How much tension os there between the U.S and Russia? Is there enough to start a world war?

How much tension os there between the U.S and Russia? Is there enough to start a world war?

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No one profits from a world war, so it won't happen.

>no one profits
On any given sunday, If the conditions are good...

No, it would economically cripple Russia. They're trying their best to remain a superpower while staying out of our way. Sometimes we butt heads, but that mean we want a war.

I mean if the security of Russia is at risk then I think launching a nuke would be "profitable"

Also other countries could benefit from the downfall of superpowers like russia and the us

I dont want to talk too much. You may say i am a troll or crazy but;

Langley will be very busy in August 14. August 14 will show all the world if the war is inevetible. Whether the war would be avoided or not;

There wont be the world we know anymore. All the political relations since 1991 or even before the collapse of USSR may change.

Youre right, why waste money on a war when the US is already a rotting corpse?

lol I remember you faggots saying the same thing around this time last year

We will have war with Hillary.

I know that but will we have war with Obama?

There are only proxy wars user. Russia and US have nukes, they won't attack each other

No because Russia has to bide their time again, they're playing the long game.

China is the bigger thread and yet most Americans are blind to it.

He's not going to start anything with only half a year left in office. Putin probably won't make any moves in that timeframe either.

There is no tension between the US and Russia that isn't invented by career politicians trying to justify their existence to the people they lord over.

The people would probably want him dead for treason if he got us into a war before leaving office.

idk what if Putin decides that enough is enough regarding NATO?

I think he. It's a matter of timing


No, Russia doesn't have the money for any big war.

This is totally retarded. Without world superpowers, all other countries would fight endless wars to try and become the biggest power. The US and Russia may do some shady shit but its much better than having some tyrant nigger who can be bought off with gold running everything.


The globalists might try to backdoor Russia to further their effort. Hillary is working with the Chinese but Russia fucking hates obanga and crooked hillary and defy the globalist movement.

Are you retarded?

A "big war" would be a nuclear war. Both Russia and the USA (in a war between them) would disappear. Every major city, a minimum of 50% of the population of both countries would be lost. Probably more now.

>Accidents never happen

The world has already come close to a nuclear war a few times by mistake or human error. Hell, we're only alive now because Stanislav Petrov decided it was a computer error and not a real U.S launch.

Hillary Clinton / the people she represents already have the intention to start a war

There is no tension at all because the common people on both sides don't give a shit.

It just the media and politicians telling each other ghost stories and flipping their shit.

>A "big war" would be a nuclear war.

Are YOU retarded? Surely you know the doctrine of mutually assured destruction?

Yes, both countries would be destroyed.

The french guys point, that Russia couldn't afford it, is retarded. Russia do not need money to destroy the US.

wasn't it....
america wants to build missle defence to defend Israel, which would threatern russias nuclear offence capabiltys.
Putin thinks a day will come with nukes are rendered useless, and is worryed about the instablity it can cause in that part of the world.
I think trump respects that and waits to hold the plans.
but hillary wants to just do it anyway, which would lead to an attack on the objective, but not on america.
a move he says he would be forced to consider

If Hillary gets in I guarantee you its War with Russia in around 2 years after she gets in.

Trump is our only hope at avoiding it.

A Clinton presidency will escalate the Second Cold War that we're already in.

Spill the beans you Gulenist asshole. What will happen the 14th of August.

I have seen multiple threads by Turkish shit-posters hinting at something here.

Is Turkey about to betray the US? China about to pull something off? Economic collapse? WHAT IS IT??????

Putin is scared shitless.

I don't get it. Where does the tension come from?

Why can't they just say "Hey let's be friends from now on?". What exactly are they competing for?

Give HDI

Figuring out what he meant is easy if you know what you're looking for. Just follow the owls and they'll lead you to the money, follow the money and they'll lead you to the friends, follow the friends and you'll see one that doesnt respond right. I'll be back at 8PM PT.

Political ideology difference and resource scarcity.
Russians don't want to be led by western degenerates and Americans don't want to be ruled by corporate oligarchs.

did i miss anything here?
i know you americans will change your mind over shilly little things like, there followers, and how he was able to respond to a certain meaningless qustion.
But shouldn't you guys be looking at the real "politics" behind what he wants to do.
how long until the election anyway

>How much tension os there between the U.S and Russia?

As much as Obama and Hillary want to create.


The current US political race is very funny in how much Trump and Clinton eye poke about how dangerous the other is to have the "nuclear passcodes."

Establishment politicians are not the least bit concerned about the supposed platform issues such as minimum wage, wage gap, gun control, LBGTQ rights, global war.. er, climate change. These are hot-button smokescreen talking points.

Tensions between the East and West are more about economic, resource and population control than they are about any ideological or defense/offense surface tensions.

Globalism is the order of the day, which is why you saw Sanders shimmied out by the DNC and GOP all pissy about Trump.

What would WW3 mean though? Complete nuclear annihilation or would there be an invasion of Russia with the largest invasion force the world has ever seen?

All good. Russia will win.

More Masonic Riddle Bullshit.

I know full well that at the 14th is a very bad day for Masons. The Morgan situation occurred on that date I believe.

> follow the friends and you'll see one that doesn't respond right.

One that doesn't respond right? Also, friends to who exactly? Fucking masons and their riddled bullshit. Nuclear Warfare we ALL LOOSE.

There are no fucking winners.

thats white wash politics. vote trump, dont bother listerning to any other polls or, id liked to say debates, but there anything but a debate,"rallys" and be done with it.
British politics has the problem of engaging the public, because of the pure focus of the point, and the credibility of the other party to deliver on these promises.,

Not true.

The Rothschilds, for example, have traded with, lended to, and supplied both sides of every major war since Napoleon. And look where they are today.

Sorry I Think he has

>No one profits from a world war, so it won't happen.

HAHHAHAHA Except for the Military Industrial Complex. You forgot about that tiny industry.

HAHAHAH Silly fucking goyim.

I'd want to back rusia, but NATO and what not :/

if everything is nuked, what's the point of money
