Be american

>be american
>disseminate degeneracy, materialism, negrification, vulgarity, violence, abrahamism, brain numbing media, homosexuality, etc in the world
>'it's not us guise it's the jews! now let me tell you how European architecture is shit, why women with plastic waste in their bodies are superior, why philosophy is garbage, why killing Saddam and Gadaffi was OK, and why being a wageslave to Mr. Shekelstein makes me free'
>'lmao you hate us cuz you ain't us'

When will the american meme end?

Other urls found in this thread:

>be argentinian
>be stink nigger
>hate the US hoping people will forget he is a nigger

>be argentina
>lose the falklands

I sure wish I had socialism like you. Then my country could be more like yours.

>hickock45 here, heh heh heh

>today, we will be hunting Argentinians!

Hearty kek.

We predict this thread: American butthurt

Only argument is "you're not White"

American """""education"""""

5 assbleeding posts too late kek americans are perpetually buttblasted

Be faggot

Slurp cocks

Get buttfucked



>whitey will be a minority in burgerlandia by 2020
>unironically calling others """nigger"""
and here we see the average american, easy to spot by their complete lack of self-awareness, when reminded of its degeneracy it will start to randomly insult complete stangers on an spanish hamster wrestling symposium
>inb4 buttblasted burgers in hurr-durr-mode

amerifats were, are and always will just be european diaspora


muh 60% meme
sure thing, pal, whatever helps you sleep at night

Shut it matènigger

Hello my freinds is this bait?

Most americans here are useless porn addicts and often degenerate queers.

A lot of them aren't even white.

You are right with everything, the united states of america are the epicenter of the degeneracy and of almost all the problems we have.

However I don't like to hate on all americans. I know there are some good ones out there...

I love this picture. This is exactly what me and my gf look like


t. Pablo Tyrone Washington Martinez

Shut up Pablo Henriquez

My name is Pablo Tyrone Washington Martinez
and I am 14/88 Aryan.

Not one drop a Negro blood.

>Be American
>Be the strongest and most influential nation on Earth

Cry more.

hah, i love to be hungarian

But it is the jews.
>now let me tell you how European architecture is shit
Who unironically thinks this?
We use roman style architecture for a lot of things.
Not to mention we're too young to have really developed any architectural styles.
>why women with plastic waste in their bodies are superior, why philosophy is garbage, why killing Saddam and Gadaffi was OK, and why being a wageslave to Mr. Shekelstein makes me free'
Only neocon retards, who come from a line of communist jews, think this.

Also, if someone would just take out the small yuro banking countries we'd stop being retarded as a country and embrace the true spirit of the burg.

the biggest jewish slave. bravo

Non American Sup Forumstards:

>HUE HUE only white nations are successful
>America isn't white only 60%

>Bring up that America is the strongest nation on Earth
>Point out that Romania is like 96% white but still a shithole


Irrelevant nations are so funny.

>Point out that Romania is like 96% white but still a shithole
In Romania, "white" has a much looser definition.

>be Argentina
>a literal fucking nigger
Pretty embarrassing papi

I noticed that it's the krauts worse than anyone else who lack selfawarness. They are completely content with being destroyed by diversity as long as they can still mock the US. Britbongs and Swedcucks have this problem too, but no one is more sour than krauts.

I could point at any Eastern European or Southern European nation and make the same argument. And if "white" is the basis for a nation's success, why are you just some irrelevant floating turd of a country while our 60% white nation is the most influential in the world?

>When will the american meme end?

When you stop making this thread every day you retarded nigger

At least we didn't lose agains a mob of ricepickers with AKs


nice Kublai

>be ameriturd
>use proxy because scared of the replies if he uses his flag


You've got a Museum of Debt, m8.

In England, "white" has an expiration date

Actually we killed so many ricepickers [given the latest military equipment and training by the Soviets including tanks and aircraft] that (((traitorous politicians))) used the opportunity to ruin the US from inside by creating modern leftists.

You on the other hand got btfo


Not bad.

