Star Trek (Then & Now)

Notice something different, Sup Forums?

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They have stupid blue Enteprise-Style uniforms despite it being 10 years before TOS, even though in The Cage, 11 years before Kirk, they had TOS style uniforms?

>complaining about a character who's going to die in the first episode
Fuck off, tourist.

Voyager had better lighting than a ship 90 years older?

I don't get why they won't just go with the original uniform design or something close to it. The blue is just so boring.

And the Enterprise badge, when in TOS, every ship and starbase used its own insignia.

Because of all the people who go "hurr durr Star Fleet is a military durr hurr moar space battle less diplomacy is better I want more space battles Reeeeeeeeeeeee."

Yeah, the original star fleet symbol was a five pointed star with an elongated top point.

It started with DS9/Voyager onwards. By the second TNG movie, they already went with minimal colors in a grey and black scheme. The color-coded Jolly Ranchers uniforms were just seen as too silly and stupid.

>terrible lighting
>terrible uniforms
>doesn't sync up with the timeline at all
>muh JJbrams

Except Voyager crew didn't adopt the new uniform since they were halfway across the galaxy. Suckers.

It happened in late seasons TNG, 3rd season DS9 and the TOS movies (except the first) because in all of those years the Federation was more militarized because of whatever on-going conflicts. But I was under the impression that most of the pre-TOS movies era, after the Earth-Romulan War was more of an age of exploration.

The captain is now a complete milf?

seven of 9 is bangin ass


Yes, everyone is in uniform.

>reading comprehension

I said the toned-down colors STARTED with Voyager. As in they stopped doing full colored uniforms when they switched the black and colored sections you dumb monkey.

remake tng with chinese picard.

But that uniform was used in the first fucking episode of DS9...

>It started with DS9/Voyager onwards.

>It started with DS9/Voyager onwards.

Season 3*


The person manning the weapons system isn't a unique species int he federation?

>not wanting to fuck Janeway in her ready room

The Klingons are ancient we wuz kangs (ha-ha!) Egyptians now, and have ridges again. Thanks J.J.

*quietly secures thread doors*
*drops cyanide canisters*

We wuz Sarcophagus!

>Reminder that Roddenberry considered the TOS Klingons a limitation of the effects budget and should always be seen as having ridges
When will these underage posters give up the idea that ENT is canon?

i get more of a shaka zulu vibe from him.

I don't like Michelle Yeh but she kept creeping back into movies I watch

But we was Kangs.

Gene L. Coon's only physical description of them in his "Errand of Mercy" script is "oriental" and "hard-faced"

Maybe you just hate Malaysians.

Also, how do these ENT autists explain Kor, Kang and Koloth's appearance on DS9? Are we to assume these brave warriors had plastic surgery?


>less and less white and males
What should I do??!!

Though I am an Asian male but I am used to white male shows. Asian women make me anxious.

Yeah, it's a throwaway line in a joke episode. We didn't need a multi-part arc that made no goddamn sense.


You mean the show that called out the difference in Trials and Tribblations?

there rank isn't on their uniform?

It's the stupid tiny dots on the division badges.

One out of the 4 women there are actually attractive. wtf is wrong with the casting directors?

Cause ENT tried to give an explaination to something no one really cared about?

"Commander Ryker, what are sex organs?"

Enterprise really shit the bed with that clusterfuck. Everything has to be retconned out the ass to make sense of their retcon.

>As a product of 22nd century genetic engineering, Kang was a descendant from Klingons affected with the Klingon augment virus created in 2154. (ENT: "Divergence") By the 2290s, Kang was outwardly cured of this affliction either through medical treatment, cosmetic surgery, or a combination of both.

They couldn't just leave it alone, everything has to fit in a convoluted way. Just like we can't just say the knobs and dials on the original Enterprise were the product of the prop budget at the time, those HAVE to be how the technology of the time looked.

>One out of the 4 women there are actually attractive

Jeri Ryan looks okay too though. Maybe that's not the best picture but I wouldn't say she's ugly.

Is this a daring new synthesis?

This is what killed /trek/. People more focused uniform consistency and creating stardate-based episode guides

Worf's throw-away line in DS9 should have been enough. "We don't talk about it." Instead we get some stupid shoe-horn into Data's great grandfather making augments and the Klingons stealing their genes. Great job, ENT. All we wanted was the fucking Romulan war they were hinting at time and time again but instead we got that shit and Racist Robocop shoots lasers from Mars - The Musical.

Tourists are so obsessed with trying to look like purists that they get tunneled into caring about shit that doesn't matter. Even refusing to admit that the old uniforms, while a charming relic of the age, shouldn't be reused because they're FUCKING PAJAMAS.

