Millenials are the worst
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>It's an "Estonian who gets paid to whiteknight boomers on Sup Forums" episode
Id rather have a 3.14 sucking my dick while playing videogames then not. It's imperative
>By Tara Bahrampour
>making money
i bet this fag shills on kickstarter and patreon. when the happening occurs these retards will be the first to die because they have no real skills
I'm not sure if it's their fault though. This is what the 'progressive', globalist movement has done to them. They have been robbed of any concept of what being part of a community is like, and so they don't value actual human companionship.
Sup Forums also btfo by a black bull not wanting to cuck whites (Noah is black)
He's right though, the Bible says that it is better to remain single and avoid sexual relationships. If enough men opt out of courtship, then the market value of men will rise and women will have to sweeten the deal.
>for an average date you're going to spend at least two hours, and in that two hours I wont be doing something I enjoy
Is it wrong that I agree with this kid? That's how I usually rationalize staying in on the weekends.
>implying less sex is a bad thing
Degenerates BTFO
hey what's the 3.14 meme ? like i don't get it what is it referring to ?
This. Neocons and the left both just see wallets instead of people. Communities have been broken by deliberate decision to educate people into being hardworking, deracinated drones who can do any job without asking questions.
3.14 = pi
qt 3.14 = "cutie pie"
Pic related from another thread
I can;t help but feel we're being engineered, but that might be too tinfoil.
You'll be spending time pretending to enjoy yourself, simply for a chance to get sexual release at the end of the evening.
And that's not even guaranteed, in fact, most people like Noah would be lucky even to get a peck on the cheek.
I understand his point of view completely.
He has literally millions of girls at the click of a button, and can spend two hours edging instead of two hours trying to impress some whore who doesn't want you anyway.
The chart left mail order brides off of the list. I don't want to go down that road, but any White person considering it should pick up an Eastern European instead of an Asian. They both are foreigners who think you're rich as fuck, but your kids won't be hapas.
pi. It's a pun so qt3.14 is pronounced cutiepie.
Bullshit. I'm 18 and I'd love to go on a date with a girl. I'd drop everything I'm doing to go out and hang out with someone else.
It's just I'm not really all that cool and no girls dig me.
why go on a datw with someone who does not like you?
I would have said it was tinfoil a year ago, but now I think you're right. Fukken saved. I'm going to go mow my lawn. Congrats on crashing the EU.
not that new you fucking neet
who gives a shit im a millenial and i get laid all the time there will always be losers doesn't mean that the majority of millenials are
fucking horse shit, everyone around me happily gets into a relationship as soon as possible and shits out some kids. the loners are just more vocal and noticeable because of the internet.
This guy is going the "ignore women, acquire capital" route.
I thought you guys were all about that?
>going on dates with people you know
hahaha, where the fuck am I meant to meet girls?
Playing CS:GO? Maybe if I was silver trash, however I'm simply too good at the game to hang around with normies.
It's all about tinder and making that first impression nowadays.
How underage are you to not not know 3.14 are the first 3 digits of Pi?
This guy is an alpha male
except he is black and that probably means that he is trying to kick-start his hip-hop career
>complains about why people aren't reproducing more often
>contributes to overpopulation problem
wew ladd
Thank fuck this meme finally died. I hope everyone who posted this faggot garbage gets testicle cancer.
Tell hillary its not important and in no way related to her (((campaign))).
implying overpopulation is a problem caused by first world countries
>blaming the guy
This is the end result of women being awful
What happened to not putting women on a pedal stool?
> pedal stool
This article has some things right, but misses alot of stuff. What's happening in the us (and Europe) is what japan has gone through with a western twist
1. Economic security - economy sucks and you feel like a loser for not having a career/stable job that can cover expenses and progress up the life ladder.
2. More folks living at home - see above
3. Despair - if you don't think you can ever achieve increasing prosperity, you just hermit
4. Smartphones - less person to person interactions
5. Males getting access to porn/ risk- why risk having sex, spending money, and being accused of rape when you can stay home.
6. Less defined gender roles - yes sexism ensures a healthy relationship and roles.
What's up with Millennials complaining about Millennials on here?
Yeah, you are new as fuck.
Good lad.
If only young women would take such attitude instead of being human trash who love what is bad, hate what is good, and exploit the good-natured.
>Washington state
Explains it
Men today want an egalitarian marriage where they basically get to live with the female clone of himself who is equally as wise and capable. But women aren't smart and they're a lot of work. They're easily molded into the character you want, but they're a lot of work.
Millennials are either broke as fuck STD-ridden degenerates or high functioning virgin autists making money
Jen Barber? Is that you?
"Give me a nickel, I'll fuck your pickle" Generation Y attitude
Mommy fucked your heads in so many ways... All about the Tubmans...
We're a shit generation, there's plenty to complain about.
If you doubt me, consider this. All the retards you see on Sup Forums, all the degeneracy we partake in, and we're the sane traditionalist ones. That should frighten you.