I'm Dutch papi I'm actually from here, I'm going college in NY. Father is the manager of a hotel here and I'm visiting before school starts up.
>being scared of replies from random people in different countries in their mither's basement
Ok Julio

>be argie

>meme vs. reality

A picture that easily transcends this thread and your own post, Amerilard. I've never seen a single image which encapsulates so precisely what I despise about my/our time and what I am missing.

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

>be leaf must shitpost
>laugh at america getting scolded by sand niggers
>launch sides into orbit

>mfw that's the background picture for my home PC

I often lose myself into the picture... truly an utopia, we will never experience these things ever again.

So much beauty, yet so much sadness...

Germany at the turn of the 19th century as probably the peak of civilization. That video always gives me feels. I don't even dislike Germany btw, just returning bant fire. I do hope you guys can overthrow the Merkel regime and take your home back.

>come from a shit tier country in the third world
>shit on america despite never even being there
>think America is exactly as it is portrayed in the jew media

Stay cucked.

No one forces you to be a degenerate. If you want to do that its on you, pretty pathetic how y'all third worlders want to blame the us for everything wrong in your life as if we force you at gunpoint to be a loser.

>Be swedish
>tfw blue eyed, blonde, and perfect face shape

>Be italian
>tfw brown eyes, brown hair, perfect face shape

>Be Englishman
>tfw green eyes, brown/blonde hair

>Be European
>Perfect body, face, eyes, hair, clean. And attitude to people

>Be American
>Annoying, wannabe alpha who screams when he talks, fat, ugly, smelly, disgusting, owns 500 weapons thinking hes cool. making shitty freedom jokes that are 9gag tier
>Also worship that yummy mutilated jewish dick

Do you live in another world friend?

>> Germany at the turn of the 19th century as probably the peak of civilization
>> posts a Wehrmacht soldier from mid 20th century

I agree with the point you are making - I just don't think you know what the fuck you are talking about.
With the start of WW1 Germany went downhill - and no the Nazis with their National Socialism were not a step back into the right direction..

>t. De'quan Cletus de Guadalupe-Nguyen

>Be Swiss shit
>thinks all americans are ugly white people

Can't wait for you and the sand niggers to nuke rape and bomb each other to death so us chinks can take over the world faster

argentina being irrelevant as always...

Pic related was the "feels" part. And I know that, I meant that Germany, as of about 1900, was the peak. And like all climax it went down from there.

Though I do feel the Third Reich could've been better if it was allowed to exist. You should watch The Greatest Story Never Told if you haven't yet.

>be a jew
>use American media and movies to spread degeneracy
>laugh as the world blames the US

A fucking sand dollar. America didnt invent hot man on man intercourse

>(((American))) degeneracy

>all americans are the same

Keep the hood safe, H

>(((American))) activists and pioneers

>(((American))) feminism

America Is lost

87% Approve of Black-White Marriage

US non-hispanic white people are under 55% already, with a large aging population
And americabong love this shit

1.3~1.4 million white woman have interracial marriage

more white women have black/latino baby

america white women ashamed being white

america white women ashamed Anglo-Saxon culture

it's Over

Your women vote hillary clinton

enjoy the Race-mixing and GENDER QUOTAS


Love how the entire world is so buttmad that we exist, yet their governments will kiss the ground we walk on asking for aid when they need an actual powerful military to help handle their shit.
Buncha cretins, all of you. Can't wait for isolationism 2.0, when all you smug Britbongs and Frogs will lose your smirks as you watch ISIS wreak havoc on your cities and you beg and plead for us to come to your aid and all we say is "What was that? Were you saying '>be American >get shot'? Were you posting Wikipedia charts about how you're so superior to us? Sorry bud, can't hear ya."

butthurt delusion: the post

m8 , I Love Nixon

And I Love WASP

You just denial reality

baby boomer and X-gen Fuck up America

sodomy and adultery go unpunished in US

Every year white birth rate going down
Every Year colored races and mulatto birth rate going up

I'am feel hopelessness and sorrow

you're pathetic. too

Do you really think asia immigrant help you? eh?
They will ruin canada
Just like they fuck up their own country

Good god. I have never seen so many butthurt Americans in one thread, and over some blatantly exaggerated stereotype too.

Better than being relevant for exporting human scum to the us