What message was this movie trying to convey?
Get Out
By self hating liberals for self hating liberals and their minions.
I honestly refused to watch this because fuck niggers and I can see the agenda from a mile away.
How did the house niggers react to certain triggers if their brains were completely removed?
>liberals tried to claim it was redpilled
Our abysmal public education system is failing black america
>from appropriating us, to brainwashing to having a slave mentality to the undercover operations of killing blacks for four our advanced DNA(genetics) watch this movie.
This shit went from 0-100 really quickly.
This is what happens when you link public school funding to property taxes. All you end up with is poor fuckers getting dumber over time.
Seemed like a pretty normal horror/comedy to me with slightly racial themes. Of course people will overblow the racial aspect and try to make the entire movie about it.
I never hated black people until the last few years. Now I'm fairly certain the KKK was onto something
I honestly think he just wanted to make a horror movie that focused on black fears, and as usual people read too much into it.
>people trying to find all these hidden meanings and messages
>repeat watching to try to catch more
>jordan peele is probably sitting at home pissed that people don't realize it's one long set up to a 'cops arrive but this time that's a bad thing' joke
A lot of them actually believe melanin is more valuable than gold and they are being killed to be harvested.
top kek
>killing blacks for for our advanced DNA
>for for
>advanced DNA
my sides
lol, what is that from, second life?
but seriously they say melanin can be used for 'bioelectronic devices' what if we do start harvesting blacks? they would finally become useful
>I honestly refused to watch this because fuck whites and I can see the agenda from a mile away.
rly made me thnk uh
they weren't
I wouldnt say the racial themes are as understated as you think but I do mostly agree with you.
Get Out is definitely more stepford wives than it is A Birth of a Nation 2016
>harvest melanin for electronics
>phone doesn't work until noon
>youtube app redirects to worldstar
>every time I dial someone it just calls footlocker
The whole "whites in black bodies" thing was acted out so poorly. A white puts himself in a black body, and just starts acting like a robot? If anything, if a white puts himself in a black body he'd probably act like a stereotypical black person, because he's essentially putting himself in blackface. But I guess that'd be too subtle for the target audience, so instead they had to zoom in on weird black guy not fist-bumping normal black guy.
Guess I should post link
"Melanin is $396 a gram" is like their slogan
I hate how people both black and white miss the point of this movie. Whites just see it as "fuggin niggers with their kike race bate movie" and blacks see it as "fuggin honkeys with their secret murder rooms". The whole point is just 'Treating people better because of race is just as bad as treating them worse'. The lib cucks have a parental mentality that's similar to that of slave owners but they don't see it that way because they're blinded by good intentions, muh reparations, and putting the entire black race on a pedestal. The movie plays that up to 11 with the brain swap shit and making them have a fetishistic view blacks. The problem for me is that blacks miss the fucking point of the movie so often. The movie is saying "You're more than your race you're an individual. And everyone should be seen as an individual" but some just go further into retarded race tribalism. Jordan Peele said he wants to make more movies like this and I hope he touches on how blacks ostracize those that they deem "not black enough" because a lot of people need a rude awakening.
holy fuck
>contact number for my dad is gone
Nothing. People just love to politicise everything.
>killing blacks for for our advanced DNA(genetics)
>unironically using the word "woke"
i refuse to believe these kind of people exist
The point of Get Out is basically that white suburban liberals are fetishisizizing blacks and black culture.
are you literally retarded. All the movie was trying to say that was self proclaimed "progressives" may SAY that they love black people and think they are awesome at sports and stuff but when it comes to their ACTIONS progressive whites just use blacks as a means to their own selfish ends holy fucking crap. This isn't Felini or Godard
This. It's funny how people keep trying to relate it to southern racist
I thought it was fucking hilarious
the tsa guy was great
don't know how anybody could get some serious political message out of it
it points fun at all sides
the concept for this movie was pretty much what every person who spams BLACKED.com threads on Sup Forums thinks about race relations
you couldn't have possibly misunderstood the movie more then
>undercover operations for killing blacks
we don't need to, they do that themselves
>phone steals itself
>doesn't watch the movie
>thinks he knows the agenda because it's about black people
hes right though
the moral is that black men shouldnt date white women
based jordan peele
That white people should fuck off and stop trying to get involved in black people problems.
>is a legitimately good movie
>all people can talk about is political drivel
That niggers look disgusting.
