The ''Italians are white´´ meme

This is Alessia Caracciolo, singer and songwriter. She is 100% Italian. I don't know what exactly you would classify her as, but there is no way in hell you can look at her and tell me that she's white. I'm 75% Italian and get mistaken almost all of the time for a Latino. I live in California, and customers at work frequently run up to me speaking in Spanish, assuming I can help them.

How can people still be pushing that Italians are white in the year 2016? Italy is so divorced culturally from the rest of Europe that there's no way in hell you can look me straight in the eyes and tell me that I'm white.

Other urls found in this thread:

northern italians ≠ southern italians
nice try spaghetti nigger

This is Valentina Nappi. 100 % pure Italian

Honestly looks like a kebab

Yeah you are right actually. Reminds me of this Turkish girl

And a fat nigger with stretch marks...

Your point?

Fuck you nigger.
Go back africa.

Only niggers say Italians aren't white

Hello Divide and Conquer


She is Blacked, I love that tho


>nah fuck those italians man, didn't contribute anything and they totally aren't white

Americucks pls stfu


Nedercuck* Sorry Ameriboos

Terronas are OK desu


>>Telling people who aren't white.
Your country is being filled with niggers & sandniggers.

>look mom I posted it again
I feel pain for your parents. I'm sure they would've aborted if they knew in advance the """man""" you would have become in the future.

Calling pornstars women?
Whores who fuck for money and fame.


And your country is being filled with spics, poosinloos, fucking ayrabs and is already a nigger - spic nation


>blacks on blondes

They had literally one job.


>not descended from niggers

This has been truth since True Romance

i saw this same thread yesterday

can't wait till i visit northern italy to compare the women to be honest, i'll laugh my ass of if i see burqas everywhere and shitskin with arab features. I can already bet they are worse than the average moldavian/transylvanian girl


That girl in the pic is pretty cute.

She's seriously Italian? I thought she was a Paki

Funny how it's the same here. Why are the southern parts of nearly all countries shit? And in the southern hemisphere seems to be that the northern parts are shit.

Sooo, being closer to the equator makes you shit... realy maeks me thonk...

She's lying about being 100% Italian. pic related,her obviously mulatto brother.

obviously she's some new world mutt

Italians not white meme aside, people like you have no place on this board. If you are ignorant of racial classification and anthropology this much to say she looks arabian you should keep your mouth shut.

>inb4 greek kebab

Im a burger on a vacation, enjoying the summer

>thinking his opinion matter

Are paternity tests illegal in Italy?

underrated gif right there amigo

why do you assholes constantly spam this meme do you not want the support of italians? why divide ? i wonder are these shills? do huge swaths of alt-righters actually believe italians are not white? yeah we've all scene the true romance scene.

quit being a prick VanderVeen

i've seen the movie dude

The hard truth is the following:

southern italians are mischlinge from greek, albanese and arab rapes.

Nobody thinks that you're white because you are adopted and look like a nigger



>She is 100% Italian
No she isn't.

She's considered a nigger here too.

too much ass desu

hey hey, now that ain't fair, show the full scene and what happens in the end.

Pretty sure you are thinking of France.

Sure it is.

Italians are arab rape babies squatting on the achievements of ancestors they have no relation to.
Greeks are arab rape babies squatting on the achievements of ancestors they have no relation to.
Persians are arab rape babies squatting on the achievements of ancestors they have no relation to.
Egyptians are arab rape babies squatting on the achievements of ancestors they have no relation to.

See a pattern here?

Let's fill in the rest

TBA 22nd Century:

Swedes are...
Germans are...
French are...
Brits are...
Americans are...

Half of my family is pureblood off the boat italian and they have more anglo features, however some of their relatives look like crusty pasta, so its really where you're from.

>Divorced culturally from the rest of Europe
Do you even know European history?

why does she do so much nigger porn bros?


why are you complaining youre the niggest of the whole continent


>stretch marks
nope nope nope

So Hitler was a nigger? From Mein Kampf:

Let the desolation which Jewish hybridization daily visits on our nation be clearly seen, this blood-poisoning that can be removed from our body national only after centuries or nevermore; let it be pondered, further, how racial decay drags down, indeed often annuls, the final Aryan values of our German nation, so that our force as a culture-bearing people is visibly more and more in retreat and we run the great danger of ending up, at least in our great cities, where southern Italy already is today. This infection of our blood, which hundreds of thousands of our people overlook as though blind, is, moreover, promoted systematically by the Jews today. Systematically these
black parasites of the nations ravish our innocent young, blonde girls and thus destroy something that can never again be replaced in this world.

>where southern Italy already is today
Hitler recognized southern Italy as racially polluted with Moorish and Negroid blood

It's the opposite for Sweden and Finland.

Is anyone white?

In Britain we have short stocky guys with dark skin and low iqs. They're descended from bastards of the Roman army.

100% Italian.

Slav invasion

that is a nigger, how could you confuse a nigger with an Italian?

white people are just a meme

they dont exist

it's regional fucktard. there are towns in Italy with people that have blue eyes and northern Italy in particular is a lot different from the southern most part.

is a bot making these threads?
this is the 3rd time ive seen this with the same exact picture and text

White= caucasian with ancestral ties to the European mainland

Its not that complicated. Yes, she is 100% white. Now fuck off.


found the self hating shitskin spic

ich fühle mit dir bruder. alles scheint verloren...
der feind ist in unserer mitte. die dummen liberalen und linken, sollen sie doch für die kanaken bezahlen. ich bin dann mal weg!

Anywhere south of Rome is Practically Africa. Too mixed with Niggers and Arabs. Especially Sicilians.

My school was full of italians. Most of them had brown hair and blue eyes. A few of the girls had natural blonde hair. Italy is just a mongrelized country, so it's not that surprising that you can find a few moor and arab looking dagos.

the whole Mediterranean is filled with Jews Arabs and Black. Theyr good looking chicks tho

wife is quarter italian and then mostly British for the rest.

Brown hair and brown eyes but her skin is as white as a sheet.

>100% Italian

Gonna have to call bullshit on that. She's gotta be a quadroon at the very least.

the wavy/curly brown hair is found in modern southern europe

Definitely a touch of the tar brush in her.

> naturally blond

Yes we've acknowledged it's a mongrelized country. You can cherry pick all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that a significant portion of Italians are white.

Cherrypicking as fuck.
She doesn't look Italian at all.

this is gold kek


>This thread

She's from Chile, she was adopted by Italians.

I live in Upstate NY, and the guinea wops up here are the most annoying fuckers on the face of the planet right next to niggers.

They act so fucking proud to be Italian despite most of them being only like 25-50% italian and despite them having the most garbage culture. I want these fuckers deported back to Italy ASAP.

an Anglo American

>She is of Italian descent from Calabria; her father was born in Canada, to Italian parents, and her mother is an Italian immigrant.

see pic related my homie
she's not even Italian stop posting mongrels from jersey shores

>I want these fuckers deported back to Italy ASAP.

>implying we want them

Ask Mexico or something.

Snookie isnt even italian. Shes adopted. Look it up shes like chilean or some shit. Nice try megafaggot but italians are white

she is germanic faggot

>cherry picking
>claiming stuff on origami message board

try harder

you will never be white.

And what room does a fucking Slav have to speak on anything?

Yes, this is a divide and conquer thread to attack the White race. This Argie model is 100% Italian descent.

Fuck off OP.

awe shit nigga

wait, who are you dividing?

I want to stick my dick in her ass, if you know what I mean.

If snookie is germanic then I don't know what is real anymore

Pretty sure that girl is mixed my man

Italians are white, and uncucked