*sips tea*
*sips tea*
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damn dis shit is woke as fuck
I'm fine with all of them going back to Africa if that's what they want.
Damn nigga fo real? I
>New 'Black Panther' Trailer Shows What Africa Would Have Been If White People Had Killed ALL The Black People:
Man it's hard writing like that.
>no muslims
Fucking islamophobes!
>Reposting this again
*sips cum*
>Hurt cuck
now this is quality bait
>mfw Sup Forumstards literally can't dispute this so they just resort to posting WE
what's to dispute? We can see what African countries with no whites are like.
How many times are you going to make this thread, faggot?
Didn't Ethiopia escape Western Imperialism? Isn't it a shitty third world country just like the rest of Africa?
Check nigger.
>LatinAmerica and Asia were pillaged and destroyed by white people
>They managed to have less shitty countries and more developed than African ones
*drops mic*
Fuck it. I'd be more than happy to have the government pay for it. Would be way cheaper in the long run.
Why was Africa going to suddenly upgrade their mudhuts when they hadn't for millenia?
You mean just a CG animation created by Korean animators
Africans had literally thousands of years to accomplish anything before white people came along and they couldn't even discover the wheel, and still live in mudhuts to this day.
Tell me more about how Africans would have done such great things without the white man.
Because here's some evidence to the contrary:
African tribes couldn't develop technology because they were constantly at war with their rivals and trying to claim territory, had nothing to do with white people
The Egyptians did pretty well because not many people have the resources or the will to A. Sail across an entire ocean to try to stage an attack on a well fortified enemy or B. March across a fucking desert to do the same
Everything about both sides of this argument are stupid because VIBRANIUM ISN'T A REAL METAL
although to be fair they were an extremely wealthy nation until the past century or so
Not even white countries are like that lmao
*admires thatched roof architecture*
People realize africans enslaved one another for thousands of years, right?
This. We might be underdeveloped countries, but with the exceptions of Venezuela and Haiti, we're laps beyond those African savages.
>tfw when white people get btfo
I find it hilarious that people can't be assed to know that the Wakandans view other Africans as barbaric subhumans. I mean, they view pretty much everyone else that way too but they shit on the rest of Africa just as hard as any western power and built a giant perimeter wall for the explicit purpose of keeping out other Africans.
the skyscraper in the front has mud hut roof
is it self parody at this point?
Nope most school leave that part of history out.
On a side somewhat different note.
When blacks claim to be Egyptians they fail to realize that the Egyptians had slaved.
Science isn't subjective. Science has no side. White people didn't invent science. Science is universal. Science is the same in an African village as it is on a random planet in the Andromeda galaxy. Niggers make apes look intelligent by comparison.
People also realize one of the first slave owners in America was African and that Africans sold slaves to the Jews who sold them to America right?
The US government gave them their own fucking country and they wouldn't go back since the slaves knew how much better living in the US was.
>movie about nationalistic African country who wants no part of Jewish globalism and 'open borders' because the rest of Africa is shit
How are liberals going to recover from this? Will Black Panther redpill black people?
This would be a good capeshit movie tagline:
>Don't listen to your parents. Being a manchild is totally fine.
Except it literally shows what would happen if an African country somehow came upon alien technology. They segregate and keep it from not only the world but other African states.
Even with their crisis and all that shit is miles ahead of African countries.
I can't wait til they realize Wakanda is literally what Sup Forums has been clamoring for instead of the liberal paradise they expect it to be.
This is powerful.
Isolationism is good. The niggers in Wakanda evolved because they stopped seeing themselves as Africans and started seeing themselves as Wakandan, like how the japs became more civilized than the rest of rice niggers.
>Africa would develop western architecture and technology without western influence
>an isolated landlocked country in the middle of the desert comprised of archaic tribes achieved in less than 200 years what the western world did over the course of thousands with access to abundant warm water ports and influences from the Middle East, Egypt, and the rest of Asia.
Ya, I'll buy it
the ironic thing is that Wakanda hates literally everyone and that includes Africans. Theres literally comic strips that show starving Africans outside of the walls of Wakanda and Black Panther going, this is how its gonna be
Every critic is saying this movie is so diverse it will make more money than any movie in history.
The only people who refuse to see Black Panther are nazis, I bought 2 tickets proving I am not a racist.