Black people secretly want to be white people
>he doesn't know that Sup Forums is proxy race war general
back to >>reddit
>That black people should fuck off and stop trying to get people involved in black people problems.
Fixed nigger
Wait for real?
Yes, watch the damn movie
the "villains" are rich white LIBERALS in the northeast who whine about republicans and want social justice. They love blacks to the point where they literally want to become black so they can experience their suffering as a form of repentance.
Hitler wasn't laughing when a nigger won a gold medal at his Olympics lol
It's a good movie. I was really impressed with Jordan peele. I love my Sup Forums but i use movies to escape that sort of shit.
The internet revealed just how obnoxious and retarded they really are, that's all.
Black people are waiting for an excuse to kill white people, the whole house, including old ladies
E;R explains:
>imply sprinting useful for anything after building walls to keep lions out
You're thinking like a nigger.
White people only suffer by having blacks in their countries.
>advanced DNA(genetics)
What did he meant by this?
>The left likes it because racists die
>The right likes it because it slams liberals
A true masterpiece
The old guy literally picks black people as mind slaves for their supposed "inherent" athletic genes
The only rational posts ITT.
Or maybe the guy/lady who made this website is a schizophrenic. Like that guy from timecube and the doctor who made soap.
He actually was very impressed and shook his hand
>Some “conservatives” are interpreting this movie – which is about a black guy slaughtering villainous suburban white liberals who turn out to be secret racists – as a “Democrats are the Real Racists” type of message, but I challenge that summary. The film can be interpreted that way, but Jew producer Jason Blum and black director Jordan Peele’s sentiment isn’t meant to scratch the conservative itch for “based black guys” as Gavin McInnes claims.
>Throughout history, the genocide of a people follows a process of dehumanization as prelude. For example, in the bloodiest epochs of the Soviet Union, the targets for murder were labeled “counter-revolutionaries,” while in Israel, Palestinians are just “terrorists.”
>White people in America are being targeted in the same fashion. Jews plan to gradually dwindle our numbers until we’re a small minority so they can incite blacks and others to begin indiscriminately killing us and our families. In “Get Out” the whole family is killed, including the negro protagonist’s white girlfriend. If you’re a white liberal who bends over to accommodate Jews and their non-white pawns, you won’t be saved, because it’s white genocide – no asterisk.
>For this reason, the target of the “Democrats are the Real Racist” message here isn’t white cuckservatives – this is just Jews instructing blacks to see that left-wing whites also need to be attacked and eventually murdered.
>The Jew lives vicariously through the black on a physical level, as they perceive negroes to be strong and brutal while they are usually physically weak. The Jew believes that negroes are an inferior race, but also sees the negro as a more primitive, virile version of himself. Both races are carnal and “loose” - Jews are prone to instant gratification, they just have the money to get away with it. The way the black and Jewish collective likes to solve problems (brutality, murder, terror) is identical.
>The villains in “Get Out” aren’t “white elites,” they are part of that minority of wealthy white liberals, but ultimately not very powerful or relevant aside from virtue signaling. The Armitage family (the evil white people in the film) aren’t influential (((New York Times writers))), (((political donors))) or (((Hollywood movie directors))), they’re meant to represent middle class suburban lemmings, the type who are sheltered enough to believe the races are actually equal and don’t mind if their daughter dates a negro.
>But Jews want non-whites to know: there is no such thing as a good white person.
>If you’re a liberal or have people in your family who are liberals, make sure they know that they won’t be spared.
Idk even the sanest niggers believe crazy shit. Literally every black guy I know believes some crazy shit about white people and some unironically do the we wuz kangs routine. Maybe there's something more to it but I wouldn't know. It's hard to be too close with them when I know they unironically think whitey just want to keep the black man down.
Bingo. Far too many people take this movie at face value.
Do you expect me to take seriously a text that uses "the parenthesis"?
>don’t mind if their daughter dates a negro
>a negro
Why do you type like this? It's so dumb and cringy. You don't realize? Do you really think like this? Where are you from?
>Palestine mentioned in the first few paragraphs of the review
Why does """"the alt right""""""" love Palestineniggers so much
>every black guy I know believes some crazy shit about white people
Yeah, unlike you, who thinks 100% rationally.
The quote arrows are there for a reason, nigger.
No they want to become black because they think they are superior physically but mentally whites are better. I don't think the movie even comes close to the depth you're projecting onto it. It's just stepford with niggers and da raycis white peepol even da libs hate us QQ.
