the poster is from anonymous proxy, newfriend.
Libertarian road:
You're not entitled to roads. Fuck off, slavers.
>all the while the service gets shittier and shittier as they hire hobos off the street instead of trained professionals.
Never seen this before
...also fuck my public education
I would gladly accept that for no state desu
best post.
t.former lolbertarian
Libertarianism should be treated as an ideal to live by, not necessarily a faction to live under; the government cannot be allowed total control, every citizen should recognize their own self-worth.
>American cops
>""""trained professionals""""
Come on burgerbro, your cops can't even execute a box-in maneuver and they end up chasing retards around freeways for hours like yesterday.
I watched the second chase live and I can tell you in Germany it would have been over in half an hour.
Let's not even look at how many times they end up killing people for practically no reason.
this meme triggers cuckbertarians
Also this.
Also, building a half decent road isn't THAT difficult. Anyone who lives off the main roads knows that with a bulldozer and a few truckloads of gravel you can roll your own in a weekend.
Just like building a house. Two or three people could build one in a few months easy, yet most of the time a house costs 15 years worth of labor. Why?
The only reason why houses are so damn expensive is that the government is artificially creating a shortage of them by imposing building restrictions even in areas where there's no fucking reason to.
that flag looks brighter then the last time i saw it
>spaghetti nigger
our cops are better than any western european country. they just have way more crime (and shitskins) to deal with.
look up the statistics for cops killing people. something like 97% are criminals pulling a weapon on them.
>Libertarian Police Department
You are still wrong
Yes of course how could I forget the infamous libertarian dirt roads.
>ride street legal dirt bike daily
Looks fine to me
"Eat Fresh and Freeze" got me
Original of that pepe
>socialist road
I could just as easily post a picture from Haiti and say "capitalists BTFO"
If you think socialism might work you were never a libertarian to begin with. Fascism is just the mirror image of lefty collectivism.
Haiti has had decades of socialist politicians in power. Look it up moron.
Untrue, Haitians just don't like to make money, so they understock.
>be librarian
>love books more than anything
>enjoy daily walks through the words to work
>one on the way to work all the trees are gone
>hard pavement below my feet
> it cant be
I fuckin hate roads
Nobody goes to the library anymore, so the road just got neglected.
Librarian Roads
Where in the fuck do you live that your nearest library is a quick hike through the forest?
exactly, build a road, you and your friend build a road, you pay someone to build a damn road and wow ! we have roads !
Don't you know? In the ideal Librarian society there are no roads only buildings amongst the trees because only government can build roads and us Librarians hate the government and roads.
Being a nigger is a valid reason to kill someone
>Nobody move unless you want to
This is gold
>not owning an all terrain vehicle with a winch.
Road is fine
I don't give a fuck about librarians and their book hobby seemingly only serves to piss me off. Fuck them.