Reminder that women are fucking chads while you're "doing things you enjoy more"
>women are not interested in you unless you're a chad
>might as well do what I want
You're putting the cart before the horse m8
>>Web designer
remember white people having kids is overpopulating the world and not mohammed and his 90 kids.
>I'd rather have a pi sucking my dick
I'm educated, early into a good career, money in my pocket, decent looking, decent shape, and have money in my pocket.
I'm a good catch. I know I'm a good catch. Women can wait for me.
>It's the shill who blames boomers for millenial degeneracy
It got very heated about a week ago when my sister (18) said she never plans on having children because of overpopulation. My 27 year old sister is just getting married and wants kids and I just learned the slut I hit back at school is pregnant and her bf doesn't seem to suspect it's not his. Is this net positive or negative degeneracy?
>tfw 32 and single
Women just have a hard time keeping me entertained...aside from sexy time. Other than that they're just boring. They usually have very little to offer.
Didn't they raise them?
Didn't they worship Jewish WW2 fables and fairy-tales?
Bellingham Washington, Jesus Christ. People there are so strangely sheltered. Nice people but fucking strange.
Who honestly cares? The modern woman is absolute fucking shit.
Get me an eastern qt and I *might* be happy. But chances are, degenerate Jew influenced western culture will corrupt them and I'll get cheated on and lose all my shit.
No thanks. I'd rather keep my 90 grand a year and hundreds of thousands in the bank :^)
You shouldn't want to have sex.
You should want to have kids.
We are in 'the beautiful ones' phase.
Leaf gets it right for once. I never got laid/had gfs for the longest time because I was scared of girls thinking I was a predator. I bet this is true for alot of guys.
Kids would be fine if I didn't have to share them with some potential cheating/cuckqueen/whore who'll rob me and take all my shit.
Why do you lie on the Internet?
>white men are being tricked
>white women are being tricked
stay jealous, sheep shagger. not everyone is hopelessly dumb with their money.
I never said you necessarily needed a woman for kids.
You do now at least, but not in the future.
Either that or you could make like a jew and enter politics/the media, lie until you're powerful, then subvert like you're being holocoastered.
I don't disagree with the guy in OP's pic related. Totally not worth it.
>Either that or you could make like a jew and enter politics/the media, lie until you're powerful, then subvert like you're being holocoastered.
I do it because women are a fucking hassle
>Guessing game to get her back to your place
>She wants to spend 2 hours making out when you could be shit posting or be doing something interesting
>Finally the chosen time comes
>She meekly says, "No"
>Suddenly door gets broken in
>Full SWAT team comes in and arrests me
>Children get put into a foster home
>Get adopted and sodomized by poor oppressed gays
>Crying in my jail cell
>Jamal Shivs me in the side
>Get on the floor everyone do the dinosaur
Really it should be as simple as
>You wan sex?
>Alright we go bumping then!
The 2 hours of making out are completely fucking pointless and the time spent getting her to your place are pointless as she's just trying to weed out creeps not actually get to know anyone.
Just fuck me already god damnit... ah fuck it I'm going home
>he can't π
He's right. If you'd rather have sex than a higher paycheck you're a degenerate.
Birthing kids into this shit world is an ethical violation.
then change the world
If Hitler couldn't then I can't.
Millennial? This isn't a millennial. There's one big piece of evidence that exposes this man as red-pilled as hell.
> I'd rather be watching YouTube videos and MAKING MONEY.
Fuck bitches, get gains. Financially and physically.
>doing what he enjoys
>not falling for the vagina jew
how is this bad again??
it takes enormous effort to get and maintain a gf and often ends in failure anyway
Never know until you try.
Many of the his men were former degenerates.
Besides, it's better to try and fail then to never have tried at all.
And dying in a blaze of glory is much better than dying in peaceful stagnation.
>learned helplessness
>a condition in which a person suffers from a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed. It is thought to be one of the underlying causes of depression.
>Persistent failure to succeed.
There is a reason I posted this.
Here's why;
>Hold a door open.
>Buy her flowers.
>ask her out
OMG no more real man, needs to man up.
>refuses to hit a woman
OMG SEXIST (This actually happened to me when I was in school. a girl called me a mean name, that's all. I got socially lynched for refusing to break her jaw, just for calling me a mean name - it's also worth noting I sparred with women when I went boxing).
>Hit a woman
Essentially, we've given up because there is no "winning". Anything else is just wasted effort.
Generation of learned helplessness when it comes to women.
I agree with him to a certain extent. I'm 20 and i have never had a girlfriend and never had sex. I got to a point where i don't even want it anymore. I have trouble making commitments to myself, let alone other people. As for my free time i feel genuinely happy just playing video games or going out with my friends. I don't feel like i need a girlfriend to be happy.
>"Delaying sex is not necessarily bad, experts say: Being intentional about when to have sex can lead to stronger relationships in the long run. The trend may also reflect women’s feeling more empowered to say no, said Stephanie Coontz, director of research at the Council on Contemporary Families."
