>main character gets killed off screen
This is not OK. How did they justify doing this? It was just lazy storytelling.
>main character gets killed off screen
This is not OK. How did they justify doing this? It was just lazy storytelling.
he survives the car crash tho
not talking about the bad guy you goon
look at my cute wife
Here's the moral of No Country For Old Men.
Seemingly decent people can let greed overcome them, intelligent people can make mistakes, others can pay for those mistakes with their lives and the nature of fate can (and will) affect everyone.
However if, as a lawman dedicated to upholding justice, you feel that your adversary is just a little too cunning for you to apprehend? Don't worry. Complain to your friend, go home to your wife and tell her about a dream you had about your father.
You'll feel better in the morning.
Fuckin pleb
>nature of fate
Coin toss and the promise made to lewellyn was just bullshit though. Excuses Chigur made up so he could feel good about killing.
There is no fate, no karma, no supernatural forces at work in this story.
we've got a turbopleb in the house boys
>cop somehow stupid enough to let an arrested criminal strangle him
>random guy stupid enough to let a man with no uniform come out of a police car and kill him
How is this guy supposed to come off as threatening when they just make everyone who meets him unreasonably stupid?
I can never tell if these threads are bait or if the board is just overrun with plebs
they are bait, user you are getting rusty.
Are you serious? Is this bait?
First of all what was the cop supposedto do? And secondly there are plenty of cops who will pull you over in street clothes.
>police officer letting someone with a potential weapon for strangling out of his sight
>handcuffs behind your back are now potential weapons for strangling
Yeah man, just let this man with no uniform come out of a police car and put this strange looking weapon to your head.
>behind back
Tlj was the main character though.
Anyone know why the wife called the coin flip in the book but not in the movie? Other than that I think the movie was as faithful as possible to the book.
>Literally hasnt seen the movie
Stop fucking posting retard. They were behind his back.
You literally see him step over them with ridiculous flexibility behind the cops back in that exact scene you goof.
Llewellyn isn't the main character.
Chigur didn't give a shit about killing people you tardo
the coens decided to make lewelyn's wife a strong women who don fear no man in the last minute.
How does that make her a strong woman? Seems like to me a "strong woman" would have disobeyed Chigurs demands and not called it.
You fucking cucks are so caught up in this "SJW boogeyman" bullshit its ridiculous.
Well, that's what fastforwarding gets me. But what was stopping him from just running away? Still seems like an incompetent cop.
I was baiting you :^) I dont really know. Maybe they thought it was cool?
An incompotent cop in the middle of some shitkicking hick desert town? Whod've thunk.
>what stops him from getting away?
How retarded are you? He is getting fucking strangled....
I'm talking about Chigur. Apparently it's not that difficult to move handcuffs from back to front either, which still makes the cop letting him out of his sight stupid.
>bad guy
You are not familiar with the Coen's body of work are you?
It was probably shit like that the reason they decided to direct the movie. They love their characters stupid.
he's used to dealing with drunks and petty thieves, not international cartel hitmen
Barney Fife would die vs the new breed of criminal, that's the point
wasted get
Because Chigur is a fucking psychotic murderer. This isnt mentioning the fact that the cop has seen him and would be able to identify him.
Also cuffs are not easy to move from back to front. That would take quite a bit of flexibility