Humayun Khan (Hillary's dead Jihadi pet) Is a fraud

on June 8 near Baqubah, Khan was inspecting a guard post when a suspicious taxicab began approaching too quickly. Ordering his subordinates away from the vehicle, Khan ran forward 10–15 steps and was killed by a suicide car bomb fitted with an improvised explosive device.The car detonated before it could reach the gates or the nearby mess hall where hundreds of soldiers were eating breakfast. The blast also killed the two occupants of the vehicle and two Iraqi bystanders. On June 15, Khan was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

So brave right? But it's a fucking lie made up by the dead faggot's goat fucking father.

Pic related proves he didn't pull any call of duty heroics on the day of his death. Rather he likely tired to welcome his Muslim brother into his base and got allah akbar'd for it.

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wow, huh, really made me think

I'm a #Chump4Trump now!



...yeah, and?

If you were trying to make an argument, please be advised you still have yet to make it.

There isn't even a hint of evidence that supports your argument. Fuck off instead of slandering those who have died for your country.

People like you make conservatives appear myopic and petty. We want stronger borders against our enemies, but our liberal counterparts paint us as anti-Muslim, and idiots like you play the part to a tee. Get fucked.

The guy fucking died doing his job. While our interests in Iraq were probably misguided, this man was not responsible and should be considered an honorable solider.

If you're wondering why the media has such a grand ol' time deriding conservatives, look in the fucking mirror.

His father made up a story of going one on one with a VIED armed with only an M9 and discarding a tower with a machinegun nest. Fuck off shill.

lel it gets worse
Khizr Kaboom has written extensively in favor of shariah. He's a fraud and a jihadist.
>“The Shari’ah-was completed during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammed, in the Quran and Sunnah. This brings up an important fact which is generally overlooked, that the invariable and basic rules of Islamic Law are only those prescribed in the Shari’ah (Quran and Sunnah), which are few and limited,” Khan continues to write. “All other juridical works which have been written during more than thirteen centuries are very rich and indispensable, but they must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah and open to reconsideration by all Muslims.”

Your pic doesn't prove any of that you fucking retard.

You see how the story said by the Jihadi's dad is very different than the DoD release? Go fuck yourself, CTR.

Those fucking taxicabs man.

I've heard stories about how early on in the invasion of Iraq it was such a clusterfuck. When they got there, they had intelligence that a certain color of car were being driven by enemy combatants and/or suicide bombers, and coalition forces were ordered to shoot them on sight.
A few months later they got new intelligence that told them that the cars they were shooting at were actually taxicabs and they weren't supposed to shoot them anymore. They had just been murdering taxi drivers for the past few months.

Fuck the crazy curry rat.


The DoD doesn't dispute the official story

If you had any experience at all with the DoD you'd know this statement doesn't really help or hurt his story. Fuck Khan for trying to make his son a martyr though.

HillShill leave now or your IP will be leaked.

Dosent really matter how he died. What matters is his father is a muslim brotherhood shill

>disrespecting our fallen service members
fucking disgusting

Kinda sad that falsifying the cause of death is ok when Hillary does it. Tillman caused a shit storm when they tried to maryr him into a hero

I'm not too concerned about pops fabricating a story, it really is no big deal if his son died a hero or with a needle in his arm. But you calling the father's version of events "the official story" b/c DoD hasn't come out to slander one of their own's legacy, shows you're either autistic or a very bad shill.

Stop getting sucked into attacking this dead sandnigger, literally a "tar baby".
Go after the father, expose his Islamicist ties and his financial connections that seem shady. Stop trying to attack the dead.

But that isn't the "official," story friendo.

That is a release from June 8,2004 reporting a soldier killed on June 8, 2004. That is not enough time to put together an exact recreation of events.

You need to show us the official DoD after action report of the event, not just the announcement that someone died due to VBIED the day of.

You should have known better. Read next time.

>Running out to defend a tower
>Turns out he died alone at a check point, not saving a group of tower soldiers like daddy said at the DNC

Go to bed, CTR