There always needs to be a Feminist Spin doesn't there?
>not even a leaf
>that's a britbong
I'm just gonna stay inside and wait for all this to blow over.
He's not wrong.
I'm a virgin, I don't care, watch porn and jack off 5-8 times a day.
He's brave, I'm too scared to get a job.
95% of my time is spent on the computer, not because I enjoy it, but because if I try to do anything else I just end up feeling tired and as if I'm about to fall over after 5 minutes.
So I aimlessly just repeat doing something on my computer because I can't do anything else, like constantly refresh a page.
I can't watch TV shows or anything, take too much mental effort so I watch Youtube videos mostly but zone out and barely take in anything.
I'm alone so much that talking with anyone other than the voice in my head feels really weird, like I'm about to pass out, and I start having panic attacks.
Yes, I'm a millennial, the stereotypes are worse than you thought.
>Web Design Cuck Master lol
Sex is rape
Rape is the worst thing
Worse than murder
All you wanted out of sex is available instantly, for free, and without a prison sentence, by using porn
Why oh why it is so mysterious
>women (especially young ones) are absolutely toxic
>it's impossible to get even an "entry level" job without 5 years experience
>talking to women without an explicit invitation in writing witnessed by a notary and officer of a court is sexual assault
>saying anything even slightly non-pc is liable to get your career ruined - by women complaining
>divorce law will fuck you
>in some countries you don't even need to actually get married to be considered a 'de facto' couple, and thus will be fucked just as hard as if you were married anyway
>if you do have a kid, and they're white and male, you're basically Hitler and so is your kid
gee I fucking wonder
What I'm fed up with these stories is they say we don't fuck because we're lazy fuck who just want to play video games.
Bitch we are sick of ''women'' today but of course that would put the blame on the wrong side. I work 40 hours a week, I'm not lazy, I just really think it's unsafe to date modern women. I mean it seriously, they are literally hazardous to my life.
This sums up modern feminism pretty well
He's partially right. I used to be one of those guys that was practically begging for sex, but once I got it I realized it's really no big deal at all.
The only good part about sex is the feeling you get when you're with a girl you love. I really truly think casual sex is the most empty and boring thing someone can participate in. I'd never hookup with anyone. It's actually very empowering turning down girls now.
look at the picture he posted
I'm a poor, fat, ugly grad student who can't get any sort of job, even at gamestop.
I'm not 'putting off sex', I'm just removed from the entire sexual marketplace. Stop trying to make me feel shitty just because I'm gross.
I repeat the cycle below two or three times per year.
>meet an attractive girl who seems genuinely interesting
>start dating
>she helps me come out of my shell, pushes me to do things I wouldn't otherwise
>start going out again, meeting new people
>"eh, this isn't so bad"
>contact with the outside world reminds me why I hate the outside world
>degenerates and liberals everywhere
>sometimes literal communists and socialists
>"babe just relax haha"
>"well, as long as I have her, I don't mind the degeneracy too much"
>eventually realize all of the half-truths whichever girl told me
>realize that the girl is actually a degenerate herself
>"well, at least I can just have sex with her"
>sex gets boring after a while
>relationship devolves into her trying to convince me to see her or to go out someplace
>begin to hate her because she is so persistent and won't leave me alone
>'break up' with her by avoiding her in some kind of shitty apathetic lethargy
>she eventually gets the message
>fall into depression
>stabilize emotionally, "maybe I'm wrong"
>start to gain hope and confidence
>meet an attractive girl who seems genuinely interesting
At the beginning of the cycle, once they realize that I'm relatively traditional, they know not to reveal anything about themselves that I would object to, but it all leaks out eventually. I'm getting to the point where I can't see an attractive and nice girl as anything other than a disappointing waste of time.
>while playing videogames
Wheres the problem? If hes doing what he enjoys and it isnt hatming anyone else theres zero problem.
Now op being a faggot is a problem.
Damned if you do
Damned if you don't
I don't really want to play videogames so much, but I'm sad all the time and the stimulation of games holds my interest and acts as an opiate.
I need to be constantly bombarded by stimulation at all times because if I shut off the games and movies and porn then I have to think about my situation.
This is all plan of their little games anyway, this is perfectly intended by whoever is doing the social engineering right now. They want to achieve Brave New World society. A society where people just have casual sex.. So what's the power trip to bash on us on top of this? Like seriously, is that really necessary? That's pitiful.
>I don't really want to play videogames so much
So much this. We all now how void it makes our life. But at least it numb the pain.
> WomanAngryAtEveryManInTheWorld.jpg
>She wants to spend 2 hours making out when you could be shit posting or be doing something interesting
familiar kek
When are they gonna point out that feminist are angry psychotic piece of shit with inferiority complex and not ''beautiful and unique''
With all the shit posted here I don't even know if there is still hope for the future, this whole situation is too fucked amigos