"Commander Neckbeard, tell me about your masturbatory organs."

Star Trek Online had a mission where you travel back in time and help the crew of the TOS Enterprise cure the augment virus.

As it's a neat little wrap up to the problem, I'd just go ahead and consider that canon.

>Data's great grandfather
Arik was Noonian all along

Would've been pitch perfect if when they went back in time Worf just lost the ridged forehead and no one says anything about it.

But muh nostalgia goggles! Reeeeeee

>Adds a CGI nigger and slut
>Doesn't remove Nimoy's coffee stain


That's not a coffee stain... Let's just say Kirk shatnered all over Spock when they were off-duty.

Beautiful fan service has been replaced by Shaniqua Feminist Lives Matter.
White woman replaced by aging Mulan.

Remember that episode of TNG where the black people planet tries to kidnap Yar?

Finally someone says it! Gawd, what is wrong with this board??

The uniforms look better?

starfleet captains always need to be cool and logical

shouldn't this disqualify all women

why are poverty whites so desperate these days? you people sound so fucking worthless as cry babies.

>not realizing what's the future of fan service

Servicing people who aren't fans?

Would you define Kirk as "cool and logical"?

People who watch Star Trek because they're horny aren't real fans.

>brown people



Discovery kinda looks like shit tho ngl

swimsuit editions of Asians and blacks


Well then you're an idiot.

>he doesn't even know the Corbonite Maneuver

>[Speech 100] Death has little meaning to us. If it has none to you, then attack us now. We grow annoyed at your foolishness.

>There are habitual Sup Forums posters who are legitimately bothered by nonwhite actors in movies

Who gives a shit?


Vote for me.

Roddenberryfags are the worst.

I hate shit like this. It's like the autists who insist that "Conn Officer" (the Command-specialised Lieutenant played by Colm Meaney in Farpoint) is O'Brien and make up all this convoluted nonsense about how he used to be a Lieutenant that never went to the academy (somehow) and got demoted for an unknown reason.

>Number One and Nurse Chapel were the same person and secretly a Betazoid
Really makes my superintelligent brain want to construct a zoo.

Don't forget the time she fell into a black hole that was contaminated by Borg Nanoprobes and turned into all the Federation computers too.

That's the command symbol, and all the different logos where a gaffe that caught on.

The "Enterprise logo" was the logo for all Starfleet ships, the Antares from Charly X was the first to have a different logo, but only because it was intended to be a merchant or auxiliary vessel. Nobody read the memo.

Odo shapeshifts into Starfleet officers all the time la

If he's a shapeshifter, why does he wear a mask?

He wasn't a shapeshifter at the time.

Remember: It's not linear.

Star Trek is seriously probably of the best Tv series to be part of. Fans shilling out 50 bucks a signature for the rest of your life and you can get cast over and over again in different roles. Look at Jeffery Combs.

Speaking of Jeffrey Combs, I'm going to be pretty pissed if he's not in STD.

The most far fetched thing about the new series is we are supposed to suspend the notion that in a federation of hundreds of species, each with unique gifts like the andorians weapons and Vulcan sciences, that the best they could find to captain a ship was a elderly Chinese lady who despite being surrounded by different cultures and languages since being born, still speaks fractured engrish.

Hoshi would be ashamed

Hell, I bought Injustice 2 because Combs is Brainiac.

>I'm going to be pretty pissed if he's not in STD
I'm glad he won't be in the wreckage.

>I bought Injustice 2
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Nobody escapes The Cage.
All of Star Trek is just a telepathic dream.
You're dreaming right now, anons.
Sleep well.

>Michelle Yeoh
yes please


>Roddenberryfags WILL defend this

If she pulls her face off, will she die?

Removing body parts is a painful activity.

>Tourists are so obsessed with trying to look like purists that they get tunneled into caring about shit that doesn't matter. Even refusing to admit that the old uniforms, while a charming relic of the age, shouldn't be reused because they're FUCKING PAJAMAS.

This. I have been watching Trek since I was 4 years old. Couldn't care less about uniforms and fucking insignia.

Not for Borg.

Just finished DS9. It was a fun ride.

Quark > O'Brien > Sisko > Odo > Worf > Bashir > Kira > Dax (Jadzia) >>>>> Trash >>>>> Dax (Ezri)

>no mention of Garak
It's because he was so far ahead of Quark you didn't have room for him in your post, right?

I was only posting the primary characters. Garak is high up there along with pre-Bajor vendetta Dukat and Morn.