What will the very first signs be that ww3 has started?
What will the very first signs be that ww3 has started?
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It started 15 years ago friend. We are losing
A terrorist attack on american soil
Western media says "We are under attack"
Eastern media says "We are under attack"
history books will probably say World War Three began with 9/11.
I saw a dog fart on the street. now we are truly fucked.
When someone decides to bomb Sweden and get rid of the mudshits and cucks for the better of this world.
Major cities nuked.
Alltho I do understand that the war has been going on for over 100 years now, and more recently for the past 15 years have accelerated, Im looking to identify like when will there be all out war. Basicly so I can save whatever valuables I have, sell what I dont need and plan my strategy for me and my family.
Nah no one really gives a fuck about America, 9/11 was basically America being retards as usual.
No one gives a fuck about the American Islam war and blowing up the entire Middle East and pushing millions into Europe? The war is on your doorstep idiot.
That will be cause for celebration not war
Exactly and America is gonna pay for that it's just a matter of time, trump better win and start licking Putin's balls because times they are a changing bitch
False flags nukes in Utah in December 2016
Before Hillary Clinton becomes inaugurated, Barack Obama will proclaim himself Sin God.
when putin moves into the baltics and/or more shit goes down in turkey
Somebody appearing to be forces of a major country going in and making a first strike against a major city or military asset.
But they wont be from Russa, or the US, or whatever they appear to be.
It will be rogue agents, salvaged or stolen equipment run by an intelligence agency of some kind (probably Mossad again).
By military asset im also talking about Carrier groups... I mean all it takes is 1 big fat nuclear torpedo and a carrier group is out of commission.
>You're interwebs will stop.
>You're electrics will stop.
>You're gas will stop.
>You're water will stop.
More like the Arab Spring/Winter. Turkey and Syria are already the new Bosnia/Poland
14th august israel is gonna be attacked somehow. USA will have to play big daddy and go into war. Soon other events will follow like South china sea dispute. Obongo will use this to put martial law in place and somehow postpone elections.
Send A Prayer to KEK to confirm
When the goyim can no longer properly defend themselves from the brown hord.
>14th august israel is gonna be attacked
how do you know?
well.... there is a lot of talking about the nuke deposit on turkey, will be no surprise if some "jihadist" (oviusly cover ops for a lot of tecnical reasons) suspicius bring one of these to a major city and boom, shit goin down whit superpwers blaming each other.
and warever, china already know he will be on war in less of 8 years, for what you think they are building so hard in the china sea. they are preparing. its sad to say this, but all will depend of the next USA president... and if you dont notice, putin and obama are already on war in syria, who you tink its bringing the missiles for the tow armamament and the aaa to the so called. "moderated freedom fighters" AKA isis.
Assassination of president Donald J. Trump
Some guys on occult shillary threads said it would be of importance.
I am Interwebs will stop?
I wish he would win too but things just can't be that perfect
A blinding flash of light, followed by the shockwave.
Sounds logic if one assumes that Jhw is originaly a treacherous lower god from the Pantheon of Mt. Lel.
When you see this being broadcasted on tv,
With sporadic gunfire all around.
And a coup d'etat by the Swedish nationalist army is underway, Then you know things are happening.
Shit that could be
No, because by then the world will be swallowed up by SJW's ruling pretty much every nation, thinking that the "innocents killed" is far too gruesome.
Russia will annex Crimea.
Switzerland blows their bridges.
When australia will shitpost in china yellow sea en masse
Are you going to move to Spitsbergen
I'm sure you like that picture but you know when the 3rd world becomes the 1st world new ushering of peace ain't going to happen just a land grab power struggle of plaguey proportions.
These captions are getting fucking worse I swear. Sometimes I'm just like how the fuck would I know what that is? I mean curveballs in there for sure.
US starts invading countries in the Middle East, starting with Afghanistan and continuing with Iraq...
massive cyberattaks
But on a serious note, In case of invasion one of the first signs is that the internet/electricity is out.
Followed by intense intense disinformation on the global networks.
Hes obviously a swiss government insider
Quit given me the heeb jeebs mr medpack already feel quite pessimistic but I still hope for the best (some sort of great uncuking uprising.)
This time if the latter REALLY happens let's all agree to really not consolidate power and give it to the people once (lel that'll never happen). I swear where we can try this one more time and just make public servants really feel like public servants. Including but not limited to full surveillance the whole nine, shorter terms in congress, an actually imposing of the republic and not the puppet democracy; a full trimming of the fat a wet dream. Just a great reset.
Why can't Elon Musk just cyber army us into some kind of crazy world pro-ness victory or is he really sold on : This place is completely fucked next time we won't fuck up!. . . Yea he'll either become a Mars cult leader and they kill him and put in someone worse with ties to earth eternal rothschild draconian imbredasaur spawn.
((Inb4 self automated cars are really working out for him))
>that feel when july 25th is your birthday
>*gets comfy waits for the apocalypse later*
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