>Trump wins Presidency
Trump wins Presidency
god liberals make me sick
enjoy your life as a giant piece of shit from this day forward. Enjoy having no healthcare, enjoy watching all the money in your garbage country going to the 1%. You're a worthless piece of shit and you deserve to enjoy it.
A man
What song plays when he is impeached? At last?
where are you end stage idiots that are getting steam rolled by this economy? I know you live off of other people but why don't you participate in your own shitposting?
reminder liberals support muds raping children
Aerosmith-Dream On
I'm enjoying every second of it
>lost popular vote
>wins Presidency
ummm.. no sweetie
the only reason you people are alive is that poverty hasn't figured out how to kill you fast enough. You exist at the leisure of other people in your family. You really should be dead by now.
These memes didn't age well
I'm glad I make you nauseous. :)
when yoiu have no reason to live, no doubt this is what you'd think. Your life is valueless. to you and everyone around you.
Haaaaa... seriously though Muller has the piss tape.
My parents are in the 1% so the money will trickle down to me eventually
this thread
heading back to /who/ but just dropped in to say you're all pathetic :)
I have no idea what the fuck you are trying to say.
self respect never will, bro. You're going to die from depression.
I didn't think it was a big deal when it happened but this picture is making me laff p. hard rite now 2bh
>when your cheeto-god's presidency has already been such a failure that you need to relive the singular moment he won anything
>and your SECONDARY party rocker!
t. redditors confused by the lack of an upvote button
shillary also lost the popular vote
unless you count 48% as """winning"""
This is obviously a cheap chinese knockoff party rocker
Me when I was on my way to vote for Hillary
Pickle Hillary is my new favorite meme desu
>All these triggered dems
Feels good man
but they give us kino
>his water sport fetish and overall juvenile attitude made him a prime target for grooming by Russian intelligence
>idiots still support him
Sessions was right, the writers for Jason Bourne could never have come up with this.
>his water sport fetish and overall juvenile attitude
Low T faggots will never know what its like being chad
>water sports fetish
You know that was a troll right?
>someone bullshitted a report that included Trump buying out a russian theater to watch hentai with russian whores
>this report was snatched up by the CIA
>Trump and Obama were both briefed on it
Kek, kys shareblue
I'm guessing you're just havin a laugh, but how come the dems don't smarten up?
Trump can't take stairs without grasping a woman's arm. He's so spent he's already in the grave. Europe almost killed him. skipped everything. The guy is the human embodiment of weakness and human frailty. He's a fundamental disgrace to America and you all have to eat that garbage sandwich every day.
>tfw you invested in Microsoft before Windows 95 and Apple before the iPhone
>tfw you're a multimillionaire from doing sweet fuck-all
>tfw you have several hectares of land out in Bumfuck, Nowhere and millions tucked away in low-risk stocks
>tfw you have a bunker ready for approximately 20 years' worth of survival should the apocalypse come
>tfw you voted for Trump because Hillary & Bill Clinton had Vince Foster murdered, among possibly others
>tfw you voted for Trump because he ISN'T a politician
>tfw if, America burns, you're going to enjoy watching the sweet, ever-loving fucking SHIT out of it because America deserves it for being run by the military-industrial complex since Eisenhower's famous speech
I knew there was a reason I was born in this timeline. It was to witness Trump's glorious Presidency and the millions of Libcancer tears because of it.
quads of truth
but seriously let him live in his fantasy, he doesn't have much to live for besides being brown & saying fuck drumpf
At least I won't die cold and hungry like you.
You know what the best thing about this is? The people who base their entire political platform off of saying "I'M NOT THEM" and fitting into a secret internet club are the most utterly pathetic and depressed losers out there.
You can find the posts deep in the recesses of Sup Forums if you go looking. Trump was literally the only thing these people have to cling onto because they are so fucking miserable with their own existence. Was I surprised Hillary lost? Yeah. But you know how long it took to get on with my life? The next morning. I, and most other normies who vote Democrat, live healthy, happy, intrinsically fulfilling lives. I don't need to feel accepted by strangers on the internet in order to be happy. And you shouldn't either.
>Trump can't take stairs without grasping a woman's arm
GODDAMN! what a chad
Now look at all the people around you, even if any of that garbage is true. Look around. Garbage sociopaths always figure out a way to ruin their existence.
>be britbong
>apartment burns down starts playing
Um, sweetie, are you okay?
You pretty much have to laugh with him at the dipshit poster. All caps are a bit much, but he gets it.
Hello Cats the pedophile
I don't live in your shit country. Enjoy your collapse. I'll be the guy waving.
t. reddit
The fire rises
t, people who don't live in trailers.
>caring about politics
These threads are always fun