What does that have to do with what I'm talking about? I think everyone believes weird shit but a lot of blacks are specifically indoctrinated to believe weird shit about white people where as only some whites get strangely racist beliefs instilled into them by their parents and media.
Because Palestine presents a clear case of Jews committing real ethnic cleansing while pretending to be victims of a fake ethnic cleansing
Maybe it's an American thing.
>quote arrows
Where do you think you are cuck? Go waste your money on stocking up on bullets you'll never use.
How many user ITT really think a white genocide will actually happen? You know they'll just send the national guard if too many niggers stand in front of a kfc.
Jordan Peele has outright said that the agenda is exposing the hidden racism of everyday conversations, though.
>tfw i'll never be "WOKE"
And thank god for that. I get more enjoyment from subverting this shit at every turn.
>tfw niggs are paranoid of just about anyone possibly running subversion tactics against them.
>tfw they're usually only right one tenth of the time
>tfw they never actually catch/ call out any real perps
Pretty sure sickle cell and high blood pressure will kill more niggs in the next 2 decades then the previous 40
Here's the thing I don't get. If a movie sets out to be political, why the fuck do people get triggered not at the movie, but at the fact that people react to the politics of the movie? Why is it OK for a director to be political, but not OK for his audience?
The agenda is to brand the white leftist group as racists, thus marking them for the kill in the upcoming race war. It's to smear the last "innocent" white group as the same evil racists as any other honkey.
Guess again. In the mid 1980s there was a huge experiment in Kansas City that bumped the city's educational budget up by four billion dollars to try and combat differences in racial student outcomes.
By the end of the period, the district's schools had the best student/teacher ratio of any public school district in the country. They had computer labs and mechanics programmes, field trips to other countries, free lunches, free bus passes, after-school tutoring and study sessions, pretty much the sort of thing you get at top private schools. The federal government was also overseeing the project like a bunch of soviet commissars to stomp out any trace or possible rumbling of racial discrimination.
White test scores rose very slightly. Black test scores dropped.
It isn't school funding. There are basically two possibilities. Either it's genetic, or it's familial. I lean towards the latter. Single parent households raise horribly dysfunctional children because a single parent simply does not have the TIME to raise a child properly, to see to all of their needs and to help and encourage them to study. A few supermen/women can do it but the great majority cannot. The single best indicator for a child's success or failure in school is their home situation.
Welfare policies beginning in the 60s actively encouraged women (especially black women) to divorce or break up with their men. At one point under LBJ government agents were literally going door to door telling women they'd get more money if they kicked their husbands. Thus you get the great generation of black single mothers, overworked, underslept, caring for multiple children while holding multiple jobs.
Simply dumping money into the schools doesn't solve the underlying problem, which is what we have been saying for decades. The FAMILY is the basis of a child's growth, not the government.
You can hardly improve academic grades of people by throwing money at them. That will only make those people even more spoiled and lazy. Only discipline and rigor can improve academic success - especially of low IQ individuals.
>have all 3 eyes open
>>advanced dna
Sure, gov.
*by self loving jews to self hating liberals and their executioners
The movie is literally conveying the message that self hating white liberals are the worst.
So this is the black verison of KEKISM?
That people who worship black people and put non-whites on a pedastal to seem progressive secretly just wish they were negros and can be just as dangerous, if not more, than actual racists (like the cop at the start).
Liberals fetishise blacks
This - To the point that they say that they can't be evil with their actions because they voted for Obama
You know, like a "liberal" would say as a defensive position.
This desu. They brainwashed the more empathetic white men into liberals. Women just do what evolution has programmed them to do, taking over and burning everything to ground if the men become weak.
>Liberals fetishise blacks
Nah, but Jews do. The Jew lives vicariously through the Negro. This film is only Jason Blum's projection fantasy.
Isn't it Fuck White Leftists: the Movie?
White liberals want the good boy points, but are ignorant of root problems or are contributing to it.
So let me get this straight,black people wanted equality and now they want to be handed supremacy? It's not like it was decided on a meeting that white people will rule the world,history made them rulers. Or am I not aware of some ritual in which every few thousands of years a "superior" race gives supremacy to "inferior" race?
Nothing wrong with using a more formal word for black people.
There is no logic in liberalism, only destruction of western culture. The faster you realize this, the better.
That even when whites arent racist, they are racist
The director looks like hes going through bogification